520/525 Diesel reliability
Looking to purchase a 520 or 525 diesel for Chauffeur work so will be driving approx 100k miles a year, looking to keep for probably 3 years. I am currently running a 220 Cdi E class which has covered 240k miles with very few problems, averaging 48 mpg and servicing approx every 20k miles.
Feel like a change so was wondering if anybody on here is running highish miles in a 5 series diesel and if so experienced any major reliability issues?
Will be looking to buy an ex demonstrator so it will most likely be the current model, although I am tempted by the new 3 litre diesel engines.
Feel like a change so was wondering if anybody on here is running highish miles in a 5 series diesel and if so experienced any major reliability issues?
Will be looking to buy an ex demonstrator so it will most likely be the current model, although I am tempted by the new 3 litre diesel engines.
Monkeylegend said:
Looking to purchase a 520 or 525 diesel for Chauffeur work so will be driving approx 100k miles a year, looking to keep for probably 3 years. I am currently running a 220 Cdi E class which has covered 240k miles with very few problems, averaging 48 mpg and servicing approx every 20k miles.
Feel like a change so was wondering if anybody on here is running highish miles in a 5 series diesel and if so experienced any major reliability issues?
Will be looking to buy an ex demonstrator so it will most likely be the current model, although I am tempted by the new 3 litre diesel engines.
Feel like a change so was wondering if anybody on here is running highish miles in a 5 series diesel and if so experienced any major reliability issues?
Will be looking to buy an ex demonstrator so it will most likely be the current model, although I am tempted by the new 3 litre diesel engines.
I haven't lived in one so I can't say for sure, however from what I've heard, the BMW 3.0lt diesil is not all that economical if you are used to 48 to the gallon.
Not sure on the MPG for the 2.0l, however a review I was reading was saying that the 2.0l diesil is pretty quick!
Hope that helps a little

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