Swift Sport - power steering stopped working

Swift Sport - power steering stopped working



Original Poster:

17 posts

84 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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I have a Suzuki Swift Sport (ZC32S).

I went on holiday for three weeks. Came back, started car and it took a little longer than normal to start. That is not unusual in this car if it has not been used for a while, even though the battery is fairly new.

Went for a very short drive, realised power steering not working. However no warning lights.

Subsequently charged up battery in case a slightly flat battery was causing issues. Has not had any immediate effect (but I have not taken the car out for a drive, just did some dry steering).

Any suggestions as to what might be up? It seems unlikely to be a coincidence that this has occurred after the car has sat idle for three weeks.



Original Poster:

17 posts

84 months

Wednesday 4th October 2023
quotequote all
Cheers. I will try that.