Head Nodders



Original Poster:

199 posts

151 months

Sunday 11th June 2023
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Where are all the head nodders at? I rode from Notts to Macclesfield and back today. I nodded every time I could and I reckon less than 50% gave a nod back.

From the full on "yes" nod, to the cheeky sideways "go on my son" nod it's always nice to get a response from people.

From today's ride I noted the majority of nodders were suited up sports bike riders and the least likely to nod were the born again bikers on vintage stuff. Has anyone else noticed a decline in nodding back?


23,880 posts

212 months

Sunday 11th June 2023
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As a recent 2 wheeled convert, first I’ve heard of it. Only ever get the hand thing in Europe which i find weird as it’s your throttle hand when on the continent.


793 posts

101 months

Sunday 11th June 2023
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I rode when I was younger and the nod was just the done thing. Got back into riding a couple of years ago and seems to have vanished. I nod to every biker whatever they are on, as you say get perhaps 50% back. Find that older the bike, more likely to nod back. Anything between 2000 and 2009, get a nod. Anything newer, not a chance.


2,962 posts

193 months

Sunday 11th June 2023
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It’s cos everyone rides GS’s now isn’t it.

poo at Paul's

14,400 posts

186 months

Sunday 11th June 2023
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shirt said:
As a recent 2 wheeled convert, first I’ve heard of it. Only ever get the hand thing in Europe which i find weird as it’s your throttle hand when on the continent.
Errr, it’s the left hand in Europe when I’ve been there, and US too.
But I refuse to to it as somehow the Americans make is seem all a bit tragic!


1,333 posts

48 months

Sunday 11th June 2023
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Jesus wept, every bloody summer this comes up.

Why are grown men so concerned with who acknowledges them?

I couldn't give a shiny ste who does and doesn't nod for me. Someone's I do it and sometimes I don't.

Lambo FirstBlood

987 posts

190 months

Sunday 11th June 2023
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CoreyDog said:
I rode when I was younger and the nod was just the done thing. Got back into riding a couple of years ago and seems to have vanished. I nod to every biker whatever they are on, as you say get perhaps 50% back. Find that older the bike, more likely to nod back. Anything between 2000 and 2009, get a nod. Anything newer, not a chance.
I nod to every rider I come across too. Reckon 75% nod back. Doesn’t seem to follow any obvious pattern as far as I can tell.


4,460 posts

55 months

Sunday 11th June 2023
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I tend to do it more on midweek daytime rides when there are fewer of us around and it feels more significant.


62 posts

161 months

Monday 12th June 2023
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I’ll even give a nod the the step-through’s.

Everyone gets a nod.

Rob 131 Sport

3,375 posts

63 months

Monday 12th June 2023
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CrispyMK said:
Where are all the head nodders at? I rode from Notts to Macclesfield and back today. I nodded every time I could and I reckon less than 50% gave a nod back.

From the full on "yes" nod, to the cheeky sideways "go on my son" nod it's always nice to get a response from people.

From today's ride I noted the majority of nodders were suited up sports bike riders and the least likely to nod were the born again bikers on vintage stuff. Has anyone else noticed a decline in nodding back?
As a Suited Up Sportsbike Rider, I always nod. I remember in the late 80’s riding a Kawasaki AR50 and all the riders would nod at you including those riding such exotica as RC30’s.

Edited by Rob 131 Sport on Monday 12th June 05:51


12,665 posts

241 months

Monday 12th June 2023
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Harleys, scooters, GS types, old commuter nails don’t tend to nod.


674 posts

118 months

Monday 12th June 2023
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The first time I was out by myself, on a 125 with L-plates, two years ago, the rider of a much bigger bike going in the opposite direction gave me the nod. I nodded back and felt a warm glow inside as I realised that even on L-plates I was being admitted into a fellowship of riders that car drivers would probably never know about.

I certainly hadn’t noticed motorcyclists nodding at each other when I was driving a car.

The lads and lasses on scooters rushing about delivering food rarely nod, probably too focused on the phone app that is guiding them.

I have heard it said that Harley riders don’t nod but that’s not always true. I have even had a few nods from police riders on their RTs as well.


65 months

Monday 12th June 2023
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Biker9090 said:
Jesus wept, every bloody summer this comes up.

Why are grown men so concerned with who acknowledges them?

I couldn't give a shiny ste who does and doesn't nod for me. Someone's I do it and sometimes I don't.


9,262 posts

261 months

Monday 12th June 2023
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Biker9090 said:
Jesus wept, every bloody summer this comes up.

Why are grown men so concerned with who acknowledges them?

I couldn't give a shiny ste who does and doesn't nod for me. Someone's I do it and sometimes I don't.
+1 I honestly don't care if you are riding a bike also, we aren't brothers because you do, I never nod.

Far Cough

2,354 posts

179 months

Monday 12th June 2023
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Full on nod for fellow sports bike riders. I ignore learners , choppers and wannabe Ewan McGregor's or whatever the other one was called even if they initiate a nod. Ha


4,460 posts

55 months

Monday 12th June 2023
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I also nod at bikers when I'm on my bicycle.


571 posts

48 months

Monday 12th June 2023
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I only nod when I’m…….A. Sneezing inside my helmet or …. B. It’s cold and I’m shaking a dew drop off the end of my nose. Other than that no I don’t nod to anyone.


12,287 posts

240 months

Monday 12th June 2023
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I always nod/wave.


6,142 posts

66 months

Monday 12th June 2023
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shirt said:
As a recent 2 wheeled convert, first I’ve heard of it. Only ever get the hand thing in Europe which i find weird as it’s your throttle hand when on the continent.
Throttle is on the other side... Left hand drive don't forget.


6,920 posts

148 months

Monday 12th June 2023
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A new phenomena for me this year has been the occasional pedestrian nodding.... And yes, I'm sure they weren't saying "look at that Pratt".. Was definitely a biker nod.