new X5


thierry henry

Original Poster:

109 posts

252 months

Thursday 19th April 2007
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anyone got a delivery date yet?

Dean Phillips

115 posts

237 months

Thursday 19th April 2007
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28th April is the official launch date. No cars will be supplied before.
I take delivery 1st May........hopefully!


4,521 posts

262 months

Thursday 19th April 2007
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I may have a Black one you can have at launch! and I have one for delivery in July/August.
They are SE's with Dynamic packs, M Sport models are next year or later this year if it's already on order!


2,064 posts

219 months

Thursday 19th April 2007
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Had one delivered today, must say I like it. Not sure about the black plastic lower bumpers though, sure this will change.

thierry henry

Original Poster:

109 posts

252 months

Thursday 19th April 2007
quotequote all
m3evo2, can you get any pictures of it?


2,064 posts

219 months

Thursday 19th April 2007
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I'll see what I can do. It's not prep'd, straight off the transporter this morning.


4,521 posts

262 months

Friday 20th April 2007
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Pop in to your local dealer, they will have theres.


2,064 posts

219 months

Friday 20th April 2007
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Donut said:
Pop in to your local dealer, they will have theres.

Not on display though.


4,521 posts

262 months

Saturday 21st April 2007
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m3evo2 said:
Donut said:
Pop in to your local dealer, they will have theres.

Not on display though.

No , but if you ask nicely


6,578 posts

259 months

Saturday 21st April 2007
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they have been here a while fellas... pretty bleedin' good....