Morego BMW Remap - 2.5ltr

Morego BMW Remap - 2.5ltr



Original Poster:

627 posts

259 months

Tuesday 1st May 2007
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I have a 2.5se Z4 and would like ot get a bit more poke from it.

I have heard of "Star Chips (morego)" and they are local and they can increase it by c. 12bhp plus 4bhp with a new air filter - has anyone had this done and has it made any difference, or would i just be better of saving an extra £3k and trading uo for a 3ltr next summer?



42,680 posts

275 months

Tuesday 1st May 2007
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If you want it done I can get you a discount at E-maps, and they will come to you.


13,269 posts

280 months

Tuesday 1st May 2007
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markizok said:
I have a 2.5se Z4 and would like ot get a bit more poke from it.

I have heard of "Star Chips (morego)" and they are local and they can increase it by c. 12bhp plus 4bhp with a new air filter - has anyone had this done and has it made any difference, or would i just be better of saving an extra £3k and trading uo for a 3ltr next summer?


find one who will chip it and let you try

imho there isnt much obvious benefit on non turbo cars, had a 328i chipped a few yrs back and couldnt tell any difference


Original Poster:

627 posts

259 months

Tuesday 1st May 2007
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Cheers for the responses guys - i will take a look at emap and will let you know!

So i guess getting a turbo is out of the question?


3,298 posts

230 months

Thursday 3rd May 2007
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Have you thought about supercharging? Costs around £4.5K I believe.


Original Poster:

627 posts

259 months

Thursday 3rd May 2007
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Tad expensive for me - would however be fantastic im sure!


2,625 posts

252 months

Thursday 3rd May 2007
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My 3.0 Z4 is supercharged and I can assure you it's worth every penny, M3 beater without any questions. For a while I messed around with exhausts etc which for a Milltek cost £1000 for 4.5bhp, so for £ hp supercharging is def the best option, or of course trade it in for a 3.0.

Like others have said, you get very small increase, maybe 10bhp, not sure you'd even notice.



4,285 posts

218 months

Thursday 3rd May 2007
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I have the 2.5 litre e46 coupe and it runs 202hp and 195.5lb ft of torque on a superchip, pre superchip it was 200.3hp and 184lb ft of torque. Is it worth it? Just about, you can feel the extra torque lower down.


11,798 posts

265 months

Thursday 3rd May 2007
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daveco said:
I have the 2.5 litre e46 coupe and it runs 202hp and 195.5lb ft of torque on a superchip, pre superchip it was 200.3hp and 184lb ft of torque. Is it worth it? Just about, you can feel the extra torque lower down.

2Bhp gain? - easier to lay of the pies for a while. 10ft-lb of torque is buttons too.