H cafe Berinsfield



Original Poster:

1,423 posts

270 months

Monday 19th June 2023
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Any of you lads frequent the H Cafe on regular basis?


91 posts

139 months

Monday 19th June 2023
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Indeed, i go past it twice a day. The bike meets have started up again in the evenings; usually rammed on Mondays. Nice and easy to get to and from each direction.



2,159 posts

160 months

Monday 19th June 2023
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Can’t get my bike stored at home at the moment but I pop over there when I do. Work just down the road.


6,982 posts

203 months

Monday 19th June 2023
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I'm not far, pop in occasionally but prefer the cake at the waterfront cafe down the road in Benson


1,334 posts

48 months

Tuesday 20th June 2023
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I go there occasionally. However, there and Pinewood Cafe (Crowthorne) has some of the worst food I've ever tasted. I don't expect Michelin start quality but I do want something that's fit for human consumption.