And today's commuting highlight is...

And today's commuting highlight is...



Original Poster:

19,706 posts

206 months

Wednesday 7th September 2016
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Dakkon said:
You need to man up wink
I swear the bloody thing was about 20ft long and 8ft wide. Even Range Rovers and tipper trucks were swerving out of it's way. biggrin


16,691 posts

179 months

Wednesday 7th September 2016
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I see the summer holidays are over. The commute was swarming with fking useless out of practice scooter wkers this morning


Original Poster:

19,706 posts

206 months

Wednesday 7th September 2016
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anonymous said:
No, it was actually the Honda which I showed earlier. It's the 1800 Goldwing but with all the armrests/backrests/screens etc stripped off. I did have to catch up with him to check. It was like something out of a Batman movie.


1,230 posts

146 months

Wednesday 7th September 2016
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I was stuck behind an Electra Glide trying to filter this morning. Didn't see me for a good half a mile despite having the mirrors off an artic.

My "highlight" was feeling a sharp sting on the inside of my jeans and realising a mosquito had tucked into my thigh. Cue me pulling over, unzipping and shaking my half-off trousers at the side of the road like a mad man. Then once I was back on my way, all I had stuck in my head was this:

TT Tim

4,162 posts

250 months

Wednesday 7th September 2016
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CAPP0 said:
anonymous said:
No, it was actually the Honda which I showed earlier. It's the 1800 Goldwing but with all the armrests/backrests/screens etc stripped off. I did have to catch up with him to check. It was like something out of a Batman movie.
I've seen both of them on my journeys.

The Victory thing in New Cross and the Honda on Old Kent Road.

The Honda is weird from behind, it's just so LOW!


13,857 posts

200 months

Wednesday 7th September 2016
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F ing cyclists this morning.
Some stupid fking bird thinking it was ok to try to get past me from the inside near my front wheel
Then some bell end who was wafting around and oh I know, I now turn right ......... tt !



Original Poster:

19,706 posts

206 months

Wednesday 7th September 2016
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TT Tim said:
I've seen both of them on my journeys.

The Victory thing in New Cross and the Honda on Old Kent Road.

The Honda is weird from behind, it's just so LOW!

That's the badger! Maybe same guy, I followed him up to Cliftons r/b but didn't see where he went next.


1,281 posts

228 months

Wednesday 7th September 2016
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Some people are just bizarre.
Monday morning, A3 where it narrows to two lanes for the Robin Hood roundabout and I am going to go past on the outside.

Plenty of room, traffic flowing okay at 20ish and an elderly gent in an elderly Lexus decides he doesn't want to let me past, moves more towards the right so I slow down thinking he's still going to merge left in a moment. He begins to do so and I begin to go past him on the outside again and he swerves towards me as I'm alongside, not much but a threatening move. I've got plenty of space so wiggle to the right a bit more and swerves towards me again as I pass his front. Meanwhile he's looking rigidly ahead, clenched jaw posture etc.
I mean why? I didn't approach quickly, I didn't come close. Just an old dhead I guess.


2,689 posts

185 months

Wednesday 7th September 2016
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Followed a car this morning which had some sort of poodle type dog in the back, a big brown fluffy thing it was and had it's head happily hanging out the drivers window as it went down the road.

That was until it saw / heard me come up behind the car (we were doing approx 35mph at the time)

The dog jumped in to the back seat and began a staring out contest with me, that was until I drew a little closer to the car, at which point you could see it let out a bark. I rolled off and dropped back ever so slightly again and the staring out contest got back on track .... until I drew a little closer to the car .... etc.

Now normally when this kind of thing happens I either pass the car if I can, or drop back a little bit. I don't really want the dog to be going mental in the car and annoying the driver.

However you could clearly see that both the driver and passenger were amused by the dogs reactions, (turning around, laughing at it etc ...) So this time I spent the next 2 miles sat behind the car, rolling on and rolling off the throttle while this dopey bundle of brown fluff alternated between barking and giving me the thousand yard stare.

A welcome change from the usual SMIDSY's that populate our roads at 7.30am.


4,215 posts

234 months

Wednesday 7th September 2016
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Fleegle said:
I see the summer holidays are over. The commute was swarming with fking useless out of practice scooter wkers this morning
check! I'd expand that beyond scooter to some really p*ss poor bike riding too. ER6Fs are really super wide GT bikes right?

Edited by sjtscott on Wednesday 7th September 16:44


4,215 posts

234 months

Wednesday 7th September 2016
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CAPP0 said:
Dakkon said:
You need to man up wink
I swear the bloody thing was about 20ft long and 8ft wide. Even Range Rovers and tipper trucks were swerving out of it's way. biggrin
Triumph Trophys are a sight to behold.. some guy randomly shows up in my office bike parking with one.. it take TWO whole normal bike spaces! There was me thinking Euan and Charlies GSs fully boxed up were tanks!


1,903 posts

159 months

Thursday 8th September 2016
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Cyclists. fking red light jumping cyclists. They've built an entire bloody section of road for them at the gods only know what cost and the stupid MAMILs still insist on causing problems for other road users and ignoring red lights.


7,826 posts

256 months

Thursday 8th September 2016
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SteelerSE said:
Cyclists. fking red light jumping cyclists. They've built an entire bloody section of road for them at the gods only know what cost and the stupid MAMILs still insist on causing problems for other road users and ignoring red lights.
I think it is the massive double standards that really grates, they want people to pass giving more then 3ft of room, they want the safe consideration as other road users, yet they flaunt the rules of the road as and when it suits them because they are untouchable, with no number plate they cannot be traced. Don't get me started on riding two abreast....grrrrr


12,030 posts

232 months

Friday 9th September 2016
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Traffic at a crawl on the southbound M11 before Harlow this morning (much more so than usual). I filter up between lanes 2 and 3 and catch a group of 7 bikes stuck behind a GS going at a snail’s pace between the two lanes. The GS completely ignores the large bunch of headlights behind him and sticks diligently to the position between the two lanes not letting anything passed. frown After about a hundred yards I nip across to between lanes 1 and 2, filter up about 15 cars worth and well past the GS, before pulling back into the gap between lanes 2 and 3 for a clear filtering run up to the accident just before the M25 junction. Then reasonably clear road all the way to the North Circular. biggrin

If you’re filtering and 1 or more bikes catch you up, pull over, let them passed and then resume. It’s not rocket science!!! teacher


6,511 posts

146 months

Friday 9th September 2016
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^ I often like to filter behind other bikes as it makes my own filtering easier. Carry on, GS wink

Edited by creampuff on Friday 9th September 14:18


12,030 posts

232 months

Friday 9th September 2016
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creampuff said:
^ I often like to filter behind other bikes as it makes my own filtering easier. Carr on, GS wink
smile and if the bikes behind were sat a little way back then fine, but they were nearly riding up his exhaust pipe. Even from my position, I could see the 2nd and 3rd bikes really wanted to get passed. He must have such a high opinion of how he filters that he felt it essention to impose his approach on everyone else.


5,906 posts

221 months

Friday 9th September 2016
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black-k1 said:
smile and if the bikes behind were sat a little way back then fine, but they were nearly riding up his exhaust pipe. Even from my position, I could see the 2nd and 3rd bikes really wanted to get passed. He must have such a high opinion of how he filters that he felt it essention to impose his approach on everyone else.
Give the guy a break. Fair enough I would have let you past but filtering in motorway traffic is dangerous - it only takes one moron to go "oh look, that lane's moving faster" and swerve without checking. GS man was going at the pace he felt safe at. As do I and I shudder at the speeds some bikers are prepared to filter at frankly.


12,030 posts

232 months

Friday 9th September 2016
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E36GUY said:
black-k1 said:
smile and if the bikes behind were sat a little way back then fine, but they were nearly riding up his exhaust pipe. Even from my position, I could see the 2nd and 3rd bikes really wanted to get passed. He must have such a high opinion of how he filters that he felt it essention to impose his approach on everyone else.
Give the guy a break. Fair enough I would have let you past but filtering in motorway traffic is dangerous - it only takes one moron to go "oh look, that lane's moving faster" and swerve without checking. GS man was going at the pace he felt safe at. As do I and I shudder at the speeds some bikers are prepared to filter at frankly.
There were a number of opportunities for him to safely pull over that I saw, and he chose not to. I’m not sure being stubbornly inconsiderate and holding up a group of road users who felt they could safely go faster was adding to the overall safety of the situation! I assume he was living by the mantra that "Anybody driving slower than me is an idiot, and anyone going faster than me is a maniac".


16,691 posts

179 months

Friday 9th September 2016
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E36GUY said:
black-k1 said:
smile and if the bikes behind were sat a little way back then fine, but they were nearly riding up his exhaust pipe. Even from my position, I could see the 2nd and 3rd bikes really wanted to get passed. He must have such a high opinion of how he filters that he felt it essention to impose his approach on everyone else.
Give the guy a break. Fair enough I would have let you past but filtering in motorway traffic is dangerous - it only takes one moron to go "oh look, that lane's moving faster" and swerve without checking. GS man was going at the pace he felt safe at. As do I and I shudder at the speeds some bikers are prepared to filter at frankly.
I'm with K1. If you are a fast filterer, great, but use your mirrors. There is always someone faster


219 posts

181 months

Friday 9th September 2016
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Agreed, no excuse for not having a quick glance in your mirrors and getting out the way.