And today's commuting highlight is...

And today's commuting highlight is...



4,790 posts

166 months

Monday 22nd January
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Blimey - I'm guessing you were had some armour on the elbow area too? Or did it move?


626 posts

91 months

Monday 22nd January
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TheInternet said:
Blimey - I'm guessing you were had some armour on the elbow area too? Or did it move?
Yes I was wearing decent kit with elbow armour. I don't think it moved. Maybe?? Thinking it through afterwards I guess I had all my weight and that of the bike ultimately falling on my elbow. I tried to stop the bike falling but when I couldn't I suppose when it got beyond a certain point my leg was no longer taking any of the weight. So that's me (90kgs) plus a GS1200 (220kgs??) tipping on to my elbow. Ouch!

Sea Demon

1,160 posts

216 months

Monday 22nd January
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HairyMaclary said:
Anyone braving the commute tomorrow? High winds and rain. Need to be in cental London so it's going to be an exciting one.
Was ok this morning, the wind had died down by the time I left at 6.45 was just a bit wet.


20 posts

16 months

Monday 22nd January
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HairyMaclary said:
Anyone braving the commute tomorrow? High winds and rain. Need to be in cental London so it's going to be an exciting one.
Today was fine, last Friday on my 1 hour commute when it didn’t get above -5 was really not fun.
Dark, icy and bloody freezing.


438 posts

35 months

Monday 22nd January
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Got up early today..usually leave at 5 but as sounded as if it was hammering down and a gale force wind went and put all my waterproofs on and as usually happen by the time I’ve done all that it’s stopped raining and by the time I get to work I’m roasting


1,531 posts

135 months

Monday 22nd January
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Gixer968CS said:
We had strong gusty winds 2 years ago in January which resulted in a rather unconventional bike related injury for me. Coming home from London I did the customary filter to the front of the waiting queue at the traffic lights at the (raised) junction where the M20 exit takes me on to the M25 heading south. Anyway, so there I am in neutral sitting waiting for the lights to change to green and huge gust of wind hit me on the right sight and blew me completely over sideways and crashing down on my left. I have a GS1200 and on that day had the top box on it and I think it just acted as a sail. Once they get passed a certain point, there's no holding them up and it took totally by surprise.

I managed to slow the descent down to the deck so the bike was undamaged but I crashed down on my elbow as I rolled away. Some kind motorists helped me up with the bike and off I rode but as I was riding home I thought "hmmm, that elbow is a bit sore". Didn't think too much of it but the next morning I woke and it REALLY hurt and I knew I'd broken it. Sure enough an X-ray at Pembury Hospital confirmed a rather nasty fracture in the radial head of my elbow joint!!

So there you are, came of my bike and broke my elbow and wasn't even moving at the time. Watch the wind out there fellas!!!
I've been blown over by a top box on my R1100S too. These days I check the wind forecasts to pick panniers or top box if I'm heading over the local mountain passes (special case - Californian winds can be very strong when the sun starts to heat the high desert)


3,683 posts

198 months

Monday 22nd January
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Well done to you guys who braved the elements!

Mine was a pretty uneventful commute. Actually it was way nicer than last week when it was - 4c on the way in.


1,844 posts

121 months

Monday 22nd January
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Anyone else have a pretty pointless commute?

I WFH 2-3 days a week, and on the days I'm in, it's a 10-15 minute drive.
It usually takes me near-enough as long to get my bike out and get into my gear than it does to just drive to the office.

But there's nothing like a ride from Dudley to Wolverhampton to make you feel alive. Mostly because no one around here has a licence or visa, and everyone is a terrorist biggrin

My 10 minute commute has been known to take me on a detour around Shropshire and Bridgnorth on the way home


497 posts

63 months

Tuesday 23rd January
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Sycamore said:
But there's nothing like a ride from Dudley to Wolverhampton to make you feel alive.
A tale as old as time...


394 posts

76 months

Tuesday 23rd January
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Oddly today was much windier coming home - very odd! Lovely ride in this morning though, was lovely and clear most of the way into town and no elephant racing HGVs for a change!


1,949 posts

48 months

Tuesday 23rd January
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DirtyHarley said:
Oddly today was much windier coming home - very odd! Lovely ride in this morning though, was lovely and clear most of the way into town and no elephant racing HGVs for a change!
Another storm rolling in overnight I think, so building up during the afternoon/evening.

Quite a pleasant commute today. Not too cold, not pouring with rain too much, and roads weren't chockablock. I must confess to rather enjoying a ride in more challenging conditions. Just sitting in the saddle like a sack of spuds for 20 miles is dull - but when you have to consciously ride the thing to keep it on the straight and narrow, it's quite enjoyable. Probably helps that with the whole rig being over 1/3 of a tonne with my chubby carcass on it, it doesn't get blown around [i[too[/i] much.


438 posts

35 months

Wednesday 24th January
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Bit windy but very pleasant and not cold at all


8,739 posts

155 months

Wednesday 24th January
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Gixer968CS said:
TheInternet said:
Blimey - I'm guessing you were had some armour on the elbow area too? Or did it move?
Yes I was wearing decent kit with elbow armour. I don't think it moved. Maybe?? Thinking it through afterwards I guess I had all my weight and that of the bike ultimately falling on my elbow. I tried to stop the bike falling but when I couldn't I suppose when it got beyond a certain point my leg was no longer taking any of the weight. So that's me (90kgs) plus a GS1200 (220kgs??) tipping on to my elbow. Ouch!
I know you want to save the bike but ultimately you're better off stepping away if it gets that far. You were very unlucky but it's easy enough to tear/injure something even without bashing it on the ground!

I had it with my VFR, I was wearing lace up boots, lace had come undone and tangled round the footpeg. I stopped and went to put my foot down and couldn't... I managed to free it but by that time it was too late to save ~220Kg of VFR without doing an injury so I just rolled off and away.


328 posts

120 months

Wednesday 24th January
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Fastdruid said:
Gixer968CS said:
TheInternet said:
Blimey - I'm guessing you were had some armour on the elbow area too? Or did it move?
Yes I was wearing decent kit with elbow armour. I don't think it moved. Maybe?? Thinking it through afterwards I guess I had all my weight and that of the bike ultimately falling on my elbow. I tried to stop the bike falling but when I couldn't I suppose when it got beyond a certain point my leg was no longer taking any of the weight. So that's me (90kgs) plus a GS1200 (220kgs??) tipping on to my elbow. Ouch!
I know you want to save the bike but ultimately you're better off stepping away if it gets that far. You were very unlucky but it's easy enough to tear/injure something even without bashing it on the ground!
I slipped pushing my GSXR and tried to keep holding it up. Dropped it anyway and wound up with a nasty meniscus tear in my knee.


818 posts

191 months

Thursday 25th January
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Sat at the lights where Essex Road station is this morning and a fox bold as brass leaps over my front mudguard to get to the other side of the road. It scared the $%£^ out of me as I was just sat there daydreaming. I actually jumped out of my seat, caused much merriment with the two blokes in the van next to me.


3,683 posts

198 months

Thursday 25th January
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Well the cheap winter hack has bitten me in the arse.

Dropped the mp3 to a garage near the office for a MOT today which it passed without advisories so went to pick it up.. Happy days.

Got there and the bloody thing won't start and they were closing 10 mins later so didn't have time to look into it. Immobiliser won't turn off.

fk sakes. Now on a busy commuter train without headphones. It's going to take £30 and nearly 2 hours to get home. I've also got to get the wife to pick me up from the station which she won't be happy about as it's bang in the middle of the kids bedtime routine.

First time in 8 years riding a bike has let me down. I've only had it a couple of weeks and already spent a fair bit to get it through it's MOT.


the cueball

1,221 posts

58 months

Tuesday 13th February
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Mild day today, so jumped on the bike..

Lost count at 16 drivers on their phones...

Gave one of them, a woman that was facetiming, a hell of a shock when she realised a big bike, guy with a HI-viz* and helmet camera was sitting right next to her window looking in.

These people really have no idea what is going on around them.

Apart from that, got to the office 30 minutes faster than normal... all good...

  • just a cheap all weather one, not a Polite one or anything, don't shout at me! hehe


1,903 posts

159 months

Tuesday 13th February
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HairyMaclary said:
Well the cheap winter hack has bitten me in the arse.

Dropped the mp3 to a garage near the office for a MOT today which it passed without advisories so went to pick it up.. Happy days.

Got there and the bloody thing won't start and they were closing 10 mins later so didn't have time to look into it. Immobiliser won't turn off.

fk sakes. Now on a busy commuter train without headphones. It's going to take £30 and nearly 2 hours to get home. I've also got to get the wife to pick me up from the station which she won't be happy about as it's bang in the middle of the kids bedtime routine.

First time in 8 years riding a bike has let me down. I've only had it a couple of weeks and already spent a fair bit to get it through it's MOT.

Any update? Hope it got sorted for you.


3,683 posts

198 months

Tuesday 13th February
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SteelerSE said:
HairyMaclary said:
Well the cheap winter hack has bitten me in the arse.

Dropped the mp3 to a garage near the office for a MOT today which it passed without advisories so went to pick it up.. Happy days.

Got there and the bloody thing won't start and they were closing 10 mins later so didn't have time to look into it. Immobiliser won't turn off.

fk sakes. Now on a busy commuter train without headphones. It's going to take £30 and nearly 2 hours to get home. I've also got to get the wife to pick me up from the station which she won't be happy about as it's bang in the middle of the kids bedtime routine.

First time in 8 years riding a bike has let me down. I've only had it a couple of weeks and already spent a fair bit to get it through it's MOT.

Any update? Hope it got sorted for you.
It's fixed but was a faff, thanks for asking. The immobiliser antenna failed and I got stung for 400 quid. Didn't really have a choice as I'd have had to hire a van in central London to get it home then guess at what was wrong.

Since then I've used it a couple of times to commute. It's an interesting ride, filters and goes well. The speedo is in kph so getting used to that.

The rear brake switch failed and it refused to start yesterday at home. After some digging online I checked a hidden relay under the seat. Not Found it corroded so cleaned it up and it's working again. Have bought a new relay and start button just to be on the safe side.

It really is triggers broom now and I'm gutted my cheap ride is not that cheap anymore. It should be alright for now because of the new bits but I have no trust in the thing. The joys of a sthorse.


1,903 posts

159 months

Wednesday 14th February
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I feel for you - for a commute I just want to get on and go.

On the subject of a commute - I love half-term. Fully ten minutes faster in this morning.