Delivery Times



Original Poster:

94 posts

285 months

Monday 17th December 2001
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Does anyone know how long the waiting list is for a new Tamora and once I have put the deposit down I long have I got to specify the interior ?
Saw a demo car last w/e - awesome, far far better in the flesh


9,238 posts

287 months

Monday 17th December 2001
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the factory are being as cagey on this as ever. I ordered mine on 17th November and have been told March delivery , but they cannot guarantee it.

Get your order in quick mate!!


6,809 posts

281 months

Monday 17th December 2001
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yep, about the same for me - the chassis will be painted mid-late Jan, and I should hve the car about 6 weeks after that - so March it is!! The factory are getting a lot of orders, I'm told, so get in there mate!!


1,879 posts

285 months

Tuesday 18th December 2001
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Doug, ordered mine at the 2000 Motor Show (5th customer car) and it's still not due until February! Not really sure why as they're about to start the interior as we speak.
Same advice an flasher/nubbin really. Get your deposit and spec in now before the rush. They'll probably quote around 4 months I reckon?
Cheers........ Andrew


16,368 posts

287 months

Tuesday 18th December 2001
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Doug, ordered mine at the 2000 Motor Show (5th customer car) and it's still not due until February! Not really sure why

Hopefully so they have time to find any faults in the demo cars and rectify them before the customer cars go out. Well isnt that what a responsible company would do ?



2,238 posts

286 months

Tuesday 18th December 2001
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Edited by JSG on Tuesday 18th December 13:22


1,879 posts

285 months

Tuesday 18th December 2001
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Graham, I meant in relation to the people who've ordered in the last few months and have been quoted March delivery times. And yes, I'd rather wait than get a car that's not yet ready.
Cheers....... Andrew


1,329 posts

294 months

Tuesday 15th January 2002
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The factory are quoting May/June now for delivery if full specification is in this week.

Possibly still time to get it before Le mans and get the first 1000 mile service in before you go (essential, because you will need to get 4000rpm to beat the 996's with bodykits)


9,238 posts

287 months

Tuesday 15th January 2002
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The factory are quoting May/June now for delivery if full specification is in this week.

Possibly still time to get it before Le mans and get the first 1000 mile service in before you go (essential, because you will need to get 4000rpm to beat the 996's with bodykits)

that's if all the electrical and oil leak problems that the Porker was suffering from at the weekend are cleared up in time.......

Edited by flasher on Tuesday 15th January 22:56


6,809 posts

281 months

Tuesday 15th January 2002
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Bloody hell, that's about 5 months waiting time! And they're in production! I'm glad mine's already on the line, along with Flasher and hatchn. the order book must be filling up rapidly to lengthen the queues that much. enjoy the exclusivity whilst you can, flasher!!


1,879 posts

285 months

Wednesday 16th January 2002
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5 months! That's nothing to the 15 months I've been waiting!
At least we're all getting a far better car than I originally paid a deposit for all that time ago!
Cheers....... Andrew


1,844 posts

287 months

Wednesday 16th January 2002
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5 months! That's nothing to the 15 months I've been waiting!
At least we're all getting a far better car than I originally paid a deposit for all that time ago!
Cheers....... Andrew

15 months that's nothing - I ordered my Tuscan in Nov 1997, took delivery on 3rd March 2000 - 28 months!

I know how you guys feel being among the first to to get a new model, you'll be stars for the next six months. My advice is make sure you go to Le Mans, I had so much attention (all positive) when I took the Tuscan in 2000, a great experience - enjoy your cars



632 posts

284 months

Thursday 17th January 2002
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Does all this mean we'll be seeing the first customer cars on the road in March, or are there already a few around? If you see a grinning idiot in a dark blue Chimaera flashing and waving frantically, fear not...

Also, I notice that a few people here have mentioned Ferrari paint. Are TVR actually using Ferrari paints or do you just mean the colours are the same as those that Ferrari use? If the former, what was the reason?

I reckon I'll be buying a Tamora in a couple of years (used, so look after 'em!), so I'm starting my homework early.


67,280 posts

273 months

Thursday 17th January 2002
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I've seen a Tamora on the road, and I dont think it was a dealer demo either. This was last week on the A4 coming out of West London.



1,879 posts

285 months

Thursday 17th January 2002
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Could be either? I'm getting the 5th customer car tomorrow so there's 4 others out there somewhere already?
Cheers........ Andrew


67,280 posts

273 months

Thursday 17th January 2002
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Tommorow! I'd wager you wont be sleeping tonight then!

So 15 months is the figure now then, sort of makes my dealer telling me mid October that I could have a Tamora in December a bit of a porky then!



1,879 posts

285 months

Thursday 17th January 2002
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'Tomorrow' is when it gets delivered to the dealer. But as they're refusing to book it into the workshop for its PDI until it arrives I'm looking at more like middle of next week to actually get it!
They're allocating 1 mechanic a whole day for the PDI! Does anyone know what will get done? Other than fitting a number plate and tax disc!
As you can probably tell my dealer's not my favourite person at the moment!
Cheers........ Andrew


67,280 posts

273 months

Thursday 17th January 2002
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Cant tell you exactly about TVR PDI's but Audi's used to be about a 132 point check.

It included remove factory wax, remove all delivery plastic, check levels, ensure everything works blah blah blah.

All really depends on what state they leave the factory in to be honest. However one mechanic for one day does sound more like a hoon and test than a PDI!



352 posts

287 months

Thursday 17th January 2002
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So, GB61390 (Nice name, just rolls off) I presume you are going to the dealer over the weekend to take a look. I'm sure we will all be looking forward to a full report and loads of pictures on Monday. PLEASE......
Can't belive I've still got about six weeks to wait !!!


1,879 posts

285 months

Thursday 17th January 2002
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Will do. Just need to borrow a mate's digital camera......

(Don't ask about my username! I registered on PH long before I started to use the Gassing Station so didn't really know what the username would be used for!)

Cheers....... Andrew