

ben lizard

Original Poster:

178 posts

270 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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why the flocking hell do car drivers have a problem with bkies filtering through traffic , espically bloody transit vans 3 times the bas**rds moved across engough so either i stopped or got clothes lined by there wing mirrors.

Need to carry a light saber so i can slice them off
suppose i should take note of there numbers and call there bosses and demand they sack the twats

Rant over


637 posts

277 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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It's because they have never ridden a bike. I don't ride anymore due to being hit by a car.

I recon the best way to cut bike ignorance is to force all new drivers to do some sort of bike appreciation. Maybe a CBT and 30 mins riding a moped around streets with an instructor.

Ballistic Banana

14,700 posts

273 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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I find the super hard knuckle protectors on my gloves normally make a mess of the wing mirrors of these assholes and i am sure they probably think twice before doing it again and probably check there mirrors more often.

I think the shock and me being quick enough as so they dont get the reg of my bike.

Dont know wether this is the morally correct answer to these prats but it sure makes me feel a hell of alot better.

Sim on


15,605 posts

274 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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Ive taken 3 or 4 mirrors out since i started biking they notice you then


1,905 posts

287 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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It's just jealousy M8, rise above it.
Or cary a spring loaded centre punch to take out the drivers window..... Only kidding


682 posts

288 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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Perhaps the people blocking you have previously suffered damage to their vehicles when a bike came past, and now think that blocking you completely will stop the same thing happening again?

Plus I am happy to see there is a general pride taken in damaging cars (etc) that might have wronged a bike...

I assume bikers won't mind if car drivers give them a little tap with the bodywork if a bike rider ever gets anything at all wrong, or displays some unpleasant attitude while riding?

Cheers, Phil
(you may have guessed - non motorbike rider)

Mon Ami Mate

6,589 posts

274 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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Phil, as a bike and car enthusiast, I'd like to gently point out that you are missing the point. If you bump a car through negligence, the outcome is likely to be a dent. If you do the same to a bike the outcome is likely to be broken bones or death. Which is why bikes should be treated with more respect than other road users, not less.


8,293 posts

283 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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I find the super hard knuckle protectors on my gloves normally make a mess of the wing mirrors of these assholes

Ive taken 3 or 4 mirrors out since i started biking they notice you then
I guess that answers the question then.

As ye sew, so shall ye reap.

If you bump a car through negligence, the outcome is likely to be a dent. If you do the same to a bike the outcome is likely to be broken bones or death
Fair point, but if the car was my TVR the outcome would be far worse than a dent!

>> Edited by VictorMeldrew on Wednesday 11th September 07:40


14,055 posts

285 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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What's the point in smashing someone's wing mirror? If the person is dim witted enough to cut you up do you really think that he's going to look at his smashed wing mirror and think "oh, that's a fair cop, I won't do that again"? Of course not, he'll just carry on in the same way or, more likely, he will develop an anti-biker attitute and simply take it out other bikers.

Your safety is your responsibility. Not everyone is smart. *Everyone* drives like a dick at some point. This is the reality of it so why can't you deal with it?

So do us all a favour and give your faux hard biker vigilanty act a miss.



789 posts

290 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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I think the knocking wing mirrors off thing doesn't do bikers and favours, it just makes them more determined to knock us off at the next opportunity.

In nearly all cases if a car purposefully blocks a bike while filtering , within a few hundred yards you can get past the car by another route (other side or other lane) as cars or vans aren't as manouvreable as bikes. I prefer to bide my time and pass peacefully and when in front of them make sure they're aware that thier acting like a twat has had little effect on your progress by a gentle wave of the hand in a masterbatory fashion.


3,757 posts

267 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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Just being over courteous. Stop, wait untill you can move on, move on. Life is far too short to let other folk get you wound up - that's their problem. What was it you were in rush for?
My journey to work included a short hop on the end of the M32, which was chokka. There were lots of cross people, lots of people pushing in and lane swapping. Me, I put the radio on, made sure there was enough room for my biking colleages to get past, moved the seat back slightly and waved and smiled at anyone who REALLY NEEDED TO GET 'TO WORK' (FFS) get to work. I don't think I was more than 10 minutes late, and relaxed..


794 posts

270 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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There are always ar*eholes who want to race me away from the lights or stop me filtering, but I know I shall go sailing past them in a minute or less when they get stuck in the next lot of traffic.
So long, enjoy the queue, suckers.

Ballistic Banana

14,700 posts

273 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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This is all car drivers as most bikers drive cars aswell but just an minority and i also said that i didnt know wether this would be the correct way to act(morally correct)

Just i get so pissed of with these half wits going completly out of there way to nearly take my bike out that the easiest answer FOR ME is the one i said earlier.
If someone completely bloked me off i wouldnt think twice about stopping and given them what for.
This is just Mototbikes this happens to.One of my mates does a lot of cycling and gets it just the same on the near side in traffic.People bloking the way of cyclist HOW F@ING SAD are this drivers.


Rant over



15,605 posts

274 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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The mirror bashing is mainly due to the response i get from car drivers they just look at you as if your on their road , and it makes my blood boil so they loose a mirror ok it not big or clever but at that moment its what i tend to do , ive also not had many problems with filtering mainly its cutting up on roundabouts etc


2,238 posts

289 months

Thursday 12th September 2002
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This is all car drivers


I'm sorry but you're wrong here. I don't know if you drive a car as well, but if you do, now or in the future will you start blocking bikes? You can't tar everyone with the same brush.

As to anger against filtering, I would hazard a guess that part of the problem is bikers weaving at speed inbetween lanes of stationary traffic. In many instances the car is not able to move out the way and the driver has to watch as the suicide jockey clips his wing or takes a mirror off. Most bikers then just bugger off leaving the car driver to foot the bill.

I can honestly say that whenever I see a bike coming up on my inside in traffic I move over, sometimes the biker will acknowledge the move, most times not. However in cases where this is not possible then I would expect the bike to wait patiently for enough space to get through rather than take a layer of paint off.

And yes, before you ask I have ridden bikes (full licence for 25 years) and have posted before that in my view all new drivers should be made to ride a bike before driving a car to increase awareness.



789 posts

290 months

Thursday 12th September 2002
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I rode to work today for a change and took particular note of filtering behaviour in light of this thread. My findings were as follows:

1.The majority of car drivers are oblivious to bikes and don't try to block or get out of the way because they just don't look.
2. About 10 or 20% of drivers do look and move over if possible to give bikes more room. I like to give acknowledgement of this when I can, so that hopefully they will continue to do it.
3. Less than 10% are bastards and if the do happen to see you they will try and block you. If you're looking ahead enough you can usually spot this type because they're also aggressive to other car drivers. In this case if there's more than one lane I'll try and get across a lane and avoid the need for unnesseccary confrontation.
4. About 15% of bikers think it's thier god given right to filter to the front of the queue regardless of space or conditions and filter through very small gaps, brushing against cars, past other bikers, and crossing lanes where it's not sensible to do it and them shout at car drivers who get annoyed about it. In my opinion these guys are no better than the agreessive white van guys.

Thats the end of my in depth scientific study of the art of filtering.



6,357 posts

277 months

Thursday 12th September 2002
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What really annoys me is when you can see quite easily that the cars aren't going anywhere, and it must be blindingly obvious to Mr Car driver that no amount of peeking down the middle will advance them... then why do they have to sit there, blocking me, with a gap in front of them that they could swing back into? this is blatent blocking, and I normally let them know about it.

On the other hand, some kind car driver moved over, called out "would you like a bit more room", and even went up a kerb to let me past. Fantastic!

When I ride, I always try to wave thanks to drivers who let me pass, and when I drive, I always move over.

Is this easy? yep, if you use your mirrors and share the road.

peace, man!


11,821 posts

290 months

Thursday 12th September 2002
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Well, I commute a 100 mile round trip every day to Chelsea and back and therefore feel that I'm well qualified to comment as I filter in all traffic conditions EVERY day.

1. If you filter in stationary traffic and someone is blocking your path. Do they have any room to move? If they do, a gently blip of the throttle and little wave can do wonders. If the window is down, ask as politely (and therefore sarcastically) as possible "Would you mind awefully, moving over somewhat so I may continue toward my destination?"

2. If they ignore you, give you the V's - whatever, don't worry about it. They'll only hold you up for a few seconds and once your past, ride on safe in the knowledge that they're stuck there for a hell of a lot longer. I find a 'bye-bye' wave does far more damage than physically taking it out on the car and I've never heard of anyone being prosecuted for waving!

3. Filtering motorway traffic should be done with fairness to the drivers who are usually too busy on the phone, reading papers, doing make up to notice you. Therefore, slip by as stealthily as possible so you don't accidently wake them up.

There are good and bad on both sides (I'm certainly no angel on a bike) but without question, on today's congested roads, the car driver is far more oblivious to his surroundings than the biker.

I find the biggest hindrance to bikes who filter traffic are other bikes! All scooter riders should be banned from filtering as most can't ride anyway and anyone with bars wider than their shoulders should be shot for style crime as much as anything else!


14,055 posts

285 months

Thursday 12th September 2002
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Agree with all that Stig said... I do a 100 mile round trip each day to Southampton on my bike.

It's just not worth getting upset over people who don't even know you exist. I've only very very rarely come across people who actually actively block my progress. Mostly they are just half asleep and are trying to get home.


>> Edited by mhibbins on Thursday 12th September 10:37


6,357 posts

277 months

Thursday 12th September 2002
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ummm. I find scooters are the fastest in traffic because they are so small... I don't like 'em, I am fast through the traffic myself, but big bikes like my XJR are beaten by 125's almost any day. The Ninja I have now is good in traffic 'cos it's so narrow & light.

don't critise scooters!