Needed a new desk top

Needed a new desk top


B'stard Child

Original Poster:

29,901 posts

257 months

Thursday 5th April 2007
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Dicking around with a camera in a multistorey car park..........

I won't post them all just a selection - in 30 mins I did 350 pics!!!!!

Black and white

Sodium effect

Enhanced (muzzled flash)

Essential engine bay shot

One of those has to be my new desk top photo I reckon 8)

Umar B

1,484 posts

278 months

Thursday 5th April 2007
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B'stard Child said:

that looks cool

(note to self: pull your finger out and do the same, you lazy ass hehe )


1,955 posts

225 months

Thursday 5th April 2007
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reminds me of the film the transporter!


35,295 posts

269 months

Thursday 5th April 2007
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reminds me of Tomorrow Never Dies - same model 7 Series in multi-storey car park.

B'stard Child

Original Poster:

29,901 posts

257 months

Thursday 5th April 2007
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Both transporter and tommorrow never dies were in my mind when selecting the location


1,136 posts

230 months

Thursday 5th April 2007
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except that the multi-story scene in Transporter was actually in Transporter2 and it was an Audi W8 if I recall....

(nice photees though regardless)


1,852 posts

218 months

Thursday 5th April 2007
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Multistorys can be good for the odd car shoot ....

Time I did some new ones though.

B'stard Child

Original Poster:

29,901 posts

257 months

Friday 6th April 2007
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Now I like that - really dark and menacing


3,284 posts

232 months

Friday 6th April 2007
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edx - that's a great picture. Well done!