New Bike Day - Honda SP2

New Bike Day - Honda SP2



Original Poster:

720 posts

99 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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On Saturday I brought home a Honda VTR1000 SP2. It's a stunning bike but comes with a rather sad back story. I've known the bike for about eight years but for the last 4 or 5 it has sat in a garage under its cover and hasn't moved. Anyway, after some discussion and difficult decisions it has now come to me and I'll be spending some time getting to know it and doing some fettling ahead of starting it and taking it for an MOT


Original Poster:

720 posts

99 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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Here it is after a couple of hours fettling:


2,128 posts

198 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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65 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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cloud9 Pretty much biking perfection imo, apart from acknowledged issues with ride, fuelling and thirst, which I'd forgive on a homologation race bike built 25 years ago.

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6,711 posts

192 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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Gorgeous, congrats.


12,286 posts

240 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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That is stunning.


1,662 posts

158 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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Lovely looking thing and a bit of a hero bike


274 posts

87 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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Love these, great choice.

I remember being in awe of the digi dash when I was younger.


4,404 posts

242 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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Nice! I'm still waiting on a couple of parts to get mine back on the road.


Original Poster:

720 posts

99 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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Newarch said:
cloud9 Pretty much biking perfection imo, apart from acknowledged issues with ride, fuelling and thirst, which I'd forgive on a homologation race bike built 25 years ago.
Re the fuelling thing, I found this under the seat cowl, which together with the exhaust should iron out any roughness hopefully, though I doubt it'll make it any more economical:

One of the issues I have with the bike is that the previous owner cannot answer any questions about it, so I'm flying blind with it to a degree. I know it's has suspension work etc but will just have to figure it all out


6,981 posts

203 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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Lovely bit of kit ... guessing the previous owner is no longer with us ?


1,818 posts

232 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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Wow that looks sensational.

Always loved these.

Me neighbour has 2 - a red SP1 and a white SP2. He does ride both but only occasionally.

He should lend them to me!


11,597 posts

192 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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Best colour scheme too. Awesome bike.


413 posts

106 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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Good for you- one of those would be in my dream garage!

poo at Paul's

14,399 posts

186 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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Get ready to part make a turn at a junction before you stop. No tank cut outs and terrible lock as a result, a real pain on the road!!


27,212 posts

192 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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Porno, what a thing. Video!


4,034 posts

279 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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Congratulations. Loved riding mine until the bike bug left me.

Mine is in danger of not moving for 5 years too. Really should give it a bit of TLC and sell it, they are a wonderful bike and I'm stopping somebody else enjoying her!


Original Poster:

720 posts

99 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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Krikkit said:
Porno, what a thing. Video!
Perhaps yes. Got a new battery delivered today (original wouldn't charge, no surprise) and I just need to check out the petrol situation and we'll see if she starts. Unfortunately, I don't have the baffles for the exhausts so whilst the video may be entertaining I'm a little worried about the MOT. May have to resort to these frown


65 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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Every SP2 I've ever seen (heard?) was bloody loud. Those standard pipes look like they've seen a lot of use wink


13,716 posts

246 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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Lovely, congrats.

I had an SP1 for a few rears as my main form of transport. It had a power commander and a 2 into 1 Arrows titanium exhaust set-up. It was bloody ace.

The fuelling just off idle was a bit digital, it took a little time to learn how to smoothly crack open the gas.

Poor fuel economy & range was something I honestly never noticed, though I did ride it legally on rare occasions,

Edited by Kawasicki on Tuesday 21st June 18:25