The CTR Rules!



Original Poster:

567 posts

273 months

Thursday 11th July 2002
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Had to share this story with you guys.

Was cruising back from Eastbourne along the A27 in the CTR when some muppet in a 206 GTi decides he wants to examine my bumper for a 10 mile stretch. As such this irritated me, not because he was having a go, mainly because if I braked at any point his car would be in my back seats.

Anyway I just ignored him until we reached a two lane section at which point I had a chance to overtake the cars in front of me. I pull out, he pulls out still on my bumper.

60mph, down to third gear and give it some welly and....

Well I don't know what gave him the idea he had a fast car but I think I changed that guys perception of the Honda. It was just embarrassing, he just disappeared in to a small point in my mirror and I was laughing like a loony!

Got to the limiter in forth and promptly used the brakes to wind the car down to a gentle cruise again. About a minute later he appeared behind me as I slowed for a roundabout... did look a bit dejected to say the least and promptly turned off the road.

Yes I know what I did was childish, and I should have let him go past but I swear it was the most satisfying thing that has happened on the road for me in a long time!!


Original Poster:

567 posts

273 months

Monday 15th July 2002
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Let's hope it doesn't get too bad an image, I don't want my insurance premium to reflect some other tits behavior.

Although I do have my boy-racer moments, I do take care not to piss anyone off or try to provoke any kind of bad reaction from other road users. But showing a clean pair of heels to someone giving you grief on a nice bit of road is really satisfying.

Anyway, the CTR doesn't seem to have the aggressive image as given out by a Scooby or Cossie so I would hope 'lads' would pick something else. This was one of the main reasons I prefered the CTR to be honest.