And today's commuting highlight is...

And today's commuting highlight is...



6,511 posts

146 months

Thursday 28th July 2016
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308mate said:
It was an oldy but a goody. Multiple sets of nice flat traffic lights then this one which was a set of lights on a right hand bend and reasonably cambered. So I think his left foot went down a couple of inches higher than he was expecting and his right went down a couple of inches lower than he was expecting and the combination of the two caused the big trumpet to get a lean on that he couldn't stop.
Easy to do. I rolled over sideways at a junction in rural Wales once when I didn't notice the road was heavily cambered and when I put my foot down, the road was a few inches further than I thought it would be. Picking up 330kg of Pan European gives you something to think about!


1,836 posts

161 months

Friday 29th July 2016
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The A127 heading away from southend was pretty quiet this morning.

Oh, I also dropped the bike after mounting in a petrol station, the GS is bloody heavy to pick up with a full tank of fuel... well, it's heavy anyway.
Guided it down so no damage done, not what I needed at 6:15 AM spin


2,169 posts

105 months

Friday 29th July 2016
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anybody seen the guy with a moped in London where the M4 turns into the A4 with a cage on the back and a french bulldog in the back?

I was filtering the other day and he was looking at me - it was so distracting as i laughed away in my helmet.


Original Poster:

19,705 posts

206 months

Tuesday 9th August 2016
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Well, it looks like the Southern rail strike is taking it's toll on us bike commuters. I suspect that people who don't usually commute by bike are using theirs this week, and holding everyone else up in the process.

Last night it was someone who plonked himself between the two rows of cars heading for the Blackwall, but was afraid to pass any of them and apparently afraid to move out of the way and let the rest of us through.

This morning was a wobbler who, whilst he did manage to pass some cars, did so at +2mph, and once again didn't quite twig that there were bikes behind him who might have managed a slightly higher average speed.

Back on the 0642 please, chaps!


13,857 posts

200 months

Tuesday 9th August 2016
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Another clear run this morning just enjoying it

Bad accident at Brixton yesterday so the Scarla came into its own.

Anyone spotted the dispatch rider, not sure what bike it is but hes made a fairing out of cardboard and bent it and held with gaffer tape - inspired.


13,857 posts

200 months

Tuesday 9th August 2016
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anonymous said:
Might be the same bloke - does make me chukcle.
Yuck train, heard a few horror stories from the Southern Train Strike already


16,690 posts

179 months

Thursday 11th August 2016
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Todays highlight was watching some lard ass wobbling about on his 65 plate Hardly. The jacket, the chains....oh HD must be rubbing their hands together with this wally

They say Harley is a lifestyle. He obviously hasn't realised he's not much kop at this lifestyle thing


16,690 posts

179 months

Friday 12th August 2016
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Is today International Big Breast day?

It was a very enjoyable ride in today


4,215 posts

234 months

Friday 12th August 2016
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Todays commuting highlight totting up the potential traffic island license points offenses of a L plated scooter youth, I think he passed me around 5 or 6 times on the wrong side of the many islands that litter the highway up to tower hill.
Very likely to ever be caught unless he does it in front of a cop car - only enforcement on that piece of road is done by speed cameras.
Other than that very nice relatively effortless commute into town thanks to the school summer holidays smile

Sea Demon

1,160 posts

216 months

Friday 12th August 2016
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My highlight was the rolling roadblock on the M20/A20 to allow Kent Highways to fill in holes during rush hour, because thats the best time to do it - Im sure a great job was done too laugh

Nice clear bit of road after though biggrin


875 posts

177 months

Monday 15th August 2016
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Today's highlight was surviving the ride in, an unbelievable amount of bad driving on display this morning. I had no less than 4 cars pulling out in front of me onto a main road without looking, only one was near enough to have me take evasive action but they were all within 100ft of me and forced either me or others to stop or slow. I'm not sure what was going on in people's heads today but it surely wasn't the road.


1,901 posts

159 months

Wednesday 17th August 2016
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Today's highlight was when I joined a line of traffic moving at the 40mph speed limit along a local A road. It was early (6am) and there were four cars in front of me.

After a few hundred yards the 2nd car obviously got frustrated at the speed limit pace of the front car (presumably based on the time of the morning and lack of other traffic), pulled out and passed the car in front aggressively and at considerable pace.

The third car in line - a fully marked up police car - then turned on its lights, flagged down 2nd car idiot who hadn't checked his mirrors in at least half a mile or before his maneuver, and presumably proceeded to ruin his day.

Nice to have a highlight to tell everyone about that doesn't involve a SMIDSY or a near death experience!


2,687 posts

185 months

Wednesday 17th August 2016
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This mornings highlight on the way in to work was a wasp sting to the neck.

The horrible, nasty, petty, angry, little b*stards!


Original Poster:

19,705 posts

206 months

Thursday 25th August 2016
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Yesterday evening's was:

Me taking a slip road to leave the motorway. The traffic on the motorway had backed up. I'm halfway past a foreign artic who was in lane 1 when he decided that he could probably get to the channel port quicker if he darted across the solid white lines and hatchings onto the slip road so that he could go across the roundabout and back down. So he did. Abruptly. Whilst I was minding my own business alongside him.

Thanks BMW, for servo-assisting your ABS brakes. Seldom have I felt more like dragging someone out of their cab and ruining international relations by giving him a reverse-Arai tattoo on his forehead.


11,826 posts

164 months

Thursday 25th August 2016
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The old fogey who most certainly did not see me today as he pulled out in front of me.
Having said that a little dude told me he love my green bike.


13,757 posts

225 months

Friday 26th August 2016
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This week's for me was a trail of diesel along the york road that stretched back as far as Wandsworth nearly. Literally pissing out of the back of an Original Tours tour bus which I eventually caught up with just before Vauxhall. If you know anyone who was affected, the plate is LX05GEJ.


139 posts

145 months

Friday 26th August 2016
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This morning, was riding through a quaint village and there's a family stood up ahead, on a bridge overlooking a pond, pointing out various interesting things to their little boy, in the arms of his father (I assume).....

However, while they were all looking and pointing one way, the little boy was fixated on something in the opposite direction... this big, loud, shiny Green monste... MOTORBIKE, approaching then rolling past wink ... sweet moment.


139 posts

145 months

Friday 26th August 2016
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anonymous said:
I actually passed through twice, in a short space of time. He was fixated on both occasions, so I looked out for it coming back through the 2nd time.
Yes I agree. However I'm sure the bike noise was what got his attention initially (over say 'just another car' driving past). Made me smile.


13,857 posts

200 months

Tuesday 30th August 2016
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A guy this morning on a scooter at Elephant and Castle "roundabout"

Shoei Helmet
Thick winter gloves

Then loosing all cred by wearing an immaculate suit, shirt tie

And slip on shoes with "Tassles" arghhhhhhhhhhhhh


139 posts

145 months

Tuesday 30th August 2016
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anonymous said:
I read this and see nothing wrong? confused