RE: shadytree's Aston Martin DB9

RE: shadytree's Aston Martin DB9



Original Poster:

187 posts

253 months

Wednesday 6th August 2003
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You can stop hoping because that's exactly what it is
However they have limited the top speed so it is not as quick top end but it is quicker in every other dept. :P


7,916 posts

260 months

Wednesday 6th August 2003
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The owner of my golf club has been guaranteed one of the first in the country. His dealer fed him about regarding a Vanquish so he's first on their list for a DB9. As soon as he has it i'll get a shed load of pics done and hopefully a drive!


7,916 posts

260 months

Wednesday 6th August 2003
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st170j said:
rofl, I bet he is not going to get the one of the 1st, what a load of rubbish, his dealer won't even know what he is going to get yet let alone be able to confidently promise the one of the 1st ones !! Maybe one of the 1st the dealer gets but not the country.
You go tell him he is talking cr4p
Ah, I haven't had such a good laugh in a long time
Anyway, why is he not getting a Vanquish now ????

UUmm... basically. The owner has spent over a million in the last few years with this dealer. The dealer wanted a £10k deposit for a Vanquish. He told him to fcuk off as he's spent so much and doesn't think its right that he should have to pay such a large deposit. He walked away. The dealer came back and offered him a deal in conjunction with Aston Martin directly. I don't remember the dealer but as we're based near Newport Pagnell its whichever is the local dealer to the factory.
He chose not to go with the Vanquish for mainly gearbox and shifter reasons. His mate has one and the clutch stinks. He currently has a DB7 and can't fault the car.
I'm pretty confused as to why you think its so funny... if you spent 7 figures with one dealer wouldn't you expect a few perks????



7,916 posts

260 months

Thursday 7th August 2003
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st170j.... i don't really care what you think.

All i know is that ive been offered a drive in it as soon as it gets it.


7,916 posts

260 months

Thursday 7th August 2003
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st170j said:
Good comeback :P

I should be driving one soon as well, I can't wait


All i've said is true. I may have mis-stated the deposit value but everything else is true. I just can't go posting personal details and information about a friend on the net. Hope you understand.

Enjoy the car. It sounds awesome.


22,612 posts

266 months

Thursday 7th August 2003
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I think the problems Aston suffered trying to get customers to accept the Vanquish paddle shift system, is the bad press and experiences people have had with a significant number of similarly equipped Ferraris leaving the factory with the F1 system not lined/set up properly, causing a bad driving experience and premature burning out of the clutch.

If you are in the market for a Vanquish and were looking at comparable cars the only other option would be the F575. If I were in that market I would definitely try the Vanquish with paddles before saying Bollox I'd better take the Ferrari with the manual gearbox.


Although clearly any average driver who wants to razz their cars on "ahem" private test facilites near their homes would take the 996tt as the ultimate chuckable hoonatic mobile available to us mere mortals.

>> Edited by dazren (moderator) on Thursday 7th August 18:38


8,291 posts

254 months

Friday 8th August 2003
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I've just checked the site and my links for the first time in a few days. I must say that I've never read so much bulls***t in my life. LOL


46,642 posts

280 months

Friday 8th August 2003
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st170j - We are currently assuming that you work for Aston, but you have yet to clarify the situation. If this is the case and you do work for the company, I am somewhat surprised about the ease with which you seem to be dispensing information about forthcoming products.

Also, what's with the "high and mighty" attitude you are liberally dishing out? People have asked for constructive information, and all you seem to be producing is "I know more than you" - without any apparent foundation.


46,642 posts

280 months

Friday 8th August 2003
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Problem with the internet is that, not all you read is necessarily based on fact. Backed up or duplicated information does not make it true.

Not quite sure what your sources are... but you may wish to reconsider some of them, if you get my drift.

"High and might attitude my a55, I thought this was a forum?" Yes, it is a forum, but that doesn't mean that coming in, calling people liars etc etc is called for - especially when you appear to have no grounds on which to make such a statement.

>> Edited by Podie on Friday 8th August 09:21


46,642 posts

280 months

Friday 8th August 2003
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st170j said:
Yes, but, I know that bloke is lying on the grounds that I know for a FACT you cannot order an AMV8, you just can't do it !! Tell you what, call Aston and try to order one, you will be told to send a letter of intent and that you cannot order one yet, maybe then this will be grounds enough for you to believe it
I have reliable sources and if you know better then I take my hat off to you.

How do you know the bloke is lying? He's merely repeating what he has been told by another... bit harsh to judge someone as a liar mate.

I'll take your word that you cannot order one, since I have not checked, however, knowing AML I would be very surprised if there was not a list of some form or another... so some people might call a waiting list an "order" (on the grounds that it is intent to buy!

Somehow I doubt they'd take me seriously if I did try and order one... turning up in an old Escort, or an S series TVR probably just wouldn't cut the mustard

Incidentially, there's an AMV8 at their new building, in the reception area... and looks bloody amazing.

I'm not doubting your sources, just intrigued. Wonder if we know the same people / person? I'm an "insider" by the way...


34,443 posts

308 months

Friday 8th August 2003
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st170j - please do not accuse people of lying. It's just bloody rude. If you disbelieve him then that's your choice but to question someone's integrity in the manner you are doing is somewhat irksome.


11,297 posts

277 months

Friday 8th August 2003
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st170j said:
Ummm, ok, where do I start....
3/ The nearest dealer to Newport Pagnell is probably Birmingham which is an hour and half or so away so there is no local dealer to Newport Pagnell

According to the Aston Website there is a Dealer in Stanborough, thats pretty local about 30 mins down the M1, also the AM Works Service centre in Newport Pagnell themselves may have told this guy something or other. If he's spent a fortune on Astons he probably has them serviced there.. as they're local.. no?



435 posts

253 months

Friday 8th August 2003
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Ok guys...Now I have been reading Pistonheads for years, but never actually joined up. Until now.

I have to set a few facts straight over this posting. The DB7 replacement (DB9, whatever) is due to be launched at Frankfurt next month, but not go on sale until mid-2004. Dealers have been REQUESTED by Aston Martin not to take deposits for the car. They are not able to allocate cars to anyone yet, as they do not have their allocations for 2004 yet. So I'm afraid st170j is correct with some of his statements, however, can't say I agree with his tone....

AMV8 Vantage is a concept car, just like Project Vantage was a concept that previewed Vanquish. Letters of intent is all that can be taken at the moment on that car. No name has been decided and in NO WAY has any dealer got their allocation yet, so if they've told anyone where they stand on any 'list' as far as when they are getting a car, I would doubt them.

Sorry if this has upset anyone, but needed to be said....

Love the site by the way.


46,642 posts

280 months

Friday 8th August 2003
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First of all, welcome to the mad house...!

Granted AML may have requested dealers not to take deposits, but this does not proclure them from having a list of interested parties... does it? - or indeed passing on letters of intent to purchase from prospective owners.

As far as I recall, dealers still remain independent from the factory, and they may make promises they cannot keep.. this may not be protocol, but this does not stop it from happening. Further down the "food chain" I have been told things by car dealers, that I blatently know not to be true (since I've been working on the project involved!) - but as I have said, this does not stop people from doing it, or making these statements...


435 posts

253 months

Friday 8th August 2003
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Absolutely agree Podie, it doesn't stop it from happening. Please don't get me wrong, I am not doubting that people have been told things by dealers (in fact, I KNOW they have), but just wanted to say that st170j wasn't wrong with what he was saying, albeit in a rather abrupt manner.

Interesting to hear your views on Vanquish as well. The press really have given the box some stick (pardon the pun!), but it really is sooo much better than the Ferrari F1 system because of the different software that was specified. Not criticising the Ferrari, but it is more abrupt in change due to the manner of the car, ie sports car rather than GT. Oh no...feel that was a can of worms I just opened!!


1,232 posts

263 months

Friday 8th August 2003
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Presumably established Aston dealers can be confident of getting an allocation of DB9s from AM when the time comes, so would not be going out on too much of a limb to make a commitment of its first car to a favoured customer without having it formally backed off with the factory. Whether it is really the first in the country when the time comes doesn't really matter, it will certainly be one of the first and the guy will fell like he's the mutt's nuts and anyway will have better things to worry about like giving his new baby a good thrashing.

So why get so excitable st170j? I for one hope rico's mate does get one nice and early and posts up some pics and driving impressions. Much more interesting than picking holes in what he's been told.


7,294 posts

263 months

Friday 8th August 2003
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Dealers are smart enough to look after existing well heeled customers.lets face it for the mark up on some of these cars,you need a loyal accesible cutomer base for new models as opposed to initial demand from speculators.


7,916 posts

260 months

Friday 8th August 2003
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Hi all

Looks like me sharing the delight of a friends future car has caused a bit of tension in the thread.

Please forgive me if my original post sounded too good to believe, as st170j obviously thought. I am not my friend so do not feel it is right for me to post every detail of what he has ordered. I just thought it right to say that he has got one of the first DB9s that become available.

The dealer wants my friends custom as he is obviously making a nice bit of money out of him. The dealer was not that helpful with him regarding a Vanquish which he wanted. That and the want of a large deposit put my friend off. The dealer then offered him the first DB9 that they recieve. I'm pretty sure i said one of the first in the country... not the first. Appologies if i didn't make that clear.

My friend is very generous and as such I see no problem in his DB9 being used for a Pistonheads photoshoot if Ted wishes. I've emailed Ted regarding this.

At the end of the day this is a forum, and you can show your oppinions, just make sure you're 110% sure before you start insulting fellow car lovers.

Cheers. Rico


435 posts

253 months

Friday 8th August 2003
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I agree Chris n. Someone who is an established customer will (or should) be looked after by the dealer. The first one they are allocated will have to be a demonstrator, but after that, the customers who have supported the dealer over the years will be looked upon favourably. The point I was making though is that allocations are driven by so many different factors, it's impossible for anyone to promise anything.


1,232 posts

263 months

Friday 8th August 2003
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V12bry, your name implies you drive something fairly tasty but no clues in your profile? Go on put me out of my misery, or let me guess ...

DB7 Vantage???