Gremlins in 5 series iDrive software?
Can anyone help?
The old man has a 2 year old 5 series c/w iDrive satnav, dvd, etc. Is there any known faults with the software? It's been back to the dealer (Specialist Cars in Stevenage) twice already in the last 2 months, as it keeps going on to a black screen or turning itself off!
They can't work out what the problem is as it's intermitant, but obviously he wants it rectified before the warranty runs out!!
The old man has a 2 year old 5 series c/w iDrive satnav, dvd, etc. Is there any known faults with the software? It's been back to the dealer (Specialist Cars in Stevenage) twice already in the last 2 months, as it keeps going on to a black screen or turning itself off!

They can't work out what the problem is as it's intermitant, but obviously he wants it rectified before the warranty runs out!!

I haven't heard of that happening before but he could ask them to update the system with the latest software. Should give him the perspective view option on his nav aswell if he hasn't got it already.
They do charge for this but might be able to get it done under warranty as it may solve the fault.
They do charge for this but might be able to get it done under warranty as it may solve the fault.
scotty_917 said:
Thanks Donut...they uploaded the new software on his 2nd visit but it still hasn't seemed to have cured it!

May sound daft or like I'm takin da pee, but check he hasn't got one of the steering wheel function buttons set to turn the monitor off, he may be knocking it when changing radio station or scrolling through his phone book, thus turning it off!
Long shot but worth a check

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