Official TVR performance figures

Official TVR performance figures



Original Poster:

1,879 posts

285 months

Saturday 2nd February 2002
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Picked up a Tamora postcard from the factory yesterday and noticed that it's got official performance figures quoted:-

0 - 60 mph 4.4 secs
0 - 100 mph 9.5 secs
Maximum +175 mph

Quicker than first thought then!

Cheers...... Andrew


6,809 posts

281 months

Saturday 2nd February 2002
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Hi, Andrew. Those sound like the figures printed by, I think it was Autocar, when they ran a group test with a Boxster, Morgan Aero 8, and a Jensen SV8. 0-100 in 9.5 is just awesome!! Have you achieved that yet?!!


Original Poster:

1,879 posts

285 months

Saturday 2nd February 2002
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Not yet, but after next week's service I'll be visiting the M45?
Spent most of yesterday's journey back down the M6 with a new Jensen on trade plates.
I had no regrets of chosing the Tamora, especially when he tried to put his foot down!
Cheers...... Andrew


9,238 posts

287 months

Saturday 2nd February 2002
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What an excellent time we had in Blackpool. Three weeks to go and I'll be in my Tamora!!!

I read the new performance figures this morning too and it seems it will be quicker than my old Cerbera AND better handling!!!
For anyone who wants to see my new car
Just needs an engine, interior and wheels now!!!


124 posts

273 months

Saturday 2nd February 2002
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Flasher, not long to go now. May see you around if your any where near M45(dunchurch)!!

Nice colour,


6,809 posts

281 months

Saturday 2nd February 2002
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I've collected all the photos of 1042, and put them here ->

My car should be at my dealer at the end of next week, after it's final facory road test, which is scheduled for the 5th, or wednesday - (TVR think next Wed. is the 5th.). So I should have mine in the next 10-14 days!!!


352 posts

287 months

Saturday 2nd February 2002
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Hi Guys, Sounds like you had a good time at the factory. It now looks like my car is not going to be painted until the 11th, bummer !!!!
Did you find out any other news at the factory ? You can mail me direct on my wifes home account of if you have any pictures or info.


890 posts

287 months

Saturday 2nd February 2002
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absolutely stunning colour!!!

I'm looking forwrd to see your beastie in flesh/grp soon..

Will order the same colour when I place my name under a TuscanR contract. Its the first time I'm not intending to go for a black one again.

Have you seen a TuscanR on your tour or get any news...?


Christof with Saturday Night Fever


9,238 posts

287 months

Saturday 2nd February 2002
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Glad you like the colour. I will send you some more pictures sometime this weekend.

We were lucky enough to witness them cracking open the first plug of the Tuscan R front. this will then be used to make the carbon fibre front ends. One R was being race prepped for the new GT team. The speed 12 was also being worked on. They wouldn't let us take pics in the development area

A Tuscan R in that colour would look awesome mate. Danielle is loking forward to seeing your cerb-beastie
in March!!