Rollover Protection

Rollover Protection


Graham B

Original Poster:

1,359 posts

286 months

Tuesday 18th December 2001
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Just a quick question...

Remember reading an interview with PW where he said he designed the Tuscan as a coupe with a removable roof panel because it allowed them to build in rollover protection front and rear.

Obviously the Tamora is a full convertible, therefore do they now strengthen the windscreen surround (unlike the Griff and Chim)?

I presume this strengthening would add taughtness (and weight) to the chassis? Are they any heavier than a Griff?

PS. I've seen a rolled Griff (think the pictures were on this website a year or so back). It wasn't pretty!

>>> Edited by Graham B on Tuesday 18th December 16:58

Graham B

Original Poster:

1,359 posts

286 months

Wednesday 19th December 2001
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Aha... that's where i'd seen the mashed Griffith. The guy was very lucky.
