And today's commuting highlight is...

And today's commuting highlight is...



848 posts

40 months

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Made the mistake of taking my old CBF500 today instead of the strom.

Stopped off after work at a local bike meet. When I went to leave it cut out on me 25 yards through the meet. Seemed to be ignition related.

Despite me unravelling the front of the loom not one person even asked if I was OK or could help.

Several hours later after convincing myself it was an ignition switch I'd damaged when working on the top yoke I found that the starter relay was FRIED. Fuse almost disintegrated. By this time the AA had finally turned up and between us we managed to work out which wires could be bridged whilst chopping out the relay and then starting it via a screwdriver.....


818 posts

191 months

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What's up with the damned weather?? So far this week I've worn 3 completely different clothing ranges, at this rate I'll need more outfits than J-Lo. Today back to wet weather winter gear, come on it's the 3rd July, wife did warn me I'd curse the Summer when I invested in a new mesh jacket in April.


3,683 posts

198 months

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Weather is rubbish. Was 12c and cloudy on yesterday's London commute. I stupidly went in my summer kit and within 10 miles was regretting it. No rain forecast but it was chucking it down by lunch so had to sit it out until 6pm before the sun came out and it was dry enough to ride home.


2,353 posts

63 months

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Lucky enough to not have a commute any more but every planned trip out at the weekend is marred by weather that's all over the place. Hoping for a trip at the weekend to see a Tricity for the better half.


1,903 posts

159 months

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Bit of a golden commute in this morning. Left a couple of minutes early and while there was traffic I didn't actually put a foot down until the Fulham Cemetery and then not again until the Westway turns into the Marylebone Road after the flyover.

Is anyone else counting the number of times their feet touch on a journey to alleviate the boredom of the commute? I think that 13 today is a new record for me!


3,683 posts

198 months

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Haha. I play that game all the time. Also how far I can ride long distance without feet down. So far my record was home to Brecon in Wales which was 227miles.


1,903 posts

159 months

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HairyMaclary said:
Haha. I play that game all the time. Also how far I can ride long distance without feet down. So far my record was home to Brecon in Wales which was 227miles.

The stupid stuff you do to keep engaged - like trying to time the McDonalds ad on the radio to me passing a physical McDonald's. Twice in a year so far!


1,531 posts

135 months

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HairyMaclary said:
Haha. I play that game all the time. Also how far I can ride long distance without feet down. So far my record was home to Brecon in Wales which was 227miles.
I definitely need a bike with a bigger tank before I can play this game!