E91 Straight Six Bearding

E91 Straight Six Bearding



Original Poster:

354 posts

169 months

Tuesday 9th February 2021
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HI All, popping in for my monthly check in! In suffolk here, all snowy and been down a few days in the freezing cold but main roads fun, if I was braver and not currently changing careers, I'd probably have a bit of a mess about in the snow - lack of LSD really does let it down though!

Fulla - really sorry to hear about your manual 335i, given the rarity of it, and you know your car (second hand ones can be very variable as to how well they've been looked after), I agree that you should try and save it if you can given the damage is cosmetic only. Depending on your situation and the efforts you're prepared to go to, there should still be a decent chunk of value with an N54 and driveline should it come to that.

Swervin_Mervin said:
Odd one today. Opened the car to put my silica dehumidifier back on the dash after "recharging" it. I've just noticed the dash display is illuminated several hrs later. Doesn't change when you start the car either and try going through the menus.

What do we think? A bit of electrical silliness if the batteries not quite fully charged? I haven't had chance yet to move the car so I can leave it charging overnight. It's just had a few hours 2 Saturdays ago.
Swervin - you worked this out, or just a random anomaly?

eezeh said:
Anyone with logic 7 have some decent EQ settings? The one that was on the car when i bought it was quite good but i fiddled with it and didnt save it! The ones ive tried online for the e90/e92 are a bit pants. Thanks
I have logic 7, I'm not an audiofile but can appreciate the difference between tinny crap speakers and reasonable quality ones. I think I'm pretty near mid for all the settings and if I'm tweaked, I'm only one or two off in the +ve direction...hopefully give you a starting place? I find for adjusting audio, classical music works well as it tends to use the full range of frequencies.