Series 11 "The MotorBike Show"

Series 11 "The MotorBike Show"



Original Poster:

1,575 posts

119 months

Friday 21st October 2022
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really enjoying this.
The rides through Kent and Malverns
Milly and his restore
Review of some 2022 machines that I can never afford.


4,496 posts

245 months

Friday 21st October 2022
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I watch it, but often wonder who it's really aimed at.

Henry is definitely the WORST bike reviewer ever... Although I've picked up a few good cafe stops from his various rides. Millyard is always good value, he makes a good replacement for Sam Lovegrove.

Rob 131 Sport

3,376 posts

63 months

Friday 21st October 2022
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outnumbered said:
I watch it, but often wonder who it's really aimed at.

Henry is definitely the WORST bike reviewer ever... Although I've picked up a few good cafe stops from his various rides. Millyard is always good value, he makes a good replacement for Sam Lovegrove.
I’m really enjoying this series and prefer Alan to Sam as a restorer. However Pete was always my favourite.

I think the show is interesting and this series much better than recent ones. I think Henry Cole is a great presenter and is humorous.


6,255 posts

129 months

Friday 21st October 2022
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What happened to Sam? They fell out?

Also noticed Henry went over a solid white line this week to overtake.nono


494 posts

43 months

Friday 21st October 2022
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I’ve noticed he seems to ride very close to the white line in the middle of the road and rarely has much Safety gear on barring the jacket and helmet


4,496 posts

245 months

Friday 21st October 2022
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A500leroy said:
What happened to Sam? They fell out?

Also noticed Henry went over a solid white line this week to overtake.nono
Sam lives in Cornwall and I think has his own bike restoration business. My guess is he's concentrating on that rather than being a part time employee of H Cole Inc and being away from home a lot.


468 posts

58 months

Friday 21st October 2022
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HybridTheory said:
I’ve noticed he seems to ride very close to the white line in the middle of the road and rarely has much Safety gear on barring the jacket and helmet
I've noticed that as well, not bothered about his gear so much as it is his choice but as you say he does seem to be very close to the white line at times and he did overtake on double white lines this week.
I generally like his programmes, they are easy going and what other programmes are there on TV that try to give a positive view of motorcycling.
There is another programme called "Find It, Fix It, Drive It" on Quest at the moment where Henry and Sam are working together again.


12,287 posts

240 months

Friday 21st October 2022
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outnumbered said:
I watch it, but often wonder who it's really aimed at.

Henry is definitely the WORST bike reviewer ever... Although I've picked up a few good cafe stops from his various rides. Millyard is always good value, he makes a good replacement for Sam Lovegrove.
Absolutely this! He covers some interesting bikes and some interesting places but he is just awful as a reviewer/presenter


3,184 posts

78 months

Friday 21st October 2022
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Henry doesn't try to be a detailed, insightful reviewer. It's two wheeled based entertainment of places, subjects and things that people who like bikes will probably find interesting, the only kinda indepth parts are the restorations where Henry puts the kettle on and lets the guys do the work. More power to him for getting bike content on telly, I won't buy a bike on the strength of the reviews but I will visit a few places and maybe do a bit more work in the garage.

Edited by hiccy18 on Friday 21st October 19:12


1,016 posts

222 months

Friday 21st October 2022
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Can anyone tell me how they get those on bike,revolving camera shots,when no mounting for the camera is there?
Is he being paced by a drone?

200Plus Club

11,665 posts

289 months

Friday 21st October 2022
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Alan Millyard is great and it's good to see him featured with his bike. Decent series for lightweight viewing pleasure.


1,559 posts

142 months

Friday 21st October 2022
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wildone63 said:
Can anyone tell me how they get those on bike,revolving camera shots,when no mounting for the camera is there?
Is he being paced by a drone?


6,826 posts

279 months

Friday 21st October 2022
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I've been enjoying this series. I didn't like Henry Coles' "Hey man" so much a few years ago but he has grown on me. Thoroughly nice bloke apparently if you meet him. smile

I was wondering about the 360-degree stuff as well. Sometimes you can see a camera mount but mostly not.

I was surprised alan Millyard assembled the Z1000 engine completely dry. Some of the parts were refurbed or new and bone dry, I'd have thought assembly lube at least. Unless it was for the filming and he did it again. scratchchin

I'm sure he knows what he's doing with some of his wondrous creations like the Chrysler Viper V10 engined thing. eek


1,016 posts

222 months

Friday 21st October 2022
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bgunn said:
fascinating thanks,so its done with a selfie stick that somehow becomes invisible


8,400 posts

68 months

Friday 21st October 2022
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Glad it's not just me that noticed him overtake on the solid white line. I'm surprised that got through the edit, as it was a bit blatent. I noticed him riding rather close to the centre white lines too. Fair enough if there's nothing coming the other way but he seems to do it when there is too.


1,559 posts

142 months

Friday 21st October 2022
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wildone63 said:
fascinating thanks,so its done with a selfie stick that somehow becomes invisible
Yeah, software removes it as it stitches the images together from the two very wide angle lenses.

I find some use of insta360s are quite poor and 'ordinary' and some make use of them very well. I find AndyManCam on YouTube makes good use of his with excellent swoopy panning whilst filming some of his journeys up Alpine passes.


85 posts

31 months

Friday 21st October 2022
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Any programme about motorcycles on the box is a good thing, despite Cole being sort of entertaining and annoying, bit like Clarkson. He does make me smile when he's on a ride and tries to hang off a bike even at modest speed and there is no need whatsoever.
Sam was a better presenter than Millyard, he's a bit wooden, I've met him in real life at a show and he was exactly the same.
Been watching the one about the Z, at least they seem to be restoring it properly unlike the rattle can resprays they do on shed and buried. Saw them touch up the tank on a Greeves rather than taking the tank off and painting it, they masked off the entire bike and painted it in situ.

And if he describes a bike or a ride as..... sublime once more, I'll chuck the remote at the tv.

Mr Tidy

25,610 posts

138 months

Friday 21st October 2022
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I like all the series Henry has done.

As has been said he doesn't pretend to give in depth technical details or reviews but if nothing else it's more TV coverage of bikes!


1,559 posts

142 months

Friday 21st October 2022
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I think, just like Top Gear, you've got to remember what makes good TV isn't necessarily in-depth or factually completely accurate.

I enjoy watching the stuff Henry does, too, even if there are bits that are bks. It's fairly 'feel good' TV because he covers stuff I enjoy.


132 posts

54 months

Friday 21st October 2022
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wildone63 said:
fascinating thanks,so its done with a selfie stick that somehow becomes invisible
thanks - that was puzzling me too