Daniel Craigs speaks on his experience with the DBS

Daniel Craigs speaks on his experience with the DBS



Original Poster:

12,738 posts

220 months

Friday 24th November 2006
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He said he may buy one,as its the only car he would want!



1,042 posts

262 months

Friday 24th November 2006
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Is this the man that couldn't drive before filming Bond, and whose film is being sponsored by the manufacturers of said car ??

Forgive me for sounding a tad cynical..


Original Poster:

12,738 posts

220 months

Friday 24th November 2006
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No he could drive before the film, he said he had a few cars before when he was younger. I read that he prefers automatic cars however.


872 posts

237 months

Saturday 25th November 2006
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forgive me if I say that sometimes what is on the net is shit

I am no Craig fan - honest even if in Layer Cake was superb. Could not care less. But that was part of the smearing campaign of a stupid website to boycott him on his role of 007

"It is in the papers, it must be true" comes to my mind.




1,042 posts

262 months

Saturday 25th November 2006
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And it's not true that the car he's promoting is made by the company sponsoring his film ?


785 posts

260 months

Saturday 25th November 2006
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Los Angeles said:
amdb7 said:
Daniel Craig speaks on his experience with the DBS.
"Right foot down- no, left foot down, push sticky-up bit forward ... or was it sideways, maybe waggle it about to see where it goes. Wait, push button on the dash first! Silly me."


Edited by Los Angeles on Saturday 25th November 11:13


Dr Jock

197 posts

245 months

Thursday 30th November 2006
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Check out these freaks www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rAwigQIdcw&NR

now I know Shady is a big Bond fan, but this is hilarious