Can someone explain the "Support" groups?

Can someone explain the "Support" groups?



Original Poster:

1,335 posts

48 months

Thursday 8th June 2023
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I keep seeing these at the summer bike nights around Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Hampshire.

Guys wearing various different leather cuts, some with backpatches or and rockers. I realise the 81 is for Hells Angels, but also ones like Savage Support etc etc etc.

Are these guys just a bunch of groupies for the Blue Oyster Club or what? Are they trying to get into the HA etc?

The amount of boot licking that goes on when the odd HA member turns up is cringeworthy.


22,637 posts

183 months

Thursday 8th June 2023
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I can't but the press coverage of that Cornish Vs Devon killing on a slip road in 2021 I think, mentioned associate or affiliate clubs those two motorcycle club/gangs recruit from.


6,982 posts

203 months

Thursday 8th June 2023
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Biker9090 said:
I keep seeing these at the summer bike nights around Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Hampshire.

Guys wearing various different leather cuts, some with backpatches or and rockers. I realise the 81 is for Hells Angels, but also ones like Savage Support etc etc etc.

Are these guys just a bunch of groupies for the Blue Oyster Club or what? Are they trying to get into the HA etc?

The amount of boot licking that goes on when the odd HA member turns up is cringeworthy.
Been discussed at length and the consensus was 95% of them were chubby accountants.


747 posts

145 months

Thursday 8th June 2023
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Biker9090 said:
I keep seeing these at the summer bike nights around Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Hampshire.

Guys wearing various different leather cuts, some with backpatches or and rockers. I realise the 81 is for Hells Angels, but also ones like Savage Support etc etc etc.

Are these guys just a bunch of groupies for the Blue Oyster Club or what? Are they trying to get into the HA etc?

The amount of boot licking that goes on when the odd HA member turns up is cringeworthy.
I believe they’re there to hold the bike whilst the aging 1%ers mount their steel steeds.

Nothing says 1% like rural Oxfordshire.


3,409 posts

146 months

Thursday 8th June 2023
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And this is why I don't bother with bike nights. As someone who grew up in a very rough area of Liverpool, and now lives in Oxfordshire, he mean street of Chipping Norton intimidate me.


613 posts

71 months

Thursday 8th June 2023
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I thought that being a member of the support group meant you are claiming disability benefits...

Steve Bass

10,445 posts

244 months

Thursday 8th June 2023
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I thought they were the HA's fluffers???


196 posts

37 months

Thursday 8th June 2023
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It's down to territory, smaller clubs have to be affiliated to the bigger club who are in the area in order to be allowed to wear their cuts and patches.

Probably got the terminology wrong but that's the general gist of it. The support bit I'd suggest would mean they are a little closer than just affiliated but still a club in their own right.


12,195 posts

217 months

Thursday 8th June 2023
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Reminds me of the South Park episode where they tell
The bikers that they just look like “fags” to everyone else