Aston Snobbery?


Bonne Route

Original Poster:

503 posts

268 months

Monday 1st October 2007
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So I'm exiting the local Motorway this morning, and as I'm negotiating the roundabout at the bottom of the slip-road, I spot a DB9 waiting to join said roundabout - naturally I give him a wavey. No response frown

Continuing around the roundabout we arrive at red traffic lights, and Mr DB9 pulls alongside. I look across and Mr DB9 is staring straight ahead - not a hint of mutual Aston ownership.

I've come across 'Badge Snobbery' before, but is this just a simple case of Aston snobbery?

After all, I'm in the 'Cheap Seat' biggrin


1,842 posts

214 months

Monday 1st October 2007
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When I'm in my Mazda Bongo Friendee, I'm waved at all the time laugh

Did also get a wave from another Noble on a run out yesterday too.....



695 posts

247 months

Monday 1st October 2007
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Sounds like hard cheese to me - I have always got a cheery wave back! Perhaps the owner got lost on his way to the Porsche dealers and bought an Aston instead wink


2,068 posts

208 months

Tuesday 2nd October 2007
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or maybe his mum told him not to wave at strange men?


855 posts

289 months

Tuesday 2nd October 2007
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The only time I have not got a wave back from another Aston Owner is at Le Mans, when a rather nice chap in a DB5 just gave me a look of total disdain when I waved at him, just after he witnessed me "donating some rubber to the crowd" when asked infront of Bleu Camping.

Astons are bought by all sorts of people, I am guessing this Mr Db9 bought it for the status, and is not a real enthusiast.


575 posts

250 months

Tuesday 2nd October 2007
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I had a strange mix when I drove my Ferrari 328. 360 drivers studiously ignored me whilst 550 and Enzo drivers waved manically!


6,792 posts

237 months

Tuesday 2nd October 2007
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Funnily enough I get waved at by V8 Vantage drivers all the time. Other DB9 drivers just look at me as if to say "Who the feck are you?". Generally.


12,910 posts

215 months

Tuesday 2nd October 2007
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I am a "waver" but don't get waved at very often.

I think many are not able to tell an Aston at a glance, even when they own one themselves. No excuse for a DB9 owner not to recognise an AMV8 as an Aston, tho' - even aficionados have to look twice to be sure which one is which.

I must have waved at ten 80's V8s on the way to Goodwood and gotten one wave back.


1,395 posts

236 months

Tuesday 2nd October 2007
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I wave at any bugger. In particular women who pretend not to look at me or the car whilst in traffic smile

Captain Beaky

1,389 posts

289 months

Tuesday 2nd October 2007
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I got a friendly wave and flash of lights from the driver of a shiny new Vanquish last week and I wasn't even in an Aston.

Mind you, everyone loves a TVR biggrin


2,624 posts

226 months

Tuesday 2nd October 2007
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rpgk said:
Sorry to be diiferent - but when i drive i rarely wave at other cars nor feel it neccessary to get a communication from otheres in similar or desirable cars. Not because I am a snob but because 90% of the time i have other (more important stuff to me) on my mind. That doesn't mean i don't appreciate other cars or the car i am driving it just means i feel uncmofortable with attention or am pre-occupied. It also doesn't mean i don't appreciate the car i am driving - do i have to high five someone to appreciate the car i am in?? Not saying there is anything wrong with that - just not for me.
Paul, i wouldnt think anyone waves at you anyway. You have a face like a slapped arse!!!smile I thought you sold the V8?


22,145 posts

230 months

Tuesday 2nd October 2007
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I was often waved at and waved back in various Astons. Drivers of newer Astons responded less than those in older cars - perhaps newer owners are a little 'arriviste' (which seems a rather appropriate noun).


2,624 posts

226 months

Wednesday 3rd October 2007
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rpgk said:
hello mate - yes i did sell the aston - some W***** broke into the house while we were away to try and steal the car - wife went mad (obviously my fault) forced me to sell the car!! But somehow i was allowed to buy an M6 ? She said '...who would nick a BMW...'. Just waiting now for dust to settle and double garage to be built before i return!!! Do you still have yours
Nope its been replaced by a GT3 and thats been replaced by a 430. Im down for the powerfull model when ever that turns up though.

Sorry about the break in pal, words cant say much can they.


184 posts

238 months

Wednesday 3rd October 2007
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Captain Beaky said:
I got a friendly wave and flash of lights from the driver of a shiny new Vanquish last week and I wasn't even in an Aston.

Mind you, everyone loves a TVR biggrin
Have you noticed the percentage of AM owners who also have (or had) a TVR? My stable includes a cerbera and a DB7 vantage. On paper they have fairly similar performance but the driving experience is like chalk and cheese I find. However chalk and cheese are both OK!

Captain Beaky

1,389 posts

289 months

Thursday 4th October 2007
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alderley said:
Captain Beaky said:
I got a friendly wave and flash of lights from the driver of a shiny new Vanquish last week and I wasn't even in an Aston.

Mind you, everyone loves a TVR biggrin
Have you noticed the percentage of AM owners who also have (or had) a TVR? My stable includes a cerbera and a DB7 vantage. On paper they have fairly similar performance but the driving experience is like chalk and cheese I find. However chalk and cheese are both OK!
I have a Cerbera and I'm test driving a V8 on the road next week and on an airfield the week after.

I'm looking forward to trying the chalk (or is it the cheese ?) smile

Adz The Heeb

402 posts

207 months

Thursday 4th October 2007
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I wish to try the chalk and cheese someday cloud9
that day will come soon hopefully !


1,499 posts

216 months

Saturday 6th October 2007
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Yes I/m a Tivver but looking to get a classic V8 soon.

Basically, both are the epitomy of motoring Britishness but from different aspects.

Regards all.


52,499 posts

289 months

Monday 22nd October 2007
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alderley said:
Captain Beaky said:
I got a friendly wave and flash of lights from the driver of a shiny new Vanquish last week and I wasn't even in an Aston.

Mind you, everyone loves a TVR biggrin
Have you noticed the percentage of AM owners who also have (or had) a TVR?
Indeed, I got a friendly wave from a friendly DB7 owner whilst leaving the Revival and I wasn't in the Aston, later at a roundabout in Chichester he said he loved the sound of the Griff hehe


2,517 posts

207 months

Wednesday 24th October 2007
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As I own one of the most powerful astons ever built I dont realy see the miserable bast*rds, only in my rear view mirror. So it doesnt bother me.
I did however go to a meeting in paignton once, the wife said go on your own next time. No thanks

Double R

872 posts

235 months

Friday 26th October 2007
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I always wave at other Astons and I always wave back to those nice to wave at mine smile

it is just a matter of being corteous