Delays and dealer woes......

Delays and dealer woes......


Norfolk n'chance

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83 posts

222 months

Monday 20th March 2006
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Hi Everyone,

This is my first post but I have been a keen viewer for ages, particularly around the AMV8 posts. I have been waiting for my new V8 for about three years, paid deposit in about August last year, told I was getting a May build car, cool, couldn't wait. I've just come from a 997S (and four other Porsches before that) but didn't feel the same about any of them as I did about this new Aston (my first).

Following various posts here about delays I contacted the dealer and sure enough, they confirmed my car was going to be delayed for 'about' two months. I asked if my deposit would be refundable in that case and was told that was 'a perfectly reasonable request'. My reasoning for that was that I have a major driving holiday planned for late June, I wanted to go in the Aston and was prepared to source one from elsewhere. A week or so later, following a few phone calls and a trip to Leeds I found the perfect car, almost exactly the same spec (slightly better actually but the exterior and leather were the same; tungsten and black). I left a deposit and agreed to collect this Thursday.

Obviously I contacted the dealer on my return and to now cut a long story short, they are absolutely refusing to refund my £5k deposit unless they can find another buyer, which they appear to be making no effort to do whatsoever (why would you when you're sitting on someone elses £5k?)

Norfolk n'chance

Original Poster:

83 posts

222 months

Monday 20th March 2006
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(Apologies, I didn't realise there was a limit on words, the following is the rest of my story...)

I have spoken to Aston Martin themselves who haven't been particularly helpful either, they just say 'your dispute is between you and your dealer, nothing to do with us'.

At this point I am pulling my hair out and very, very disappointed. This should be an exciting time, I love cars and have never felt like this about one before! My head tells me to walk away from the whole Aston experience but my head never wins, I am still collecting my new car this Thursday and can't wait.

I'm sorry for waffling on here but its nice to know real car enthusiasts and those used to Aston will be reading it and not just business people who are only concerned about sales and figures.

Thanks for reading.



119 posts

229 months

Tuesday 21st March 2006
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One thing to consider is that you placed a deposit for a car built to your exact specifications. In most other industries doing something like that requires a non-refundable deposit...otherwise what's the point of the deposit? My dealer was very clear to me in the beginning that I could wait and take one of their factory spec cars in which case the deposit would be refundable, or I could order my own spec with my name on it (sill plaques) but once ordered there was no refund possible...and my deposit was 10% of purchase price.

I think that the fact that they are willing to refund the deposit if they find an alternate buyer for the car is reasonable, considering that they have also already paid a deposit to AML. You should also know that all production for V8's have been delayed by two months, so you are not the only one in this situation. It's unfortunate and AML will rightfully lose some customers because of these delays.

The delays in receiving my car (almost 2 months behind schedule promised when I ordered it) were really frustrating...but after 6 weeks of ownership they are all forgotten. The car has lived up to my expectations and beyond and was worth the wait.


90 posts

234 months

Tuesday 21st March 2006
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The attitude of the dealer (to keep the deposit) would be exactly right IF they hadn't indicated to you that the deposit would be returned. All deposits are non refundable after specifying the car, however, I imagine you wouldn't have 'bought' the other car if your dealer hadn't given you the impression that the deposit would be returned. Not sure how you prove it though.......good luck.


13,330 posts

235 months

Tuesday 21st March 2006
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I have a better scenario for you.

How specific is your order? If it is in a generic colour advertise the new car on Autotrader to literally it will be 'sold' by the time you pick it up and hand it to someone else.

If all orders are being delayed and there is a big waiting list, you could make yourself £5000-£10000 over list for an in-demand car at the start of the summer.

Of course, the dealer could do this as well if they werent being so arsey about it!


2,788 posts

254 months

Tuesday 21st March 2006
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justinp1 said:
I have a better scenario for you.

How specific is your order? If it is in a generic colour advertise the new car on Autotrader to literally it will be 'sold' by the time you pick it up and hand it to someone else.

If all orders are being delayed and there is a big waiting list, you could make yourself £5000-£10000 over list for an in-demand car at the start of the summer.

Of course, the dealer could do this as well if they werent being so arsey about it!

I was going to suggest the same thing (just a pity I can't afford it myself but one day one will be mine! )



90 posts

234 months

Tuesday 21st March 2006
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Unfortunately, delivery miles cars are already in the Sunday Times below list.


118 posts

227 months

Tuesday 21st March 2006
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I would be surprised if you get a premium - I have the option of one with 250 miles for list price.


59 months

Tuesday 21st March 2006
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At the end of the day the dealer may have misled you BUT you will get your deposit back when it sells, and it will!!! Not ideal I agree!!


24,243 posts

289 months

Tuesday 21st March 2006
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Norfolk n'chance said:
I asked if my deposit would be refundable in that case and was told that was 'a perfectly reasonable request'.
From the evidence presented it doesn't seem as though the dealer ever offered you a refund on your deposit.

They are understanding of your position, and agreeing that you might reasonably request your money back, but did they ever agree to do it?

As everyone else has said, I wouldn't imagine they will have any difficulty finding someone to but the car.

Norfolk n'chance

Original Poster:

83 posts

222 months

Tuesday 21st March 2006
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allornothing said:
The attitude of the dealer (to keep the deposit) would be exactly right IF they hadn't indicated to you that the deposit would be returned. All deposits are non refundable after specifying the car, however, I imagine you wouldn't have 'bought' the other car if your dealer hadn't given you the impression that the deposit would be returned. Not sure how you prove it though.......good luck.

You are absolutely right, I wouldn't have even looked for another car if they told me it wasn't refundable and I wouldn't have been looking for another car if they hadn't told me about the delays in the first place. I'm a bit disappointed about Aston not getting involved a bit more, I am still buying one of their cars but from somewhere else.

Thankyou for your replies.

I accept everything about the delays, I understand it completely, that doesn't even annoy me but just because I've taken the initiative and found another car I don't think I should be penalised and treated this poorly, I've seen a solicitor who's more than happy to take it on but I don't really want to go down that route unless I can possibly help it, there's only one winner then!

The car is basically; Tungsten, black full leather, 19" wheels, satnav, HID, heated seats, bluetooth, alarm upgrade, folding mirrors and battery conditioner. Pretty safe spec I suppose.

Norfolk n'chance

Original Poster:

83 posts

222 months

Tuesday 21st March 2006
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garyhun said:
At the end of the day the dealer may have misled you BUT you will get your deposit back when it sells, and it will!!! Not ideal I agree!!

I do hope you're right garyhun!

Norfolk n'chance

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83 posts

222 months

Tuesday 21st March 2006
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jeremyc said:
Norfolk n'chance said:
I asked if my deposit would be refundable in that case and was told that was 'a perfectly reasonable request'.
From the evidence presented it doesn't seem as though the dealer ever offered you a refund on your deposit.

They are understanding of your position, and agreeing that you might reasonably request your money back, but did they ever agree to do it?

As everyone else has said, I wouldn't imagine they will have any difficulty finding someone to but the car.

I know what you're saying Jeremy, not exactly a firm offer as such but thats what I understood it to mean, perhaps I should have asked for something in writing. Had a perfectly good relationship until this point though.


119 posts

229 months

Wednesday 22nd March 2006
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If they didn't tell you the deposit was non-refundable then you have every right to be upset. Businesses in Dubai are not known for their customer service, but my dealer made it clear several times both verbally and in writing before accepting my deposit that it was non-refundable. The crazy thing is that they expected me to put 20% down, which of course I didn't agree to.


72 posts

222 months

Monday 27th March 2006
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I spec'ed my car up to a dealer agreement (tungsten/iron ore)such that he underwrote the order and return of deposit if circumstances changed. It meant I had to make some compromises in what I chose but because of the continued changes in expected delivery dates it gave me my out without cost to withdraw and seek another car to the spec I really wanted. I located another dealer that had some options to play with and the car's now coming sooner than the original would have(and if). My original dealer was totally professional and good to the agreement.

Norfolk n'chance

Original Poster:

83 posts

222 months

Monday 27th March 2006
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ColB2 said:
I spec'ed my car up to a dealer agreement (tungsten/iron ore)such that he underwrote the order and return of deposit if circumstances changed. It meant I had to make some compromises in what I chose but because of the continued changes in expected delivery dates it gave me my out without cost to withdraw and seek another car to the spec I really wanted. I located another dealer that had some options to play with and the car's now coming sooner than the original would have(and if). My original dealer was totally professional and good to the agreement.

Good idea that, agreement in writing, wish I'd done it. I suppose I didn't imagine the dealer would be this unreasonable if circumstances changed.