Calling "mustard" Silverback to mustard, over.......

Calling "mustard" Silverback to mustard, over.......


silverback mike

Original Poster:

11,292 posts

264 months

Wednesday 7th March 2007
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You are a bmw guru type, can you lay your hands on a 1989 / 1990 colour description chart.

It's a metallic beigey bronzey goldy colour.....



5,216 posts

254 months

Wednesday 7th March 2007
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Mink ?

Edited by derin100 on Wednesday 7th March 17:54


1,219 posts

271 months

Wednesday 7th March 2007
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"Bronze" was the champagney beige metallic in the late 80s when I was selling them.



17,113 posts

275 months

Wednesday 7th March 2007
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apprentice said:
"Bronze" was the champagney beige metallic in the late 80s when I was selling them.


Brown then

silverback mike

Original Poster:

11,292 posts

264 months

Wednesday 7th March 2007
quotequote all
Thanks Chaps.


6,992 posts

256 months

Wednesday 7th March 2007
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Further Info ... If you need it

139 is Bronze Met
219 is Luxor Beige Met
212 is Mink Brown Met

Sorry i'm late !

Edited by mustard on Wednesday 7th March 20:31

silverback mike

Original Poster:

11,292 posts

264 months

Wednesday 7th March 2007
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lovely job, thanks Phil.