Infinity motorcycles - which store?

Infinity motorcycles - which store?


Ian Geary

Original Poster:

4,877 posts

203 months

Saturday 17th June 2023
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Afternoon all,

A bit niche this one, but views welcomes. I have £150 ish of infinity motorcycles vouchers which I got when I left my old work.

They mostly sell clothing, which I'd rather look at and try on, than buy online.

Short version: which store is best in London/surrey?

I'm near Gatwick, and there are 5 stores in london which are about 1 to 1.5 hours away.

They also have stored in Camberley and Farnborough, both 1 hour away (and very close to each other it seems). Other stores are too far really.

I have some spare time tomorrow so plan on visiting one (or maybe more) but wondered if anyone could recommend (or put me off) one of these?

My bike isn't ulez compliant, and only one London store is outside (currently)

Basically, I'm hoping someone will say the Farnborough/Camberley ones are brilliant / the London ones are rubbish, or vise versa.



Marquezs Stabilisers

1,685 posts

72 months

Saturday 17th June 2023
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The clearance one at Farnborough has by far the biggest range of clothes and boots. Discounts are genuine, so I'd go there

six wheels

363 posts

146 months

Saturday 17th June 2023
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The Farnborough store was great when I needed stuff.

Heads up that there are painful roadworks near by. Travel by bike unaffected, by car might be.

Mr Dendrite

2,345 posts

221 months

Sunday 18th June 2023
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The Camberley branch is more of an end of line warehouse. I’ve got some good bargains from there. I used to regularly stay at the Travelodge round the corner and would always pop in for quick search.
If you want something specific Farnborough if you want to go for a rummage for a bargain Camberley.

Ian Geary

Original Poster:

4,877 posts

203 months

Sunday 18th June 2023
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Thanks all- appreciate your help!

Ashamed as I am to admit it, the car is winning at the mo, as it has air conditioning, I won't arrive a big sweaty mess, and I can carry anything I buy home easily.


27,225 posts

192 months

Sunday 18th June 2023
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Ian Geary said:
Thanks all- appreciate your help!

Ashamed as I am to admit it, the car is winning at the mo, as it has air conditioning, I won't arrive a big sweaty mess, and I can carry anything I buy home easily.
No shame in being comfy

Ian Geary

Original Poster:

4,877 posts

203 months

Sunday 18th June 2023
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True: that's just the realities of biking I guess.

Anyway, visited Farnborough this afternoon: pretty decent stock: not quite warehouse levels, but a solid range nonetheless. Saw an RST mesh jacket on sale, so used my vouchers on it.

Although I went home via frimley, I didn't bother visiting the Camberley branch (in case I saw something better value and regretted it)

Muggy heat turned to rain on the way home, so another good reason to have been in the car!



844 posts

222 months

Sunday 18th June 2023
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Go to Farnborough and talk to the manager Declan. Hugely knowledgable and great deals. All the staff there are brilliant. Always worth the journey for me