Supercharger Advice.....
Who cares whether it can, or whether it can't. What difference does it make so long as the conversion work.
Please don't say that an important part of the forced induction conversion is the P-Tssssh noise that a dump valve make? These do nothing on supercharged cars, especially low boost road conversion of normally aspirated cars.
A blow off valve and dump valve are not the same thing too.
Please don't say that an important part of the forced induction conversion is the P-Tssssh noise that a dump valve make? These do nothing on supercharged cars, especially low boost road conversion of normally aspirated cars.
A blow off valve and dump valve are not the same thing too.
I've got a centrifugal blower on my Z and no blow off valve, in fact the 5 supercharged Z's I know in the UK don't, but yes you can is the simple answer.
The 330 E46 would benefit from an ESS TX-2 conversion. Have a look at Graham's Z4 3.0 engined car in this forum for more details. There's also a guy at Simpson Motorsport who's got a boosted Z4 3.0 (all M54 engines), which has been around for a year or so.
The 330 E46 would benefit from an ESS TX-2 conversion. Have a look at Graham's Z4 3.0 engined car in this forum for more details. There's also a guy at Simpson Motorsport who's got a boosted Z4 3.0 (all M54 engines), which has been around for a year or so.
GreenV8S said:
StuB said:
I've got a centrifugal blower on my Z and no blow off valve,
Is the throttle downstream of the blower? What happens when you are running with the throttle closed, does the blower just stall?
Err, yes, throttle downstream of the blower and errr, dunno, but presume pressure may bleed away somewhere other (back to inlet?) than to atmosphere, whithout a 'pfisshhhh'. I could spend hours trawling the ESS website, or you could

StuB said:
GreenV8S said:
StuB said:
I've got a centrifugal blower on my Z and no blow off valve,
Is the throttle downstream of the blower? What happens when you are running with the throttle closed, does the blower just stall?
Err, yes, throttle downstream of the blower and errr, dunno, but presume pressure may bleed away somewhere other (back to inlet?) than to atmosphere, whithout a 'pfisshhhh'. I could spend hours trawling the ESS website, or you could

Oh bloody hell, now you've got me looking on there - two choices for me I would say - 4.5k for a charger, or even cooler - 3/4k for a fitted used E46 M3 engine

Damn you lot.
Edited by Neil_Bolton on Friday 27th April 14:30
I found out the supercharger uses a by pass valve and the unused pressure is directed back in the inlet and reused. So a bov can be used. whats the difference between a dump valve and a blow off valve then??? I dont think there is much difference. Actually I think its the same thing.
philchunghk said:
I found out the supercharger uses a by pass valve and the unused pressure is directed back in the inlet and reused. So a bov can be used. whats the difference between a dump valve and a blow off valve then??? I dont think there is much difference. Actually I think its the same thing.
Sounds like bLow off valve's dump to atmosphere.
StuB said:
philchunghk said:
I found out the supercharger uses a by pass valve and the unused pressure is directed back in the inlet and reused. So a bov can be used. whats the difference between a dump valve and a blow off valve then??? I dont think there is much difference. Actually I think its the same thing.
Sounds like bLow off valve's dump to atmosphere.
nope. BOV=DV
And to the original poster, save yourself thousands of £s...

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