T shirts and trainers

T shirts and trainers



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10,168 posts

281 months

Monday 17th June 2002
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I find myself caught in a real dilemma on this one.

On the one hand I get really irate and pissed off with namby pamby liberal tree hugging tossers telling what is good for me and what I can and cannot do. I would fight tooth and nail if they tried to limit Bhp, I would shout the house down if they said my bike had to have air bags. However I have got to say I get even more wound up by w*nkers that insist on riding wearing no more protection than an England shirt and a pair of cut down levi's. These tossers need shooting or better still they need to be hung up by their testicles and rubbed all over with 50 grit sandpaper untill they bleed to death.

It's never a case of "if I come off" it's "when and how bad"


1,502 posts

277 months

Monday 17th June 2002
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Natural selection at work.


52,551 posts

290 months

Monday 17th June 2002
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Why let yourself get so wound up about it?


79 posts

269 months

Monday 17th June 2002
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I ride bikes and i sometimes do not wear my full leathers, i do however always ride with my proper jacket (body armour etc).

The way i actually learnt was while i worked in an A&E dept in London. A lad (24ish) came in after taking a spill on his R6. He was on the A1M coming into hendon central (the long sweeping left hander up hill) when he obviously took the corner to fast, lost control. He ended up getting trapped and dragged by his bike along the armco barrier. This chap was quite broad (well i should say WAS) and instead of his shoulder having a right angle in it, to having the majority of it shaved off at a 45degree angle from the nape of his neck....

His mate who was following him definately learnt a lesson.

If they really want to do it then sod them, they will have to learn the hard way!! When it comes down to it they are not putting me at any more risk... its just a pain when you have to clear up after them...

>> Edited by Lagoo on Monday 17th June 16:44


2,174 posts

276 months

Monday 17th June 2002
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I get a similar feeling when I'm driving the car and encounter a cyclist with no lights. It really annoys me as, although it's Darwin at work, it can really ruin the day of the person unfortunate enough to hit them. To put it lightly.

ok, not really the same thing, but it just reminded me of it...


14,055 posts

285 months

Monday 17th June 2002
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If you argue that they should be protected from themselves then you're going against the whole idea of freedom of the individual to do what they want no matter how stupid. Even if you went out in a full race leather suit you would still be taking a risk that is unacceptable to someone and you would not be best pleased if that person stopped you riding a bike in your own best interests.

If you argue that you couldn't give a monkeys about the person but you think they should wear leather so that they affect others less, maybe in terms of the policeman who has to scrape you up or the doctor who has to stitch you back together or the family that has to bury you, then you could also apply that to anyone who does anything risky including you who ride your bike in full leathers. Again, you'd be p*ssed off with someone telling you that riding your bike in full leathers is too risky and you shouldn't be allowed to do it for your own good and the good of your family and friends.

So why not just let them assess their own risks, make up their own mind and stop assuming you know better?

One argument for t-shirts when it's hot is that you can concentrate a lot better when you aren't wrapped up in a cow which makes quite a bit of sense. It's not enough for me not to wear leathers but then that's just me. I wear leathers all the time and wouldn't dream of doing otherwise but I couldn't give a t*ss what anyone else does.


>> Edited by mhibbins on Monday 17th June 17:01


Original Poster:

10,168 posts

281 months

Monday 17th June 2002
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If you argue that they should be protected from themselves then you're going against the whole idea of freedom of the individual to do what they want no matter how stupid. Even if you went out in a full race leather suit you would still be taking a risk that is unacceptable to someone and you would not be best pleased if that person stopped you riding a bike in your own best interests.

If you argue that you couldn't give a monkeys about the person but you think they should wear leather so that they affect others less, maybe in terms of the policeman who has to scrape you up or the doctor who has to stitch you back together or the family that has to bury you, then you could also apply that to anyone who does anything risky including you who ride your bike in full leathers. Again, you'd be p*ssed off with someone telling you that riding your bike in full leathers is too risky and you shouldn't be allowed to do it for your own good and the good of your family and friends.

So why not just let them assess their own risks, make up their own mind and stop assuming you know better?

I agree totally with everything you've said but for the life of me I can't work it out because whenever I see it, it just makes my blood boil and I can't help it......Possible the cloesest comparison is when I see someone driving like a complete tosser it winds me and many others up, but in this case perhaps the actions are so stupid and so neglegent that maybe they should be classed as criminal??????????

Oh yes as for the t shirts because they're cool and comfortable so therefore safer analogy......what complete shite, maybe the malaysian leg of WSB should be done in T shirts, or the Maccau GP in shorts ??? Bollox buy perforatted leathers, and when it's cold put a paddock jacket/sweatshirt over the top.


14,055 posts

285 months

Monday 17th June 2002
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Oh yes as for the t shirts because they're cool and comfortable so therefore safer analogy......what complete shite, maybe the malaysian leg of WSB should be done in T shirts, or the Maccau GP in shorts ??? Bollox buy perforatted leathers, and when it's cold put a paddock jacket/sweatshirt over the top.
That's your opinion and mine too but what I'm saying is it's not theirs and you shouldn't impose your view on them in the same way as you wouldn't want them to impose their views on you.

I occasionally get angry at other drivers but frankly you're on to a loser. You can't say that you drive perfectly *all* of the time and you can't assume that the person who just p*ssed you off hasn't just made the only mistake they have made in a year. Getting angry at people just stresses you out and upsets them so what's the point? It's not like they're going to learn anything is it? I can't imagine that people do this stuff on purpose (in the main), they either do it because they have made a mistake or they're stupid, either way you aren't going to change them by shouting at them or giving them the bird, you're just doing your part to make the world a more agressive place.

It's everyone's right to get around but it isn't a reasonable expectation for everyone to be a perfect driver. There's certainly a case for retesting everyone periodically to keep a minimum standard in place but not for venting your spleen at people who cross you, in my opinion (not that I'm trying to impose that view on you, you understand ).

I can't remember who said it originally but everyone is someone's arsehole.



1,947 posts

290 months

Monday 17th June 2002
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I personally don't give a t*ss what they wear but it is an interestung analogy that they HAVE to wear a helmet but T-shirts are fine. Just goes to show what a b*lls-up the law can be


14,055 posts

285 months

Monday 17th June 2002
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I always said I'd never ride without a helmet but then did just that in Crete on a vespa et125 for 3 days and several hundred miles in just a t-shirt, jeans, trainers and a pair of shades. It was easily one of my most enjoyable biking moments.

Oh by the way, further to my last hippy peace message, people who drive along in the middle lane should eternally burn in hell like the dogs they are.


14,840 posts

273 months

Monday 17th June 2002
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I first started riding in Italy (many years ago) when Helmets were optional and often didn't wear one, I didn't own leathers for the first couple of years! ( and yes, I have crashed both with and without protective gear)

I always wear full leathers etc now but I disagree with it being compulsory as I believe it is an adults choice, as long as no-one else is harmed by their actions then let them ride unprotected (and it ain't no fun to be in middle of city rush hour traffic in full leathers, gloves and full-face Helmet on a hot bike at 40 degrees C!)

I believe in some US states where helmets are not compulsory that different insurance excesses apply to personal injury claims if Helmet is not worn.

As already commented, many people think that Bikes are too dangerous in any type of clothing and if we have to cater for the most extreme "Nanny" ideas then Bikes would be banned!

Finally (full Rant mode now!)I also disagree with compulsory seat belts and the like! we'd all be better off if the Nanny state left us alone a bit more and stopped imposing their politically correct cr*p on us!

Rant over!

>> Edited by cazzo on Monday 17th June 23:11

>> Edited by cazzo on Monday 17th June 23:11


1,947 posts

290 months

Tuesday 18th June 2002
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I also disagree with compulsory seat belts and the like! we'd all be better off if the Nanny state left us alone a bit more and stopped imposing their politically correct cr*p on us!

wholeheartedly agree. I too kit up fully on a bike but it should be my choice.


1,905 posts

287 months

Tuesday 18th June 2002
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Your comparison between a "numpty" type driving a car badly & a guy on a bike in shorts & T doesn't wash Mel. As long as the guy on the bike rides properly, his/her - I'm PC lack of protective gear will only increase the risk to themselves, so why worry about it if they don't?
I don't disagree with the direction of your argument, i.e. they're stupid to do it, but it is a matter of personal choice IMHO & no more.
As far as comparing it to the helmet debate goes, no comparison IMHO. I have come off a bike at I guess 30ish in jeans & a T with no helmet (it was abroad). The cuts on my hands/legs/arse/etc all healed - as did the 4" scar on my forehead, but it's a sobering reminder that if it had been just a little more to the right (& hence my temple) I would probably have snuffed it.


Original Poster:

10,168 posts

281 months

Tuesday 18th June 2002
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Don't get me wrong guys, I'm not saying it should be made illegal to ride in your Y fronts and flip flops, I agree 100% with the right to choose. My point is that although I agree with these rights I still get an irresitable urge to want to shake some sense into muppets pulling wheelies on superbikes wearing speedo's. I can't help it even though I know it's not my concern and nothing to do with me, even though I would support their right to choose, I just want to tell them I think there c**nts.......Maybe I need a holiday or some prozac.


14,055 posts

285 months

Tuesday 18th June 2002
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I wish I could wheelie (in speedos or otherwise). I'm 33 and have only been riding for 6 years I never learnt to ride when I was young and reckless so I can't loft a minger, all I have managed is a few inadvertant mini-hoiks away from the lights that leave me hanging on like an ewok in a storm which even the pizza guys laugh at.

How do I learn without killing myself (and preferably anyone else)? I know it's reckless and socially unacceptable but it looks really kewl.



600 posts

272 months

Tuesday 18th June 2002
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How do I learn without killing myself (and preferably anyone else)? I know it's reckless and socially unacceptable but it looks really kewl.



11,821 posts

290 months

Tuesday 18th June 2002
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When I took my test the instructor imparted this little gem of trivia:

"Bone wears at the rate of 4mm per metre of road"

Needless to say, I ride with 'protection'.

What made me laugh yesterday, was a bloke on an R6 with jeans/t-shirt but wearing armoured gloves?!?!?

What was he going to do if he had a spill, hand-stand down the road!??!


14,055 posts

285 months

Tuesday 18th June 2002
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What made me laugh yesterday, was a bloke on an R6 with jeans/t-shirt but wearing armoured gloves?!?!?
Even in a minor spill it'd be dead easy to render your hands useless for life by simply wearing through the tendons or whatever and you landed on your hands or they dragged down the road and there's sh*t load of stuff you won't be able to do any more without a hand or two. Makes sense to me.


1,947 posts

290 months

Tuesday 18th June 2002
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Yes, but if your hands not connected to anything its still useless

>> Edited by smeagol on Tuesday 18th June 15:35


3,005 posts

290 months

Tuesday 18th June 2002
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those that say they dont care about what other s do; small point, insurance companies that have to pay tonnes in damages, or lost life to next of kin , load up YOUR insurance next year...