2006 Vantage - elegant solution for CTEK charger?

2006 Vantage - elegant solution for CTEK charger?



Original Poster:

2,915 posts

194 months

Monday 4th March 2024
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Hi all,

I’ve not used my Vantage for longer than I’d realised and the battery was almost flat. It’s currently sat with the bonnet open with the CTEK sorting it out.

I’d like to have a more elegant solution than having the bonnet up in the air if such a solution exists. Is there an adapter that could be used either in the front or perhaps the boot that would just clip onto the CTEK when parked up? The bonnet has to stay open I think to accommodate the clips, I think putting it down would knock the clips off.

Thanks in advance.


2,435 posts

123 months

Monday 4th March 2024
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Cloudy147 said:
Hi all,

I’ve not used my Vantage for longer than I’d realised and the battery was almost flat. It’s currently sat with the bonnet open with the CTEK sorting it out.

I’d like to have a more elegant solution than having the bonnet up in the air if such a solution exists. Is there an adapter that could be used either in the front or perhaps the boot that would just clip onto the CTEK when parked up? The bonnet has to stay open I think to accommodate the clips, I think putting it down would knock the clips off.

Thanks in advance.
Use the power socket in the boot. Mind is always hooked up to an Ampmatic Optimate 6 if it’s in the garage.


78 posts

109 months

Tuesday 5th March 2024
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It is possible to close the bonnet with a CTEK charger clipped to the jump terminals. If memory serves I have them clipped so the lead points outwards rather than upwards.

Mine is a 2015, but I'd think the arrangement is likely the same.

DB9S Paul

157 posts

43 months

Tuesday 5th March 2024
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I put a magnetic charging plate below and behind the front number plate connected to the underbonnet charging points.

Hidden away, no need to open the bonnet and just pulls off if you forget to disconnect it.


Edited by DB9S Paul on Tuesday 5th March 06:37


314 posts

127 months

Tuesday 5th March 2024
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@db9spaul could you share more pics please of how you mounted the magnetic connection point.

OP I bought this https://hethelsport.com/tools/charger-connection-k... but have yet to install it!


158 posts

33 months

Tuesday 5th March 2024
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LTP said:
Use the power socket in the boot. Mind is always hooked up to an Ampmatic Optimate 6 if it’s in the garage.
I use the boot socket too (mine’s a 2017 if that helps).

I also bought a CTEK extension cable (Amazon and Halfords do them). Means, in my set up, I can leave the charger itself on a shelf and easily visible whilst connected.


314 posts

127 months

Tuesday 5th March 2024
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@db9s paul, thanks I just clicked on the link..


5,910 posts

224 months

Tuesday 5th March 2024
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ZT260SE said:
I use the boot socket too (mine’s a 2017 if that helps).

I also bought a CTEK extension cable (Amazon and Halfords do them). Means, in my set up, I can leave the charger itself on a shelf and easily visible whilst connected.
Another vote to use the socket in the boot but make sure you hold the socket bracket when inserting the lighter attachment.
I have other cars on CTEK's either via the battery inside the car ( Classic Defender )and also via the front ( R8) and the cables are thin and flexible enough to be in position when either the door or bonnet are closed and the car locked.


16,675 posts

283 months

Tuesday 5th March 2024
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I just use a CTEK comfort adapter in the 12v DC socket in the boot. I leave the comfort cable in the boot and when it needs charging just plug in and close the boot.


Simpo Two

87,982 posts

276 months

Tuesday 5th March 2024
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DB9S Paul said:
I put a magnetic charging plate below and behind the front number plate connected to the underbonnet charging points.
Do you have to take the front bumper off to do that?

DB9S Paul

157 posts

43 months

Tuesday 5th March 2024
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Simpo Two said:
Do you have to take the front bumper off to do that?
No, I didn't, Just the slam panel.


74 posts

93 months

Thursday 7th March 2024
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I'm another fan of the boot socket on my 2006 V8V. Easy to close the boot and I can see the Ctek charger status when I open the door to the garage. Just need to resit the plug every now and again as it can lose contact. Probably oxidation over time.



Original Poster:

2,915 posts

194 months

Thursday 7th March 2024
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Thanks everyone. The boot socket sounds like the way to go for me, I’ll take a look at that and order the adapter.
