E39 540i brake upgrade advice
Rightly or wrongly I did a Bedford track evening in my 540i last year and really enjoyed it. With much cooling/resting the OEM brakes just lasted.
Now it's time to do the fluid and I may as well upgrade at the same time and do 1 or 2 similar evenings this year.
I will put on braided hoses.
What fluid should I get? Is DOT 5.1 OK or do I need to get one of those evil expensive DOT4/600 ones?
Discs are Brembo (OEM replacement) and pads are OEM. For the little use they'll get would you recommend sticking with OEM or changing? I was thinking maybe EBC Yellow Stuff pads as they are supposed to work from cold (according to EBC
) or Axxis Ultimate.
All comments gratefully received apart from those pointing out the folly of tracking 1800kg of estate car - I'm fully aware of that
Now it's time to do the fluid and I may as well upgrade at the same time and do 1 or 2 similar evenings this year.
I will put on braided hoses.
What fluid should I get? Is DOT 5.1 OK or do I need to get one of those evil expensive DOT4/600 ones?
Discs are Brembo (OEM replacement) and pads are OEM. For the little use they'll get would you recommend sticking with OEM or changing? I was thinking maybe EBC Yellow Stuff pads as they are supposed to work from cold (according to EBC

All comments gratefully received apart from those pointing out the folly of tracking 1800kg of estate car - I'm fully aware of that

Hmm how much fast road work do you do beyond commuting and would you like to do more trackwork? The E39 brakes are not very good and many M5 owners have changed to AP, Wilwood, Stop-Tec or Mov'it kits. The question is how much do you wish to spend on pads and disks / hoses etc and how often will you track the car? Once or twice a year just renew the brake fluid, more often I would look at a new brake kit.
Be interested to see the responses to this - I've been invited to a North Weald activity day in July and it's inevitable I'll be taking my newly acquired 540i Touring.
Most intrigued as to how well they fare on track, particularly with the auto box. Presuming you are the same Retset from bmw5.co.uk (whose many threads I perused before buying my car last week), your car would be an auto as well. Do you mainly use the Steptronic to change gear?
Most intrigued as to how well they fare on track, particularly with the auto box. Presuming you are the same Retset from bmw5.co.uk (whose many threads I perused before buying my car last week), your car would be an auto as well. Do you mainly use the Steptronic to change gear?
SJobson - yes I am
It is an auto and for any spirited driving I always use the steptronic. I have 'reversed' the lever action so that forwards is down a gear (like later BMW's or sequential change race cars). I find it totally instinctive and it's great on the road as well as the once it went on the track. Don't track it in D/S or you'll be miserable!!
Belleair302: I've had a look round and the SRF is about £35 a litre!! I've done some more searching and Motul RBF 600 seems well regarded and is a DOT 4 which therefore means it's recommended for for my car. I'll see if my indy needs 1 or 1.5 ltrs and get some ordered. It's still pricey at about £24/ltr.
So ... what about that brake pad can of worms :

Belleair302: I've had a look round and the SRF is about £35 a litre!! I've done some more searching and Motul RBF 600 seems well regarded and is a DOT 4 which therefore means it's recommended for for my car. I'll see if my indy needs 1 or 1.5 ltrs and get some ordered. It's still pricey at about £24/ltr.
So ... what about that brake pad can of worms :

Hose's will do nothing for brake longevity on a trackday. They may improve brake feel slightly but I personally feel they are a waste of time on a road car. They also should be inspected regularly as they are not designed for multiple mile use without being checked over. Fluid and pads will net you the best improvment. There are many pad choices, for me I would look at pads from hawk - but this is becuase I use them in race cars and find them to be excellent. There are many alternatives from decent named companies - just do not use the junk from EBC.
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