Are we an endangered species?

Are we an endangered species?


lady topaz

Original Poster:

3,855 posts

260 months

Friday 7th January 2011
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A dying breed?

Not on here obviously as we are all enthusiasts, but in the real world.

Recently I have noticed I am getting challenged more and more regarding my chosen mode of transport, almost as much as by those who appreciate it.

I never had this with my TVR's or with my V8V. As soon as I say my latest car is a V12, some people really go into one, with the 'what on earth do you need that for'? comment. 'This day and age its ridiculous' etc etc.

Maybe its jealousy or because I am a female. I really don't feel I have to justify my car to anyone, but I haven't experienced this before.

Perhaps its because Tony and I are Joe average and not the type who can go out and wrap a One-77 in cotton wool never to be seen again, but are people who love cars and stretch ourselves to achieve a dream. Maybe it is a silly car to drive too and fro to work every day, but its my choice. I wouldn't dream of making derogatory comments on their cars, so why do they feel its fine to criticise mine?

At the end of the day its not going to influence me one iota but just a general observation which shows an alternative view to the usual complimentary comments my car elicits.



3,176 posts

172 months

Friday 7th January 2011
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I know what you mean. TBH - I shouldn't really have my car, I'm too young and can't really afford it but what the hell, you live once, I like cars and it's my money to blow on whatever the hell I want to!

I also get the same negativite comments occassionally, people dumbfounded that I'm not in a Prius or something - Apparently I should be putting my money in property and not blowing it on flash motors, yeah right, whatever!

I could be dead tomorrow so I'll have my fun, regardless of what the mother in law says!!

ETA - The positive comments more than make up for the haters. I've made quite a few pals in my local area as a result of my car, blokes 30-40 years older than me think nothing of having a chat in Tesco car park and giving me a wave when they see me ever since - I don;t know if other marques command this sort of attention? I have nothing to compare it to really having not owned anything similar to this before.

Edited by jonamv8 on Friday 7th January 18:12


8,849 posts

218 months

Friday 7th January 2011
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I really struggle to conceive what a sad waste of space people must be to come up and tell you you should be in a cheaper/smaller/diesel engined/hatchback/car sharing scheme.

I suggest that you tell them to get a life, or to air their views on Pistonheads where their failings can be pointed out to them more forcibly.


2,983 posts

254 months

Friday 7th January 2011
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lady topaz said:
A dying breed?

Not on here obviously as we are all enthusiasts, but in the real world.

Recently I have noticed I am getting challenged more and more regarding my chosen mode of transport, almost as much as by those who appreciate it.

I never had this with my TVR's or with my V8V. As soon as I say my latest car is a V12, some people really go into one, with the 'what on earth do you need that for'? comment. 'This day and age its ridiculous' etc etc.

Maybe its jealousy or because I am a female. I really don't feel I have to justify my car to anyone, but I haven't experienced this before.

Perhaps its because Tony and I are Joe average and not the type who can go out and wrap a One-77 in cotton wool never to be seen again, but are people who love cars and stretch ourselves to achieve a dream. Maybe it is a silly car to drive too and fro to work every day, but its my choice. I wouldn't dream of making derogatory comments on their cars, so why do they feel its fine to criticise mine?

At the end of the day its not going to influence me one iota but just a general observation which shows an alternative view to the usual complimentary comments my car elicits.

To be honest Di, I too don't think you should be driving a V12, its got too many cylinders for a women. I am setting off down the M1 in 10 mins so we can swap V5's and you can then relax in knowing that you will be a V8 incumbent. Which is more suited to a lady like yourself. wink


2,983 posts

254 months

Friday 7th January 2011
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Sensible response:
There is so much pressure these days to conform to normality (whatever that is).
Any perceived eccentricity is frowned upon.
I get comments about owning a car that does 20mpg. I tend to mention that is still puts out less co2 than my Euro4 Vectra diesel, but they don't listen!

Mr Aston Martin

478 posts

166 months

Friday 7th January 2011
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Show em your t shirt. rotate


2,727 posts

230 months

Friday 7th January 2011
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Frankly, I'm surprised you even have the nerve to show your face in public.


3,081 posts

237 months

Friday 7th January 2011
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I only have a V8 rather than V12 but I have only had positive comments

The Postman came up the driveway last week to drop off parcel and instead of the 911 he normally sees, he saw the V8V, his comment:- "that's different gravy" Yes Mr Postman, you're right, it is!

Good Soil (Pete)

543 posts

267 months

Friday 7th January 2011
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Tell them they are cretins and that all the time they are holding you up with such nonsense they are stopping you from burning gallons of fuel and in fact stopping you from keeping the economy alive with your expensive fuels, expensive tyres, expensive services, expensive add-ons and in fact they are the reason you bought the car so you can get as far away as quickly as possible from them!!
Then flick them the V's start your engine, set the revs at 8K, drop the clutch and leave them in a cloud of tyre smoke......rude people!

mikey k

13,014 posts

222 months

Friday 7th January 2011
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Tonto said:
Sensible response:
There is so much pressure these days to conform to normality (whatever that is).
Any perceived eccentricity is frowned upon.
I get comments about owning a car that does 20mpg. I tend to mention that is still puts out less co2 than my Euro4 Vectra diesel, but they don't listen!
Very true - Too many Ecomentalists and green eyed monsters around frown
Emissions legislation will kill off new V12's so grab them whilst you can!


4,194 posts

222 months

Friday 7th January 2011
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in my own em....


7,565 posts

219 months

Friday 7th January 2011
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jonamv8 said:
I know what you mean. TBH - I shouldn't really have my car, I'm too young and can't really afford it but what the hell, you live once, I like cars and it's my money to blow on whatever the hell I want to!

I also get the same negativite comments occassionally, people dumbfounded that I'm not in a Prius or something - Apparently I should be putting my money in property and not blowing it on flash motors, yeah right, whatever!

I could be dead tomorrow so I'll have my fun, regardless of what the mother in law says!!

ETA - The positive comments more than make up for the haters. I've made quite a few pals in my local area as a result of my car, blokes 30-40 years older than me think nothing of having a chat in Tesco car park and giving me a wave when they see me ever since - I don;t know if other marques command this sort of attention? I have nothing to compare it to really having not owned anything similar to this before.

Edited by jonamv8 on Friday 7th January 18:12
Everything you just wrote rings bells with my experience; the car is very extravagant but worth every penny, I should probably have more desire for money in property than cars but don't, I want to enjoy the fun now rather than risking missing out, and the last point about how other people react to you because of the car is exactly what I am experiencing.

The Pits

4,289 posts

246 months

Friday 7th January 2011
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Using a v12v for everyday driving? You're definitely a dying breed! I have to say i feel an enormous sense of waste sitting in traffic in such a thoroughbred. I'd have a humble diesel for the daily grind, it can only make getting back into the vantage all the more special.

As it happens I have a hybrid Lexus for daily driving. It's a serene place to escape the stresses of uk driving. Aside from any mpg advantage it's surprising how not burning petrol needlessly can destress a traffic jam. I'm all for Eco cars for daily, joyless use, just so long as were allowed to have something less sensible at weekends.

As for people having a go at big v12s, remind them that all the v12s in the world have burnt only a tiny fraction of the fuel all those out of tune bangers use everyday. Regarding co2 emissions supercars are so few in number and used so infrequently, banning them would make absolutely no difference at all to anything, except making the world a much more boring place to drive about in.


2 posts

165 months

Saturday 8th January 2011
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Enjoy it while you can. I'm sure when everyone can afford such luxuries and everyone’s driving around in V12’s then it may become a problem but let’s face it that’s never going to happen! Be one nice looking traffic jam anyway.


282 posts

194 months

Saturday 8th January 2011
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Just remind them of the taxation burden both in terms of road tax and petrol tax and we are supporting the inefficiencies of the various governments. The politics of envy strikes again.....

Edited by pilgrim7777 on Saturday 8th January 09:48


1,140 posts

255 months

Saturday 8th January 2011
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James Naughtie knows a word for these sanctimonious/jealous people smile

lady topaz

Original Poster:

3,855 posts

260 months

Saturday 8th January 2011
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Out cleaning my baby this morning and got a thumbup from a passing Scooby driver when I looked up to see what was making the noise, so the balance in the Cosmos has been restored and all is well with the world.


Di biggrin


106 posts

202 months

Saturday 8th January 2011
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Don't worry Di.
Anyone criticising ANY car for it's emissions is just one of the sad herd of people who have the baseless view that CO2 emissions are sending the planet on a journey to oblivion.

It simply ISN'T TRUE.

My advice : Have a read of the book "Heaven & Earth" by Ian Plimer.

Tuck away some key points;
  1. CO2 increase follows temperature increase, NOT the other way round.
  2. For the last five years global temperature has been FALLING
  3. The media, governments, the IPCC and environmental journalists all have a vested interest in perpetuating the myth.
  4. The "research" which kick-started this whole debacle (produced by Michael Mann in the mid 90's) has since been proven to be false.
Next time invite the pseudo Eco warrior to join in the debate and grin as they beat a hasty retreat.
99% of people who criticise a V12 for being bad for the environment won't have a clue WHY they believe it....

The Pits

4,289 posts

246 months

Saturday 8th January 2011
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Oh dear. Even if I believed this David Icke style conspiracy crap Id never post it on a public forum for fear of coming across like an idiot.

You're really not helping the cause by arguing in favour of letting the world burn. Many more like you and the supercar really is gone.


4,294 posts

183 months

Saturday 8th January 2011
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SLINC said:
Don't worry Di.
Anyone criticising ANY car for it's emissions is just one of the sad herd of people who have the baseless view that CO2 emissions are sending the planet on a journey to oblivion.

It simply ISN'T TRUE.

My advice : Have a read of the book "Heaven & Earth" by Ian Plimer.

Tuck away some key points;
  1. CO2 increase follows temperature increase, NOT the other way round.
  2. For the last five years global temperature has been FALLING
  3. The media, governments, the IPCC and environmental journalists all have a vested interest in perpetuating the myth.
  4. The "research" which kick-started this whole debacle (produced by Michael Mann in the mid 90's) has since been proven to be false.
Next time invite the pseudo Eco warrior to join in the debate and grin as they beat a hasty retreat.
99% of people who criticise a V12 for being bad for the environment won't have a clue WHY they believe it....
Couldn't agree more Liam. The biggest global warming that took place was 10,000+ years ago when the ice age came to an end, way before Messrs Bamford and Martin started to produce wonderful motorcars. Also point out to these narrow minded people that 2,000 years ago it was so warm in England that the Romans had vineyards in the Humber valley. Global warming over the 1000s of years has been a cyclic phenomonen which the anti car brigade choses to forget and incorrectly links the current rises directly with car use.
Di, enjoy your wonderful car at every opportunity.