
David W.

1,923 posts

212 months

Tuesday 12th July 2011
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George H said:
Don't blame you regarding the parking, I do that all the time. Sick of people who park right close to the drivers door.

I tried parking right at the far end of car parks where no one was, and 9 times out of 10 I would get back and someone was parked next to me. I'm sure people do it just to wind me up.
Just pop a couple of these in the boot and block spaces off either side, much cheaper than a dinged door.


Original Poster:

5,427 posts

230 months

Tuesday 12th July 2011
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David W. said:
Just pop a couple of these in the boot and block spaces off either side, much cheaper than a dinged door.
Do you know, that's bloody tempting...


10,058 posts

179 months

Friday 15th July 2011
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Saw a DB9 volante, light blue, 6:30 yesterday evening in the car park at Frimley Waitrose.


George H

14,712 posts

167 months

Friday 15th July 2011
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White DB9 Volante in Clitheroe this evening.

I didn't know a standard Aston could look so ste, white paint somehow manages that though.

Old Skool

96 posts

167 months

Monday 18th July 2011
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2 weeks ago on Friday afternoon, was fortunate enough to see two of some of the lesser spotted variety.... :

A gorgeous black V8 Vantage Volante (old style) on Cavendish St in W1

A simply stunning DB7 Zagato on the A40 heading westbound. Well done that man.

I was in a courtesy Maserati and felt like I was being shown the very pinnacle of the marque to rub salt in the wounds....

Rochester TVR

3,313 posts

209 months

Tuesday 19th July 2011
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Anyone know of a Grey V8 Vantage (J22 AMV). Lives nearby and (I could be imagining it) but I thought I saw it at a PH Sunday Service not to long ago.



2,226 posts

178 months

Friday 22nd July 2011
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Clean and shiny black (I think) V8V heading north on a very slooooow M25 today just passing over M3.Me in rather grubby blue V8V heading south, equally slowly.
Waved and got one back with a big grin.
Anyone ere?


179 posts

158 months

Friday 22nd July 2011
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peterr96 said:
Clean and shiny black (I think) V8V heading north on a very slooooow M25 today just passing over M3.Me in rather grubby blue V8V heading south, equally slowly.
Waved and got one back with a big grin.
Anyone ere?
Hi there! It was me, but in a V12V. It's not often you get to wave to another Aston going the other way on the M25! Yours looked clean from what I saw smile


2,226 posts

178 months

Friday 22nd July 2011
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AMGreg said:
Hi there! It was me, but in a V12V. It's not often you get to wave to another Aston going the other way on the M25! Yours looked clean from what I saw smile

Pleased to make your "aquaintance".
Sorry for the mis-spot. My bad. In fairness if it had been a lighter colour I'd have clocked the bonnet vents and the armco prevented me seeing the splitter. I was also trying not to rear end the car in front in the pleasure of stop-startiness.
Good job you didn't see the wheels...... blerk... proper filthy. The blue disguises the muck pretty well, but the wheels....
In spite of the crappy traffic I carried a little smile most of the way back to Kent after our encounter. It's the little things isn't it?

Anyway, she got a wash once home and is all clean and shiny now. cloud9


17,969 posts

163 months

Friday 22nd July 2011
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peterr96 said:
In fairness if it had been a lighter colour I'd have clocked the bonnet vents and the armco prevented me seeing the splitter.
Not sure if this applies to Greg, but I really do prefer the contrasting vents on the bonnet of the V12V, a la Ed50 and Lady Topaz.

Immediately, I am able to tell it's a gorgeous V12V smile


179 posts

158 months

Saturday 23rd July 2011
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Jockman said:
Not sure if this applies to Greg, but I really do prefer the contrasting vents on the bonnet of the V12V, a la Ed50 and Lady Topaz.

Immediately, I am able to tell it's a gorgeous V12V smile
I do like Ed's and Di's, but I also like the black with the carbon. It just looks, I guess. ..menacing. Ideally I'd like both! smile


17,969 posts

163 months

Saturday 23rd July 2011
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AMGreg said:
I do like Ed's and Di's, but I also like the black with the carbon. It just looks, I guess. ..menacing. Ideally I'd like both! smile
Greg, I have a picture of a fabulous car in my head. If you have the carbon black edition then you can forget the contrasting bonnet vents...they would look silly in any other colour.

Enjoy your beast smile


533 posts

195 months

Monday 25th July 2011
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Saw a nice silver Vantage on the A59 this morning on my way to Bradford. (Dont ask). Saw the same one on the way back as well. C5 ???. Looked amazing then realised I was in the same looking car lol. I did wave by the way. Preceding it was a very nice DB7.


4,194 posts

219 months

Monday 25th July 2011
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black db9...on a23 i think....both acknowledged each other....


284 posts

228 months

Tuesday 26th July 2011
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Silver, just near M11 J11 at around 8:20, gave a flash and a waive but not response.


754 posts

157 months

Tuesday 26th July 2011
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Black DB9 (I think) Volante parked at Hove station most mornings when I whisk by at 7am. It could be a Vantage but I rarely get more than a second or so before it's out of view and other cars are always parked around it.

Whatever it is, it is definitely the most beautiful looking car in that car park without a doubt.

Does it belong to anyone on here (who might be able to correct me on what model it is)?


17,969 posts

163 months

Tuesday 26th July 2011
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Highrisedrifter said:
Does it belong to anyone on here (who might be able to correct me on what model it is)?
How many seats, Damien ?? smile


754 posts

157 months

Tuesday 26th July 2011
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Jockman said:
How many seats, Damien ?? smile
Sorry Jockman, I can't tell, the roof is always up and there's usually other vehicles parked next to it. If I could get a good side on shot then i'd know.

I'll have to move to a different carriage so that when we stop i'll be more or less next to it so I can see. smile


17,969 posts

163 months

Tuesday 26th July 2011
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Volante = 4 seats ?
Roadster = 2 seats ?

But I know what you mean smile


754 posts

157 months

Tuesday 26th July 2011
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Jockman said:
Volante = 4 seats ?
Roadster = 2 seats ?

But I know what you mean smile

I'll try to get a better view of the side of the car to see. As we whizz past about forty feet away from the front of the vehicle and it's never at the front of the car park, it's proving a challenge for this tired man to see which vehicle through sleep bleary eyes. biggrin