Clarkson's love of the AMOC

Clarkson's love of the AMOC



Original Poster:

193 posts

246 months

Monday 15th May 2006
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Did anyone read Clarkson's piece on the BMW M3 CS (Sunday Times)? He wafted into a serious paragraphs worth of diatribe about the AMOC and how he despised them. If anybody read it and has been to an AMOC event I would hope they agree that as per usual he was being an entertainer as opposed to a thorough journalist!!


19,702 posts

284 months

Monday 15th May 2006
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v12Aston said:

Did anyone read Clarkson's piece on the BMW M3 CS (Sunday Times)? He wafted into a serious paragraphs worth of diatribe about the AMOC and how he despised them. If anybody read it and has been to an AMOC event I would hope they agree that as per usual he was being an entertainer as opposed to a thorough journalist!!

He's always thought of the club like that. I think he probably met Ian McGregor once....


Original Poster:

193 posts

246 months

Monday 15th May 2006
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23,563 posts

247 months

Monday 15th May 2006
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Yep, read it and p1ssed myself laughing.
Glad to see Im not the only one around who thinks of car clubs in exactly the same manner.


872 posts

241 months

Monday 15th May 2006
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club exists for people share a particular interest

what about political parties than? or any other situation that puts people together for the live in one area or else

Clubs are great but they suffer on a wider scale of the same problems that we, as individuals, have. You can meet very interesting people or a bunch of tts but this is the beauty of the whole thing.

I agree that you cannot become a friend of someone just because they have a car with the same badge. Fair enough. And maybe one should not even approach to find friends using a car, or his collection of stamps or old hats for the same purpose.

Yet clubs are part of social life if one likes it. It is a mere opportunity and one can learn a lot with the option to stop at any time or to become an anorak!

Pushing Clarkson point to a certain extreme is like to be friendly with all the colleagues at work just because you all work together!

There are annoying people in any facet of social life... car clubs are not the only place where to find them
