Does anyone know if a supercharge is compatible with a SMG?

Does anyone know if a supercharge is compatible with a SMG?



Original Poster:

57 posts

217 months

Thursday 15th March 2007
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I want to supercharge my 330CI but its a SMG box. Is this compatible with the Supercharger????


10 posts

216 months

Thursday 15th March 2007
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Give Roy at CA Automotive a call, they sell and fit superchargers to most bmw's.


76,857 posts

283 months

Thursday 15th March 2007
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Why is supercharging BMWs so damn expensive? You can supercharge the VR6 engine for under £5k yet to supercharge a 330i is between 2x and 3x that depending on who you look at.


Original Poster:

57 posts

217 months

Thursday 15th March 2007
quotequote all
yeah they are rather expensive. It really depends what make you look at. There are some going for 6xxx but thats including an intercooler.