How fast!



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6,809 posts

281 months

Sunday 3rd March 2002
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I'm nearly up to 1000 miles in the Tamora, and I'm giving it 5000-5500 revs max, but only on odd occassions. 'Till yesterday.... I went out for a quick shop an' burn with my girlfriend, mainly to show her how good the car is now I can use a few revs. Anyway, I spied a red 911 Carrera, giving it large up ahead, so I thought, as you do, let's have some fun. I easily caught up with him in traffic, and he gunned it big time off a roundabout. I waited a second to see if he was up for a laugh, and then gave the Tamora a bit of welly. Jesus, I passed him with ease, and only using up to 5500 revs, and he was definitely going at max. acceleration. He managed to tuck in behind me and I saw he had a big grin on his face, and he gave me a thumbs up, so I indicated to pull out round a lorry, and also to invite him to follow, and I admit I gave it 6000 revs, but I was pulling away quite nicely! The Tamora held together very nicely on the next roundabout, but at that point there was a very sudden shower of rain, but I 3/4 floored it and there was perfect traction, on a newly wetted piece of road! Fantastic! The 911 backed off, I think because of the rain, and the embarrassment (obviously!), and then went off at the next roundabout with a cheery hoot and wave. Excellent fun, and Bloody Hell, the Tamora's fast!!

I got a cracking "best quote" from my girlfriend, who was laughing insanely, and said, "I'm all wet now, and it's not the rain....


1,537 posts

286 months

Sunday 3rd March 2002
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I test drove a standard 911 before going for my Tuscan. I could max the 911 on the test drive - fast, fun - but not outstanding.

The Tuscan on the other hand - I still can't quite get used to max 2nd gear acceleration!

I think the speed 6 is a fantastic engine. It pulls very easily from well down the revs, opens very smoothly up and on a Tuscan, really comes on above about 4000 rpm. Lovely.

It sounds like Tamora / speed 6 mating is also working really well. btw have you run the engine in yet ? I thought you were not supposed to max it until 2000 miles ? Or is that the 3.6 speed 6 can rev a bit higher - the 4.0 litre red lines around 7000 rpm.




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6,809 posts

281 months

Sunday 3rd March 2002
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The potential redline is 8000 revs, but it comes set by the factory at 7500 on the change up lights. However, these change up lights are adjustable, though I will leave it at 7500 - I think that's when max. power/torque occurs, anyway. Obviously, I haven't red-lined it yet, and I'm trying to add 500revs every 250 miles which means I'll get to 7500 at about 2000 miles, although you can have momentary surges over that, if you don't welly it too hard for too long. The engine feels sweet as a nut and is definitely loosening up nicely. I'm hoping that, like the Chimaera I had before, that it will spin even more freely between 1000 and 2000 miles.


1,457 posts

287 months

Sunday 3rd March 2002
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Hi Nubbin,

I had my Tamora upto 5000 rpm (I'm still running it in, so that was the limit I set myself) on the straight at Elvington TVRCC bash yesterday. The car was very very stable at 140 mph+, more so than my Tuscan and excellent through the 180 degree bends at the ends of the runway. I also had all three change up lights on in the Tuscan, with the speedo needle off the guage (230 mph+? I wish!) and the digital speedo saying 176 mph at 7100 rpm.




Original Poster:

6,809 posts

281 months

Sunday 3rd March 2002
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James, that sounds fantastic - I gave my latest copy of Sprint to a friend to read, and so didn't know about the TVRCC bash yesterday. I must do the next one! Glad to hear the aerodynamics are effective! The grunt abo0ve 4000rpm is astonishing, isn't it?! Hopefully 6-7000rpm will provide even more!!


3,280 posts

286 months

Tuesday 5th March 2002
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Chaps - can I make a kind request - please refrain from saying how good your car is and how significantly faster than you expected.....

I think you need to consider the emotions and bank balances of us lesser Chimaera owners who, upon reading such information, have the unyielding desire to own a Tamora.....

So, to retain happy relationships with loved ones and the bank manager, can you kindly refrain from such outbursts........

Or alternatively keep it up as it is starting to work on my wife and she is definately coming around to the idea.....

Good to hear that the cars are better than you expected....




Original Poster:

6,809 posts

281 months

Tuesday 5th March 2002
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We are truly sorry to make you suffer!

But OOOOHHHH!! it's SOOOOO fast!! (Damn, sorry again!)


16,674 posts

274 months

Tuesday 5th March 2002
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I think you need to consider the emotions and bank balances of us lesser Chimaera owners who, upon reading such information, have the unyielding desire to own a Tamora.....

Speak for yourself Paul, I'd take a Cerb above a Tamora still on looks alone, but having never driven either ...

And if the Cerb didn't exist – how about the Tuscan? Mind you, haven't driven one of them either. Perhaps I'd better shut up

One day I may be lucky enough to afford to be able to make that choice but until then, I'll be happy with me Chim!