535D M SPORT??
I have a dilema. I have a griff 500 as my weekend toy and I need a new A to B (leased) car. Its going to be a 5 series but I don't know which one. I am in two minds over the 530D M sport or the 535D M sport. I'm reluctant to pay more for the 535 is the difference between them that much? Jon
Forget the older M3 I've eaten many E46 M3's for breakfast (on the way to work)- check this out if you don't believe me (non DMS's 535d): Look at No 56 and No 59

Edited by 535dman on Tuesday 8th May 16:19
I've got one, and it's fantastic. Does everything that you could want. Feels like my old E39 M5 in the way it delivers grunt, and is an awesome everyday car.
I've done a few hundred miles in mine today and it's effortless, and returning high-30's to the gallon. Can't fault that.
Try both, but I guess you'll prefer being blown by twins after a test drive!
I've got one, and it's fantastic. Does everything that you could want. Feels like my old E39 M5 in the way it delivers grunt, and is an awesome everyday car.

I've done a few hundred miles in mine today and it's effortless, and returning high-30's to the gallon. Can't fault that.
Try both, but I guess you'll prefer being blown by twins after a test drive!

Ive had both 530d (manual) and 535d sport both remapped and for what its worth I had the 530d for 2 years and the 535d for 2 months.
the 530d was a manual and would do 48mpg on a run and in two years other than towing, it rarely dropped below 38 mpg, was rolling roaded at just under 270bhp. to date the best all round car Ive owned.
the 535d was auto (as all are) and would struggle to do 35mpg had dms remap.
had them both at the same time and side by side the 530d was quicker to 100mph, a lot to do with the manual box I reckon. after 100 the twin turbo was quicker but not a lot and not enough to justify the extra fuel it troffed !
now have a 335d M sport and thats quicker in standard form than the mapped 535d .. 335d gets remapped on Friday and I cant wait !!!
the 530d was a manual and would do 48mpg on a run and in two years other than towing, it rarely dropped below 38 mpg, was rolling roaded at just under 270bhp. to date the best all round car Ive owned.
the 535d was auto (as all are) and would struggle to do 35mpg had dms remap.
had them both at the same time and side by side the 530d was quicker to 100mph, a lot to do with the manual box I reckon. after 100 the twin turbo was quicker but not a lot and not enough to justify the extra fuel it troffed !
now have a 335d M sport and thats quicker in standard form than the mapped 535d .. 335d gets remapped on Friday and I cant wait !!!
have a go against a one with a manual box. I short shifted and used the torque.. the auto revs right round reduces the power at the top and again when it changes gear for a smoother gear change..Its a shame they never made a manual 535d or better still a 335d it would be fantastic but as i know from my 530d the clutch doesnt cope very well with 270bhp :-(
A friend of mine bought a 56 plate Auto 530D M Sport reciently, ex BMW director's car with just under 10K on the clock, for £26K (not including a £5K trade in for his old 3 series). We drove down to collect the car from Scotch Corner and spoke to the salesman for a while. His personal view was that the extra cash for the 535D wasn't really justifiable - he'd owned both cars, and believed the 530D to be better value for money - i think he said you could get it chipped/re-mapped for less than the difference of cost between the two cars.
Fuel consumption on the 530D is astonishing - 1/4 tank from Dublin to Glasgow last week, and that wasn't taking it easy.
Fuel consumption on the 530D is astonishing - 1/4 tank from Dublin to Glasgow last week, and that wasn't taking it easy.
AGAR - the answer to your salesmans question will come at resale time. 530d sales are 90% company cars with a mere 10% of pvt sales - and 535d's are probably 95% private sales due to the tax factor. After 3 years anyone would loose less money on the 535d than on the 530d so there is a BIIG difference here - not to mention the extra tons of torque available. I have a few mates with 530'd autos and our fuel economy's arn't that far out from each other. In fact on a longer trip I have sometimes bettered their economy figures!
And talking about chipping a 530d - you won't believe what the 535d comes after a chip
Coming to the end - the 530d and 535d cannot be compared - if there was a comparison BMW would have never bothered with the twin turbo's!
And talking about chipping a 530d - you won't believe what the 535d comes after a chip

Coming to the end - the 530d and 535d cannot be compared - if there was a comparison BMW would have never bothered with the twin turbo's!
535dman said:
AGAR - the answer to your salesmans question will come at resale time. 530d sales are 90% company cars with a mere 10% of pvt sales - and 535d's are probably 95% private sales due to the tax factor. After 3 years anyone would loose less money on the 535d than on the 530d so there is a BIIG difference here - not to mention the extra tons of torque available. I have a few mates with 530'd autos and our fuel economy's arn't that far out from each other. In fact on a longer trip I have sometimes bettered their economy figures!
And talking about chipping a 530d - you won't believe what the 535d comes after a chip
Coming to the end - the 530d and 535d cannot be compared - if there was a comparison BMW would have never bothered with the twin turbo's!
Tis true
And talking about chipping a 530d - you won't believe what the 535d comes after a chip

Coming to the end - the 530d and 535d cannot be compared - if there was a comparison BMW would have never bothered with the twin turbo's!
Tis true
Speaking as a private buyer (ok, looking at 3 series rather than 5). The 335d is not as attractive as the 330d. I'd say the same with the 5.
The manual allows for far better fuel ecconomy and when you come to sell on, to a private buyer, that kind of thing matters when there isnt a company fuel card in the wallet.
The manual allows for far better fuel ecconomy and when you come to sell on, to a private buyer, that kind of thing matters when there isnt a company fuel card in the wallet.
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