doesn't say, but try asking at bm3w.co.uk
doesn't say, but try asking at bm3w.co.uk
If anyone is using windows mobile/smartphone - you MUST get this www.jetwaremobile.com/ !
Full integration with the BMW bluetooth inc autoupdating address book!
The Sony's are a bit flaky with the BMW Bluetooth, seems they often drop out and the handset restarts. Main problem is that it pairs, all appears to be working properly, you make a call and on the 750i it immediately transfers the call to the handset.on the V630i it makes the call but there is no sound or voice on either handset or Car, then the Bluetooth drops out, reset it and it works OK untill the next time!. I have an 800i I will be trying tomorrow.
On the 750i I had to update the phones firmware to get it to pair properly
On the 750i I had to update the phones firmware to get it to pair properly
I've found its a complete black art.
Our X3 - both Nokias, no problem. Sus' RAZR, no problem. Yet, according to the BMW Bluetooth list, 2 out of 3 of our phones will not work?
And...the X5 we had as a courtesy car recently - RAZR worked, yet both Nokias it had a problem with - including a "I'll pair with anything Bluetooth" Nokia 6310i.
My advice is to try it, but you have to follow the instructions to the letter.
Sorry I can't be more specific. There seems to be no rhyme or reason.
Our X3 - both Nokias, no problem. Sus' RAZR, no problem. Yet, according to the BMW Bluetooth list, 2 out of 3 of our phones will not work?
And...the X5 we had as a courtesy car recently - RAZR worked, yet both Nokias it had a problem with - including a "I'll pair with anything Bluetooth" Nokia 6310i.
My advice is to try it, but you have to follow the instructions to the letter.
Sorry I can't be more specific. There seems to be no rhyme or reason.
vixpy1 said:

This sodding built in phone kit is doing my head in.
Why oh why did the orig owner not get the bluetooth

Zod said:
vixpy1 said:

This sodding built in phone kit is doing my head in.
Why oh why did the orig owner not get the bluetooth

Yes.. my problem is not with the kit, but with the Motorola, i now have to use it all the time as my business phone, and i hate it .. really hate it.
I want to go back to my Nokia 6310

I'm thinking a parrot bluetooth kit is the only way to go
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