


1,042 posts

210 months


1,253 posts

126 months

Monday 22nd May 2023
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I’ve just seen the latest teaser video from Aston Martin on Facebook. It looks like they are being issued every day with more details revealed the closer we get to Wednesday. Side strakes appear to have returned, but if anyone is in any doubt what the car is, “ASTON MARTIN” is engraved in to the strake itself which looks a bit Jaguaresque to me. I wonder if it’s still on the rear of the car too? Oh well, only two days to go.

Best Regards



39 posts

140 months

Monday 22nd May 2023
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Went to a preview , the car looks more agressive than the DB11, inside tech is upto date from what I could play around with. Wearing larger wheels and a more aggressive front end . Overall I liked the look of the car over the DB11 I have currently.

Edited by dmatin on Monday 22 May 11:55

Edited by dmatin on Monday 22 May 23:44


1,108 posts

60 months

Monday 22nd May 2023
quotequote all
dmatin said:
Went to a preview , the car looks more agressive than the DB11, inside tech is upto date from what I could play around with. Wearing larger wheels with 325 width tyres on the rear and 275 width tyres on the front , larger grill Overall I liked the look of the car over the DB11 I have currently.

Edited by dmatin on Monday 22 May 11:55
What's it like compared to the look of the DBSS?


1,253 posts

126 months

Monday 22nd May 2023
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Is it still the case that anyone fortunate enough to have a private preview due to placement of an order, or otherwise, is subject to a NDA? If so, I’d be a little careful about revealing any non public information on here ahead of Wednesday guys. Remember what happened with the DB11 launch……..I’m sure AML do not want a repeat of that, despite all the teasers we are getting through social media.

Best Regards



12,983 posts

146 months

Monday 22nd May 2023
quotequote all

Minglar said:
Side strakes appear to have returned ...

Gosh. Who would have thought. Perhaps an extremely reluctant climbdown by Marek.
Imagine if the DB 12 appears on Wednesday, with a traditional slatted grille and side strakes.
In footballist language, that might be considered a nil six result.


373 posts

54 months

Monday 22nd May 2023
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Wonder if it is heavier than the db11


1,253 posts

126 months

Monday 22nd May 2023
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Jon39 said:

Minglar said:
Side strakes appear to have returned ...

Gosh. Who would have thought. Perhaps an extremely reluctant climbdown by Marek.
Imagine if the DB 12 appears on Wednesday, with a traditional slatted grille and side strakes.
In footballist language, that might be considered a nil six result.
There you go Jon.

They are side strakes Jim, but not as we know it.


Best Regards


Simpo Two

86,003 posts

268 months

Monday 22nd May 2023
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I'm not a great fan of the latest styling; aggression and complexity are taking over from style IMHO. But at least they are making green ones!


12,983 posts

146 months

Monday 22nd May 2023
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Hopefully the DB12 won't have curlicues (huge front downforce) and diverting air through tubes in the boot, apparently creating huge rear downforce.

What a load of baloney that was. Even a junior school pupil would realise that science research was undertaken by the AML Marketing Department. Surely misleading customers cannot be in chapter one of marketing principles.

A physicist might say, any downward force only become measurable above 150 mph.

Simpo Two

86,003 posts

268 months

Monday 22nd May 2023
quotequote all
Jon39 said:
Surely misleading customers cannot be in chapter one of marketing principles.
I suspect it is. We live in a world of hype and ste; the skill lies in scraping it off until you get to the truth underneath.


39 posts

140 months

Monday 22nd May 2023
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PinkHouse said:
What's it like compared to the look of the DBSS?
Its aggressive but not dbss aggresive... overall liked what they have done.


4,460 posts

213 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2023
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I got a newsletter email from Aston today calling the new GT "DB2"???


1,253 posts

126 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2023
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matrignano said:
I got a newsletter email from Aston today calling the new GT "DB2"???
You need to let it load properly. It’s starts off at DB2 and scrolls through all the DB models until DB11 and then stops at just DB……

I wonder what it will be called?


Best Regards



12,983 posts

146 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2023
quotequote all

Minglar said:
You need to let it load properly. It’s starts off at DB2 and scrolls through all the DB models until DB11 and then stops at just DB……

I wonder what it will be called?


Best Regards


It sounds therefore, that LS recognises the AML 'golden period', achieved during Sir David Brown's ownership and guidance.

Commendable. clap

( Some here feared this new model might be named LS 2.
"The DBX707, the first car developed under my leadership", being retrospectively nicknamed LS1 (an exact circumstances repeat of the DB1).


Original Poster:

1,184 posts

53 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2023
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I would consider that the opportunity to use ‘LS’ in place of DB has passed. It appears that it will not be long before the consortium loses its controlling interest.

Geely may just bring some Chinese pragmatism, they will just want to create good product, and utilise the halo effect and manufacture and sell more cars at a profit, be they EV or ICE powertrain. Maybe these days of overblown hyperbolic nonsense may soon be coming to an end.

Looking forward to the reveal of the facelifted AMG V8 DB11 tomorrow. I also hope they sell and allow the company to soldier on a little longer.

What’s the betting on the names for the ‘launch style’??

Silvery white paint, interior ‘inspired’ by Ralph Lauren, the ‘Canadian fashionista’ smile - yours for a 50k premium.


12,983 posts

146 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2023
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Calinours said:
I would consider that the opportunity to use ‘LS’ in place of DB has passed. It appears that it will not be long before the consortium loses its controlling interest.

Probably a pause for a while.

Geely has agreed to a standstill until 1 August 2024 under which it will not acquire any Ordinary Shares that would result in its total shareholding in the Company exceeding 22%.
The standstill will fall away if an offer from Geely is recommended by the directors of the Company or if any person not acting in concert with Geely announces a firm offer for the Company, whether the offer is recommended by the Company or not.


4,460 posts

213 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2023
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I'm sure Geely have a lot of cash sloshing around, still I don't understand the rationale behind owning two small volume British Sportscar manufacturers (+ 1 SUV each), Sure, they can platform share especially in a EV-only era, but is that enough of a cost save to keep the two brands afloat and competitive?


2,126 posts

115 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2023
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matrignano said:
I'm sure Geely have a lot of cash sloshing around, still I don't understand the rationale behind owning two small volume British Sportscar manufacturers (+ 1 SUV each), Sure, they can platform share especially in a EV-only era, but is that enough of a cost save to keep the two brands afloat and competitive?
It can be. There are many potential benefits for all concerned. The owner gets some "halo" brands. The smaller, specialist manufacturers can benefit from lower-cost "hidden from view" components and raiding the corporate parts bins (just consider the number of Volvo, Ford and JLR-branded parts on a VH-era car).

Then there's the benefit of having access to major Tier-1 suppliers (and their technologies), who would not be interested in AML volumes but might put up with the inconvenience of providing a service to them in return for access to the higher-volume brands. The corporate Purchasing organisation would also be able to exert pressure on suppliers that could be ignored if just from AML Purchase. There is also synergy in the particular Geely case as they own Lotus, who were the originators of the bonded aluminium system AML still uses for its structures.

Lower-volume specialist manufacturers can also be used as test-beds for technology by the group - again, one of the reasons why VH-era cars have a one-piece cast magnesium inner door structure - not a technology you'd usually associate with low-volume manufacturing, but of interest to Ford at the time.

Groups can also offer access to facilities that may be more specialised and cheaper than generally available in the sub-contract market. For example, AML cars had access to and were developed in the world-leading Volvo crash test facilities; even though much development these days is done virtually (requiring access to significant computer power - another corporate benefit?) ultimately cars still have to be crashed.


1,108 posts

60 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2023
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A quick way to condense it all is: would you be happy if the future Aston lineup was similar to the future Lotus lineup of cars?