And today's commuting highlight is...

And today's commuting highlight is...



4,215 posts

234 months

Saturday 4th June 2016
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308mate said:
I work directly over the top of that section of road. It only needs another foot and a half on the eastbound carriageway and everyone would be happy. Instead, its a fking nightmare. Not a single thought was given to motorbikes in that design, whilst the cyclists have the equivalent of Bruntingthorpe on the other side of the kerb. tts.
Agreed 100% what a complete cluster ***k.
I've noticed already that a number of car or van drivers will and do move over so it's possible to legally filter carefully past on the left hand side only. But it just needs truck or one of the millions on coaches that use that route in the queue and you're sat like a car waiting, I've also pretty much mastered the legal passing places now to make maximum progress, speed triple perfect for these small opportunities.
I was stuck for around 5 mins the other evening with myself and a bike courier behind a coach, he bailed out after a couple of mins and rode at 90deg left over the curb, across the empty cycle lane and through the city bollards blocking a side street to traffic on the far left. Lol time is money i guess.

I also love the genius of having the coach stop blocking one of the two lanes that start just by the tower of London before the main tower hill junction, overall a crap design to fit in a wide cycle lane.
I mean I can probably make more progress at some parts if I want to illegally pass on the double white lines liberally added to divide the opposite lane but i don't want to do that unlike some of the other scooter riders who seem not to worry about stuff like that.

Edited by sjtscott on Saturday 4th June 10:58


16,690 posts

179 months

Tuesday 7th June 2016
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Todays highlight was, well, a bit dull.

My normal route and all going well, filtering and making progress as usual......that is until I caught 2 biker plods up. Jeez, I nearly ground to a halt. They were filtering, but really bloody slowly. I wouldn't have minded if they were having a sneaky look to catch drivers texting/facebooking, but they weren't.....eyes and head were straight ahead. Going that slowly and filtering at a snails pace behind them I saw 4 naughty people in a couple of hundred yards. I was disappointed to say the least. And frustrated as I hate being blocked and making progress at the speed I like.

As we approached the lights and came to a halt, I noticed the coppers name on his helmet.

It was the same fat that nicked me last year on the same stretch of road.


Original Poster:

19,702 posts

206 months

Tuesday 7th June 2016
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Fleegle said:
As we approached the lights and came to a halt, I noticed the coppers name on his helmet.

It was the same fat that nicked me last year on the same stretch of road.

I reduced my filtering speed a few weeks back for a bike cop, who then proceeded to pull up alongside me with a big grin on his face and exhort me to crack on. However, we were in a temp 30mph roadworks limit, and already doing 32-33, so I didn't feel it appropriate to take him up on his offer.

Today's highlight was a nob in a 64-plate DB9 in 3 lanes of traffic, him in lane 2, RH lane a right-turn filter (Fiveways on the A20). I pulled up on his right (between lanes 2 & 3) but no space to pass him fully. Lights red. He wasn't in any way about to let me in; fair play, his call, but then when the lights went green, he pulled in front of me then dawdled at about 3 mph approaching the green light. Lane 1 chocka so I'm stuck behind him. Got a bit bored after a while so I treated him to a little rendition of the Nautilus, and got flipped the bird in return. He was VERY angry! And bald.

Bet I still got to work before him though.


388 posts

141 months

Tuesday 7th June 2016
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anonymous said:
Was probably trying to hide his illegal number plate from them hehe

I go through that junction every morning, normally no drama but the last 2 days it was quite busy for some reason.


13,757 posts

225 months

Thursday 9th June 2016
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A scooterist on the A3 with TWO go-pros on top of his helmet. One facing forwards, one facing backwards. FFS


16,690 posts

179 months

Thursday 9th June 2016
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308mate said:
A scooterist on the A3 with TWO go-pros on top of his helmet. One facing forwards, one facing backwards. FFS
I think Sid Snot may have got lost biggrin


1,229 posts

146 months

Thursday 9th June 2016
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There's a guy on my commute on a ZZR1400 with full leathers, polite vest, but the thing that really gets me... he has two cameras, one on each side of his helmet both forward facing, with some sort of battery packs for them stuck to the helmet as well. He also has a brake light strip on the back of his lid that's usually blinking completely randomly anyway. I dread to think what's gonna happen when he falls off and his head is bouncing around as all his extras catch.

Anyway, commuting highlight for me was running out of fuel before the light came on and coasting to a stop in the middle of a queue. Flipped to reserve and carried on. I'm learning that the fuel warning light is ste and comes on about 2 or 3 miles after I've already gone to reserve, so it'll be a case of watching the trip instead from now on.


219 posts

181 months

Thursday 9th June 2016
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Since I changed jobs and stopped commuting to central London I barely see any nob-ish behaviour of real merit. I'm starting to feel left out.


13,857 posts

200 months

Thursday 9th June 2016
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Today's highlight was just past Brixon High Street this morning when I hear the rumble of a Ducati coming up fast

The person comes along side me and I did a double take, it was a guy about 4 ft nothing and about 7 stone wet through
wearing what can only be described as shiney 80's clubbing leathers no socks and bright green addidas trainers.

He then proceeded to set off at 100 leptons and go through a gap the size of a fag packet between two cyclists who became very angry and started shaking their fists.
The one time I wish I had a Go Pro on, did make me chuckle.


1,523 posts

150 months

Thursday 9th June 2016
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mitzy said:
Today's highlight was just past Brixon High Street this morning when I hear the rumble of a Ducati coming up fast

The person comes along side me and I did a double take, it was a guy about 4 ft nothing and about 7 stone wet through
wearing what can only be described as shiney 80's clubbing leathers no socks and bright green addidas trainers.

He then proceeded to set off at 100 leptons and go through a gap the size of a fag packet between two cyclists who became very angry and started shaking their fists.
The one time I wish I had a Go Pro on, did make me chuckle.
Fleegle bought a Duc......when did this happen...?

oops, sorry, misread , just seen the 7 stone wet through...

Biker 1

7,772 posts

122 months

Thursday 9th June 2016
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smack said:
An Aussie registered bike around the M25 this morning with s pillion. It looked like they were on some epic bike tour from the state of the bike (in the slow lane so didn't get a good look at what bike it was - might have been a postie bike), and had blue and White reg plates which probably makes it Vic reg
It wasn't those Aussies who've ridden overland specially for the Isle of Man TT??

My commute: errr.... its 5 miles for the scenic route through woodland on a recently (very well) resurfaced B road, with plenty of twisties & only a few cars hehe


13,757 posts

225 months

Friday 17th June 2016
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Yesterday afternoon, dry at work (Monument) and dry at home (Weybridge), fking hailstorm in between. So my textile jacket acted as a huge water catchment area and channeled freezing cold rain straight into my crotch because I was wearing jeans. curse


4,215 posts

234 months

Friday 17th June 2016
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308mate said:
Yesterday afternoon, dry at work (Monument) and dry at home (Weybridge), fking hailstorm in between. So my textile jacket acted as a huge water catchment area and channeled freezing cold rain straight into my crotch because I was wearing jeans. curse
Nice, I've had that before too never a pleasant thing to experience being caught out in the wrong gear.
So this has been real a problem of late in that the weather has been so random I'm needing to continue to wear full boil in the bag goretex textiles on my commute 'just in case' to be honest given temps up to just around 20deg its not that bad with the vents open. Having no huge top box anymore since changing to the speed means I can't just chuck kit in there.
Also currently needing to bring a spare pair of gloves because my summer pair are proper vented ones on the back and really don't work in the rain smile Ironically you only tend to know just how well they are vented when caught out wearing them in the wrong conditions.


13,757 posts

225 months

Saturday 18th June 2016
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The A3 was nothing short of a river yesterday evening. So I got saturated again, despite wearing all my gear in anticipation. The combination of rain lashing it down, Friday night peak hour traffic and no pin lock on my dark visor proved really quite challenging.

Tribal Chestnut

3,001 posts

185 months

Thursday 23rd June 2016
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Well, that was st. In between aqua planing on the M1 and getting a piss wet neck and arse due to the stty design of my Rev'It gear I had a fking great journey.


16,690 posts

179 months

Thursday 23rd June 2016
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Did you have any flooded roads? There was loads on my journey which made it quite interesting

Tribal Chestnut

3,001 posts

185 months

Thursday 23rd June 2016
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Nah, only some moderately deep sections. One of the underlings comes in from Clapham and some roads were flooded (cars 1/2 submerged) down there.

Love riding through water, but not on my commute!


1,900 posts

159 months

Thursday 23rd June 2016
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Lanes were closed off on the way in (A40 and Embankment) but no roads closed. The standing water going through the back roads was nasty though. Very easy to make a mistake there.

And as regards commuting highlights, last night a nob on a Z1 (new one) decided that he wanted to prove that he was the fastest. That's fine - away you go. He then proceeded to filter like he was riding a gold wing and got upset as I went past (and I'm not someone that goes for the tiniest gap).

People are strange.

Renn Sport

2,761 posts

212 months

Thursday 23rd June 2016
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Just reading through these... interesting and entertaining. lol

Love the grumpyness..


1,900 posts

159 months

Friday 24th June 2016
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anonymous said:

Yup that's what I meant.