Ok...let's explain the situation...
In order to keep e36coupe forum free of spam BOTS (Bots being automated sign up progams who's sole purpose in life is to spam the daylights out of any forum going), every single registration request gets sent to myself and Russell for approval and activation.
In order to check if each username put forward for activation is real or not, we'd have to activate every account, then go into that account and check for spurious website links and dodgy email addresses. If the account then turns out to be some BOT that is going to automatically post hundreds of links to porn sites, stocks and shares or pharmacuticals 5h1t, we then have to delete that account.
Please now try and consider that daily, in both mine and Russell's home email accounts, we usually have anywhere between 30 and 50 attempted sign ups per day - so clearly, going through the above routine is just not sensible.
So, as it stands, we take a look at the usernames (which is all we get told on the activation request email anyway).
As well as the clearly obvious attempts like:
and such like, many BOTS sign up with usernames with a format such as:
which makes it much harder to determine what is a real account and what's a BOT account.
There has been a real spat over the last 9 months or so of very 'real' looking usernames that have turned out to be BOTS.
So it really comes down to what we consider looks like a genuine username.
Clearly it doesn't help our cause when people choose ridiculous usernames (although sometimes if they are that stupid, it's clear they are a real person...just not a very bright one!).
Being a car forum, we kind of expect people to have something to do with their car in their username, ie: Paul328i or something - or at least something that looks plausable as a username people would want to introduce themselves to others at a meeting as.
So there you have it. We personally screen all attempted sign ups to try and keep our/your forum as free from spam as possible for your browsing benefit. Some people's accounts may not get activated, for whatever reason. Apologies for that, but it happens occassionally.
All the moderators have email addresses, and can and have been contacted by some people (some rather impatient, I might add) who's accounts have not been activated. Myself or Russell can then check out these individual accounts - although the very fact that they have made the effort to contact a Moderator in the first place does confrim they are a genuine user, not an automated effort. These accounts are usually activated with 15 mins or so, as either myself or Russell are normally online.
I hope that clarifies things somewhat.
If you have any problems please send an email to info @ e36coupe.com (no spaces) And I will activate your account if you provide which username you chose, I check this email account every evening - it's not possible during the day as both Russ and myself do have jobs ( contrary to popular belief
I'm sorry people have been having issues but if you email us we will get it sorted for you. Apologies to piston heads for using your forum as an advertising window for our site.
Many thanks
Site Administrator
In order to keep e36coupe forum free of spam BOTS (Bots being automated sign up progams who's sole purpose in life is to spam the daylights out of any forum going), every single registration request gets sent to myself and Russell for approval and activation.
In order to check if each username put forward for activation is real or not, we'd have to activate every account, then go into that account and check for spurious website links and dodgy email addresses. If the account then turns out to be some BOT that is going to automatically post hundreds of links to porn sites, stocks and shares or pharmacuticals 5h1t, we then have to delete that account.
Please now try and consider that daily, in both mine and Russell's home email accounts, we usually have anywhere between 30 and 50 attempted sign ups per day - so clearly, going through the above routine is just not sensible.
So, as it stands, we take a look at the usernames (which is all we get told on the activation request email anyway).
As well as the clearly obvious attempts like:
and such like, many BOTS sign up with usernames with a format such as:
which makes it much harder to determine what is a real account and what's a BOT account.
There has been a real spat over the last 9 months or so of very 'real' looking usernames that have turned out to be BOTS.
So it really comes down to what we consider looks like a genuine username.
Clearly it doesn't help our cause when people choose ridiculous usernames (although sometimes if they are that stupid, it's clear they are a real person...just not a very bright one!).
Being a car forum, we kind of expect people to have something to do with their car in their username, ie: Paul328i or something - or at least something that looks plausable as a username people would want to introduce themselves to others at a meeting as.
So there you have it. We personally screen all attempted sign ups to try and keep our/your forum as free from spam as possible for your browsing benefit. Some people's accounts may not get activated, for whatever reason. Apologies for that, but it happens occassionally.
All the moderators have email addresses, and can and have been contacted by some people (some rather impatient, I might add) who's accounts have not been activated. Myself or Russell can then check out these individual accounts - although the very fact that they have made the effort to contact a Moderator in the first place does confrim they are a genuine user, not an automated effort. These accounts are usually activated with 15 mins or so, as either myself or Russell are normally online.
I hope that clarifies things somewhat.
If you have any problems please send an email to info @ e36coupe.com (no spaces) And I will activate your account if you provide which username you chose, I check this email account every evening - it's not possible during the day as both Russ and myself do have jobs ( contrary to popular belief

I'm sorry people have been having issues but if you email us we will get it sorted for you. Apologies to piston heads for using your forum as an advertising window for our site.
Many thanks
Site Administrator
Kul said:
Ok...let's explain the situation...
In order to keep e36coupe forum free of spam BOTS (Bots being automated sign up progams who's sole purpose in life is to spam the daylights out of any forum going), every single registration request gets sent to myself and Russell for approval and activation.
In order to check if each username put forward for activation is real or not, we'd have to activate every account, then go into that account and check for spurious website links and dodgy email addresses. If the account then turns out to be some BOT that is going to automatically post hundreds of links to porn sites, stocks and shares or pharmacuticals 5h1t, we then have to delete that account.
Please now try and consider that daily, in both mine and Russell's home email accounts, we usually have anywhere between 30 and 50 attempted sign ups per day - so clearly, going through the above routine is just not sensible.
So, as it stands, we take a look at the usernames (which is all we get told on the activation request email anyway).
As well as the clearly obvious attempts like:
and such like, many BOTS sign up with usernames with a format such as:
which makes it much harder to determine what is a real account and what's a BOT account.
There has been a real spat over the last 9 months or so of very 'real' looking usernames that have turned out to be BOTS.
So it really comes down to what we consider looks like a genuine username.
Clearly it doesn't help our cause when people choose ridiculous usernames (although sometimes if they are that stupid, it's clear they are a real person...just not a very bright one!).
Being a car forum, we kind of expect people to have something to do with their car in their username, ie: Paul328i or something - or at least something that looks plausable as a username people would want to introduce themselves to others at a meeting as.
So there you have it. We personally screen all attempted sign ups to try and keep our/your forum as free from spam as possible for your browsing benefit. Some people's accounts may not get activated, for whatever reason. Apologies for that, but it happens occassionally.
All the moderators have email addresses, and can and have been contacted by some people (some rather impatient, I might add) who's accounts have not been activated. Myself or Russell can then check out these individual accounts - although the very fact that they have made the effort to contact a Moderator in the first place does confrim they are a genuine user, not an automated effort. These accounts are usually activated with 15 mins or so, as either myself or Russell are normally online.
I hope that clarifies things somewhat.
If you have any problems please send an email to info @ e36coupe.com (no spaces) And I will activate your account if you provide which username you chose, I check this email account every evening - it's not possible during the day as both Russ and myself do have jobs ( contrary to popular belief
I'm sorry people have been having issues but if you email us we will get it sorted for you. Apologies to piston heads for using your forum as an advertising window for our site.
Many thanks
Site Administrator
In order to keep e36coupe forum free of spam BOTS (Bots being automated sign up progams who's sole purpose in life is to spam the daylights out of any forum going), every single registration request gets sent to myself and Russell for approval and activation.
In order to check if each username put forward for activation is real or not, we'd have to activate every account, then go into that account and check for spurious website links and dodgy email addresses. If the account then turns out to be some BOT that is going to automatically post hundreds of links to porn sites, stocks and shares or pharmacuticals 5h1t, we then have to delete that account.
Please now try and consider that daily, in both mine and Russell's home email accounts, we usually have anywhere between 30 and 50 attempted sign ups per day - so clearly, going through the above routine is just not sensible.
So, as it stands, we take a look at the usernames (which is all we get told on the activation request email anyway).
As well as the clearly obvious attempts like:
and such like, many BOTS sign up with usernames with a format such as:
which makes it much harder to determine what is a real account and what's a BOT account.
There has been a real spat over the last 9 months or so of very 'real' looking usernames that have turned out to be BOTS.
So it really comes down to what we consider looks like a genuine username.
Clearly it doesn't help our cause when people choose ridiculous usernames (although sometimes if they are that stupid, it's clear they are a real person...just not a very bright one!).
Being a car forum, we kind of expect people to have something to do with their car in their username, ie: Paul328i or something - or at least something that looks plausable as a username people would want to introduce themselves to others at a meeting as.
So there you have it. We personally screen all attempted sign ups to try and keep our/your forum as free from spam as possible for your browsing benefit. Some people's accounts may not get activated, for whatever reason. Apologies for that, but it happens occassionally.
All the moderators have email addresses, and can and have been contacted by some people (some rather impatient, I might add) who's accounts have not been activated. Myself or Russell can then check out these individual accounts - although the very fact that they have made the effort to contact a Moderator in the first place does confrim they are a genuine user, not an automated effort. These accounts are usually activated with 15 mins or so, as either myself or Russell are normally online.
I hope that clarifies things somewhat.
If you have any problems please send an email to info @ e36coupe.com (no spaces) And I will activate your account if you provide which username you chose, I check this email account every evening - it's not possible during the day as both Russ and myself do have jobs ( contrary to popular belief

I'm sorry people have been having issues but if you email us we will get it sorted for you. Apologies to piston heads for using your forum as an advertising window for our site.
Many thanks
Site Administrator
Understand what you are saying Kul but when I tried to sign up I got the message that someone is already using my e-mail address, when you replied you suggested signing up with another e-mail address which wasn't exactly confidence inspiring. I have contacted the site a couple of times since to try to get to the bottom of this but no reply as yet, a pity because it looks a great site.
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