Help please...

Help please...


Luvvly Linda

Original Poster:

119 posts

254 months

Tuesday 1st May 2007
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Can anyone suggest where I might get an aircon fan (or just the motor) for my M3 evo conv please (cheaper than main dealer).


2,064 posts

219 months

Tuesday 1st May 2007
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1,199 posts

262 months

Thursday 3rd May 2007
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or try europarts


6,948 posts

218 months

Thursday 3rd May 2007
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Try a breakers yard, probably gt one there for next to nothing!


16,526 posts

220 months

Friday 4th May 2007
quotequote all
Explain the exact symptoms - it might not be a fan that you need. Tell me what's wrong and I reckon I have a 95% chance of telling you what to do to fix it.