New to biking Sur-Ron LBX

New to biking Sur-Ron LBX



Original Poster:

601 posts

271 months

Monday 21st June 2021
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As per title - I'm new to biking and I pick up a new Sur-Ron bike tomorrow.

If you're not familiar with them -

My employer is making is super expensive to park petrol or diesel vehicles on site, and frankly I also want to go electric (but have you seen the prices of EVs !?!)
So before I go give loads of cash to Elon Musk, I thought I'd see if there was an electric two wheel option.
I will use it for a 2-3 mile commute each way, up to 5 days per week.

Anyone share their experience of that bike ?
Any surprises ?
Anyone use it for commuting ?
Know of any paniers or luggage rack that will work for it ?

Once I get more confident I might try off roading it.
Cheers !


7,566 posts

276 months

Monday 21st June 2021
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Road registered?

Dog Star

16,769 posts

179 months

Monday 21st June 2021
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911newbie said:
Once I get more confident I might try off roading it.
Cheers !
As asked - registered? Otherwise totally illegal, and you'd be illegal off road just about anywhere unless you've got landowner permission or it's an off-road training place.

I've an utter loathing of those sur-ron things as a mountain biker and a motor-enduro bike rider; they're either illegally out on trails, riding on roads or on the moors being piloted by cretins. In every case they just cause problems for legitimate riders of ebikes/ICE off-road bikes and are going to cause more restrictions/legislation/registration to be introduced.

Accept my apologies if you're going down the legal route.


Original Poster:

601 posts

271 months

Monday 21st June 2021
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Yes the road legal version. It has licence plate, indicators, headlights red light at back etc etc.
Picture of it here -
Sur-ron road legal

ETA I have the registration number for it. I guess that means DVLA have it on their books.


Original Poster:

601 posts

271 months

Monday 21st June 2021
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Dog Star - you see problems for them on the roads ?
Is that due to low speed ? Poor acceleration ?

Once I get some experience I'll go get some training and do teh Part 1 test.
I think at shat stage I can delimit it to 45 mph. Otherwise it's limited to 30 mph.
That should be fine for the city roads I'll be on, right ?


3,608 posts

185 months

Monday 21st June 2021
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Don’t get why you’d bother at that money. You could get something good instead.


1,153 posts

237 months

Monday 21st June 2021
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2-3 mile commute - pointless getting anything that needs registering / insuring etc - get a bicycle - ebike if there is a massive hill in your way.

That thing looks like all the worst parts of a motorbike and all the worst parts of a bicycle wrapped up in an expensive package!!


452 posts

64 months

Monday 21st June 2021
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For a 2/3 mile commute would a Ebike do the job? I've no experience of these Sur-Ron bikes though.


Original Poster:

601 posts

271 months

Monday 21st June 2021
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I could certainly have got an ICE powered bike, but that falls under the same ban hammer wielded by my employer.
Has to be electric.

I was looking at battery assisted MBs, which start at £2k ish. Wow.
I'm not keen on turning up for work as a sweat monster, getting showered, then changing into a suit. They only get 250W assistance anyway...
I would rather slap some over pants and a jacket on over the suit.
But you may say this is not practical... well I guess I'll find out if it is.


Original Poster:

601 posts

271 months

Monday 21st June 2021
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SAS Tom said:
Don’t get why you’d bother at that money. You could get something good instead.
I'd be interested in any suggestions for electric powered alternatives ??

The Sur Ron seems to sell for pretty much its as-new price, so if there is something better I could switch it.

Edited by 911newbie on Monday 21st June 17:06


Original Poster:

601 posts

271 months

Monday 21st June 2021
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KurtFlew said:
For a 2/3 mile commute would a Ebike do the job? I've no experience of these Sur-Ron bikes though.
It weighs 47 kg, and uses MB forks, handlebars, brakes, wheels etc.
So it's pretty much like an MB but with 6kW power.

Turning up as sweat monster after cycling in is not much of an option really.
And I would be a sweat monster. Just looking at cycling videos gets me out of breath.


6,249 posts

129 months

Monday 21st June 2021
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Super soco not cheaper?


7,351 posts

176 months

Monday 21st June 2021
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nunpuncher said:
I had a shot of one. I didn't get where it was mean to be used, one the road or in a cycle lane. It didn't;t really fit in either environment. It felt incredibly unsafe in traffic compared to a regular motorcycle as it's just seemed so small and fragile. I also believe in being seen and heard so its near silence had me crapping myself.

Seemed to me that it would make a great solution to city transport as long as everyone was pooling about on them. Not really when you're dealing with the current traffic.

PS. Your employer sounds like an unreasonable dick.
I can't see it as being any worse than a moped though. Acceleration is probably quicker than most 50s too.

If you prefer something Scooter-shaped, have a look at Niu and Vmoto


3,493 posts

136 months

Monday 21st June 2021
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For only 3 miles I think I'd rather pedal a normal bike in the cycle lanes or off to the side of traffic than ride one of those in amongst the buses and lorries. It doesn't look very substantial.


12,662 posts

241 months

Monday 21st June 2021
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What’s the insurance and tax on one of these?

They look even more nickable than a motorbike.

Dog Star

16,769 posts

179 months

Monday 21st June 2021
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911newbie said:
Dog Star - you see problems for them on the roads ?
Is that due to low speed ? Poor acceleration ?

Once I get some experience I'll go get some training and do teh Part 1 test.
I think at shat stage I can delimit it to 45 mph. Otherwise it's limited to 30 mph.
That should be fine for the city roads I'll be on, right ?
The ones I see - there are plenty of examples on YouTube too - aren’t registered. They’re just ridden by cretins, on the road, down the footpaths in nature reserves, it seems that they’re an issue down south going on bike parks. There’s some cheeky chirpy cockney lad calls it an ebike posting vids - seems universally despised.

Ebikes - I’m a big evangelist for these; they’re the future of urban transport. You wouldn’t end up sweaty. 250w is deceptive and you can sail up anything on one. No tax etc and you can stop at the boozer. No hassle going out down trails etc. Best thing I ever bought to be honest.

poo at Paul's

14,399 posts

186 months

Monday 21st June 2021
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That ain’t biking!


2,168 posts

55 months

Monday 21st June 2021
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Looks st, sorry.

No capacity for carrying anything. Tyres unsuited to tarmac. Have to tax and insure it.

Personally I'd either buy a Taiwanese e-bicycle or buy a 125cc motorbike plus several years worth of fuel, for less money.


1,063 posts

91 months

Monday 21st June 2021
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Second vid is a bit more upbeat smile

Edited by vindaloo79 on Monday 21st June 21:58


3,709 posts

242 months

Monday 21st June 2021
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I don't get the negativity.
Looks like a fun way to travel a few miles to me.