And today's commuting highlight is...

And today's commuting highlight is...



1,956 posts

139 months

Friday 9th September 2016
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anonymous said:
I've had to ride down past there for the past two weeks after the first week I opted for going through ilford centre as I got the impression that no one can drive on that section of A12.
Took me longer but felt safer.


6,430 posts

278 months

Friday 9th September 2016
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Fleegle said:
E36GUY said:
black-k1 said:
smile and if the bikes behind were sat a little way back then fine, but they were nearly riding up his exhaust pipe. Even from my position, I could see the 2nd and 3rd bikes really wanted to get passed. He must have such a high opinion of how he filters that he felt it essention to impose his approach on everyone else.
Give the guy a break. Fair enough I would have let you past but filtering in motorway traffic is dangerous - it only takes one moron to go "oh look, that lane's moving faster" and swerve without checking. GS man was going at the pace he felt safe at. As do I and I shudder at the speeds some bikers are prepared to filter at frankly.
I'm with K1. If you are a fast filterer, great, but use your mirrors. There is always someone faster
+1 (Fleegle) and +1 (k1)

I fully suspect that GS man wasn't sure where his mirrors are, as being a road warrior he is stubbornly focused on the road ahead. However, he will know where his Touratech catalogue is at all times, as he dreams of the day they release some 1 metre wide panniers he can fit, to allow him to out-haul Eddie Stobart's 38 tonners....

Also, this allows him to transport his packed lunch to the office in total security.

He will then fit a flask in the second pannier.

No point in overloading these things, as that would be dangerous.


4,470 posts

213 months

Friday 9th September 2016
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Looks like this thread needs some car driver trolling biggrin

Any of you bikers guilty of riding close to or on the centre line on a 2 lane carriageway, without realising there may be a car behind you trying to get past and you are blocking their progress?
Bikes aren't always the fastest thing on the road you know biggrin

The other pet peeve is bikes overtaking you and then diving in front of you with centimetres to spare as there is a traffic island ahead, forcing you to brake to avoid rear ending the biker.

As for overtaking without checking mirrors and indicating, which seems to be the main gripe here directed towards car drivers, well bikers aren't exactly immune to that either...


7,826 posts

256 months

Friday 9th September 2016
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Mr_Tickle said:
Agreed, no excuse for not having a quick glance in your mirrors and getting out the way.
People need to be a bit more considerate to each other regardless of transport vehicle and half the commuting problems would disappear.


1,904 posts

159 months

Friday 9th September 2016
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Dakkon said:
People need to be a bit more considerate to each other regardless of transport vehicle and half the commuting problems would disappear.
+1 (well + about a million but I only get one vote)

Tribal Chestnut

3,001 posts

185 months

Friday 9th September 2016
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E36GUY said:
black-k1 said:
smile and if the bikes behind were sat a little way back then fine, but they were nearly riding up his exhaust pipe. Even from my position, I could see the 2nd and 3rd bikes really wanted to get passed. He must have such a high opinion of how he filters that he felt it essention to impose his approach on everyone else.
Give the guy a break. Fair enough I would have let you past but filtering in motorway traffic is dangerous - it only takes one moron to go "oh look, that lane's moving faster" and swerve without checking. GS man was going at the pace he felt safe at. As do I and I shudder at the speeds some bikers are prepared to filter at frankly.
I doubt I'd have much sympathy for him either. If you can't ride, get off the bike and into a car. That way everyone's happy.

Used to encounter this a fair bit on the M25, but most would tuck in to let you pass. I'm not keen on using the gap between other lanes as motorists are less likely to be looking for you and have a tendency to wander into your path to make space for a bike to their right, got to be done sometimes though, just with extra caution.

I have less of a problem in London though as I prefer to get in and then leave early, avoiding most other tosspots. Got stuck leaving at 1800 the other day though and travelling across Hyde Park was sat behind a wobbling, paddling bell end on a scooter. Another scooter directly behind him was able to nip past using parking bays to the near side. tt still didn't move when a gap to his left opened up so i used it to pass. Seriously, if you're only capable of riding like that, just fk-off.

BTW E36 the above isn't aimed at you.


5,906 posts

221 months

Tuesday 13th September 2016
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Today's commuting highlight.

A snapped chain mad

Biker 1

7,775 posts

122 months

Tuesday 13th September 2016
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Decided to take the scenic route due to amazing weather! This involved going through a ford which was much deeper than anticipated. Now my nice shiny bike is covered in st furious


2,169 posts

105 months

Tuesday 13th September 2016
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E36GUY said:
Today's commuting highlight.

A snapped chain mad
Oh dear. Much damage? Did it snap at speed?


1,747 posts

230 months

Tuesday 13th September 2016
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Today's highlight: I was sitting stationary at the lights between the bonnets of two Uber/minicab drivers (2 lanes), when the one on the right decides he really wants to go left and ran over my foot with the back wheel of his Mercedes as the lights went green and he was off! The Daytonas aren't even scuffed and it didn't particularly hurt but was quite surprising.

I was probably a bit too close to his car but still!


12,034 posts

232 months

Tuesday 13th September 2016
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Mosdef said:
Today's highlight: I was sitting stationary at the lights between the bonnets of two Uber/minicab drivers (2 lanes), when the one on the right decides he really wants to go left and ran over my foot with the back wheel of his Mercedes as the lights went green and he was off! The Daytonas aren't even scuffed and it didn't particularly hurt but was quite surprising.

I was probably a bit too close to his car but still!
I’m glad to hear your foot is OK. I must admit I don’t like filtering to a point where I’m between two vehicles but I’m not ahead of them (even if it’s only just ahead). I like them to fully understand that if their direction of travel is across mine, they’ll need to go behind me. If I can’t get slightly in front then I hang back behind them so that they can go where they want without “pushing me” with them.


346 posts

102 months

Tuesday 13th September 2016
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My highlight today was for the first time in a week no one tried to kill me or act like I didn't exist. It was quite refreshing. Let's hope it continues and the last week was just the half asleep school commuters readjusting to life on the road.


1,747 posts

230 months

Tuesday 13th September 2016
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black-k1 said:
I’m glad to hear your foot is OK. I must admit I don’t like filtering to a point where I’m between two vehicles but I’m not ahead of them (even if it’s only just ahead). I like them to fully understand that if their direction of travel is across mine, they’ll need to go behind me. If I can’t get slightly in front then I hang back behind them so that they can go where they want without “pushing me” with them.
It was definitely my fault and I could perhaps criticise his lack of awareness but I shouldn't have been positioned where I was and I was impatient - lesson learned.

A couple of my toes have gone blue and I can't remember whether they were that wonky beforehand but being big and tough, I'll survive!


7,826 posts

256 months

Tuesday 13th September 2016
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Mosdef said:
black-k1 said:
I’m glad to hear your foot is OK. I must admit I don’t like filtering to a point where I’m between two vehicles but I’m not ahead of them (even if it’s only just ahead). I like them to fully understand that if their direction of travel is across mine, they’ll need to go behind me. If I can’t get slightly in front then I hang back behind them so that they can go where they want without “pushing me” with them.
It was definitely my fault and I could perhaps criticise his lack of awareness but I shouldn't have been positioned where I was and I was impatient - lesson learned.

A couple of my toes have gone blue and I can't remember whether they were that wonky beforehand but being big and tough, I'll survive!
Chicks dig scars wink


1,747 posts

230 months

Tuesday 13th September 2016
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Dakkon said:
Chicks dig scars wink
Even when they're psychological?!


13,857 posts

200 months

Tuesday 13th September 2016
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The cabby who saw me but still swung his back bab in front of me so I had to slow down
He gave me the finger so he got a five knuckle shuffle
And the Japeneese tourist who decided to walk over the crossing at the Highway near tower bridge on a green light oblivious to the oncoming traffic and me
You fking retard.

but did see a lovely black R1 with full Akra this morning , so that made me smile

Scorchio !!!


4,215 posts

234 months

Tuesday 13th September 2016
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Laughing at the Kwak z800 chavy blinged thing up with super fluro green screen ear splitting loud AR can, small plate and cap hanging off the waist of his jeans this morning. This hero riding with zero proper gear and huge chicken strips on the rear tyre absolutely had to pass every other two wheeled vehicle and treated certain red lights as optional - he also had very limited filtering skills. I might have baited him a little when my bike left him for dead off the line without even trying off one set of lights wink He was really trying his best to stay ahead of me and I wasn't trying, I always ride with a substantial safety margin I'm comfortable with in London - I just let him go eventually when I'd had enough fun as it was clear he'd be running out of talent quickly - also was clear when the road cleared out his speedo didn't work either. LOL
Sometimes the morning commute can be fun - I also know he'll disappear from the road in just over a month of so when it starts getting cold again.

Biker 1

7,775 posts

122 months

Tuesday 13th September 2016
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sjtscott said:
I also know he'll disappear from the road in just over a month of so when it starts getting cold again.
Or he falls off....


388 posts

141 months

Tuesday 13th September 2016
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sjtscott said:
Laughing at the Kwak z800 chavy blinged thing up with super fluro green screen ear splitting loud AR can, small plate and cap hanging off the waist of his jeans this morning. This hero riding with zero proper gear and huge chicken strips on the rear tyre absolutely had to pass every other two wheeled vehicle and treated certain red lights as optional - he also had very limited filtering skills. I might have baited him a little when my bike left him for dead off the line without even trying off one set of lights wink He was really trying his best to stay ahead of me and I wasn't trying, I always ride with a substantial safety margin I'm comfortable with in London - I just let him go eventually when I'd had enough fun as it was clear he'd be running out of talent quickly - also was clear when the road cleared out his speedo didn't work either. LOL
Sometimes the morning commute can be fun - I also know he'll disappear from the road in just over a month of so when it starts getting cold again.
16 plate?

think i saw the same guy pottling around london bridge/southwark at lunch time. looked wobbly as fk biglaugh


5,906 posts

221 months

Tuesday 13th September 2016
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supercommuter said:
Oh dear. Much damage? Did it snap at speed?
Thankfully no and no. Literally went as I pulled away from home and just dropped out onto the road.

Had a very pleasent couple of hours doing my emails in the garden waiting for the AA recovery man to arrive. Delivered to A&M in Letchworth who very kindly got a new chain fitted straightaway so I'm mobile again.

Must get a Scottoiler!