Should I buy this E32?

Should I buy this E32?



Original Poster:

2,032 posts

235 months

Friday 6th April 2007
quotequote all <== From the description, what is a reasonable pirce (note the damage on n/s rear quarter)... what should I be looking for if I view it?


14,123 posts

220 months

Friday 6th April 2007
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It seems straight enough for a 165,000 mile motor.
The M30 engines will go on forever if they have been looked after. I'd look for the usual blue smoke on start up, and listen to see how rattly the top end will be. The M30's can suffer oil starvation to the cam shaft.

Make sure the gearbox changes OK and doesn't slur though I think this can somtimes be cured by a change of fluid. I'd also take a good look at the suspension and listen to any knocks and bangs as the bushes on the trailing arms can wear badly as do those on the fronts. If you can get it for 5/600 quid you'll be onto a winner.

That dent does look a bit unsightly, but how much do you want to spend to get it sorted out? If you are just looking for an nice old smoker to mooch about in, I wouldn't bother repairing it.

If, on the other hand you are a bit sad and obsessive like me, I would get it repaired!


Original Poster:

2,032 posts

235 months

Friday 6th April 2007
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Damn, seems like drivers have to be 21 or over for decentish insurance


15,877 posts

245 months

Friday 6th April 2007
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I'd keep on looking mate, I bought this for £670, no major damage (a little scuff on the NSR arch) and everything working. MOT till February too.

Try Footman James for insurance, they've been the best for me for the last couple of years. I pay £413 for road classic (still earning no claims), 28 year old car salesman in Scarborough, 4 years NCB but 6 points (2x Sp30 for speeding).


14,123 posts

220 months

Friday 6th April 2007
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Nice motor Mark! I bet that V8 sounds a bit tasty, I had a mate with a V8 530i and that sounded really nice when given a little bit of right foot.

Imbecile - What Mark said! Have a look around the various insurance companies, get a limited mileage policy, but don't give up. You should be able to get a reasonable quote from someone.

I've had a few BMW's and before I sold my last one (525i) I was with Hastings as they gave me the best quote. You could also try Tesco's as they can be quite reasonable, or try a specialist like Adrian Flux.



19,633 posts

230 months

Saturday 7th April 2007
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It looks right enough, but hes asking too much

Mines a high miler, coming in at 242500 miles, but I purchased it at 238000 for £500 with T&T SH everything original and mechanically sound

And dont believe that average MPG of will do 30mpg on the motorway, but round town you can almost cut that in half

As its been said, check for smoke, knocks and bangs, gearbox problems, overheating, fan cutting in, also check for how easy it goes sideways...sometimes this can be one of two things

1. It could be that the rear axle bushes are worn and these can be a pain to change

2. Im driving hehe


6,992 posts

256 months

Saturday 7th April 2007
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How about this little gem

They've had it a little while so might be open to a sporting bid


19,633 posts

230 months

Sunday 8th April 2007
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Mustard said:

How about this little gem

They've had it a little while so might be open to a sporting bid

Again it looks like a nice car, but considering its on an H plate and you can have yourself a J/K plate V12 for £1500 I would say the next bid might insult the poor chap

You can get an excellent E32 for around £600 and it should be bloody excellent too

The only things with mine were a couple small dents in the bonnet (which can be sorted really easily, but I havent bothered) a small ding in the rear offside arch


5,216 posts

254 months

Sunday 8th April 2007
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Trouble is...I spent £800 on my last week and it's only got 46K miles on the clock.


6,992 posts

256 months

Sunday 8th April 2007
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I'd sooner pay top dollar for a mint one with a sensible mileage & history, at the end of the day we're talking about the difference between £500 and £1500 and that £1000 can soon be eaten up as Derin's proves.

Never has the case been more strong to buy the best you can afford rather than the cheapest

if you look at on recent sales, you'll see 3 E32 7 Series that all found homes very quickly at £3k a pop, why? condition, history & provinence and mileage

If you want 'value' check out Judas E38 735i for £2k looks superb

Edited by mustard on Sunday 8th April 10:24

Edited by mustard on Sunday 8th April 10:39


5,216 posts

254 months

Sunday 8th April 2007
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mustard said:
I'd sooner pay top dollar for a mint one with a sensible mileage & history, at the end of the day we're talking about the difference between £500 and £1500 and that £1000 can soon be eaten up as Derin's proves.

Never has the case been more strong to buy the best you can afford rather than the cheapest

if you look at on recent sales, you'll see 3 E32 7 Series that all found homes very quickly at £3k a pop, why? condition, history & provinence and mileage

If you want 'value' check out Judas E38 735i for £2k looks superb

Edited by mustard on Sunday 8th April 10:24

I absolutely love that website and the cars he sells! Scrolling through the past sales section is like going back to my youth and seeing all the cars I used to hanker and dream about owning. Some brilliant stuff...of all makes. Amazing how many of those cars end up going abroad especially to Ireland?

In truth, most of that £800 bill was my own fault through lack of use eg. 4 out of 5 central locking attuators seized up because I left it locked in my garage, brake calipers sticking etc. But now...what a wonderful drive! I have new Eibach and Bilstein suspension on mine.IMHO, the best upgrade single upgrade you can make on one of these cars...really improves the whole feel of the car...not harsh in anyway, no wallowing so actually more comfortable and handles really well. I've also one back to 15" wheels with Uniroyal tyres as per original spec. Mine's just a bit too 'juicy' for everyday use though.

Edited by mustard on Sunday 8th April 10:39


6,992 posts

256 months

Sunday 8th April 2007
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While I think about it, any of you E32 boys want a new pair of genuine boxed front brake discs part no. 34116756090

to fit

E32 730i SEDAN, Euro
E32 730iL SEDAN, Euro
E32 735i SEDAN, Euro
E32 735iL SEDAN, Euro
E32 740i SEDAN, Euro
E32 740iL SEDAN, Euro
E32 750i SEDAN, Euro
E32 750iL SEDAN, Euro

E34: Details on E34
E34 540i SEDAN, Euro
E34 540i TOURING, Euro

boxedin I cocked up!..... no wonder the are 540 only on the E34, they weigh about the same as my 1 series! £35 plus a £10 for postage


6,111 posts

270 months

Sunday 8th April 2007
quotequote all
mustard said:
If you want 'value' check out Judas E38 735i for £2k looks superb

Indeed Pics in my profile.

1997 160k miles, 2 owners - last owner for past 8 years who bought it off his brother-in-law, full BMW service history, new cats a couple of years ago, new radiator last November. Wafts along very nicely until you put your foot down - then you can have some real fun with it despite its size yes