Too many locked or hijacked threads!!

Too many locked or hijacked threads!!


T350 Guy

Original Poster:

138 posts

260 months

Friday 11th April 2003
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Is it really too much to ask of people to stick to the original topics posted on here?

Surely we are all here because we are car enthusiasts in some form or other, as such why let things get so personal. It serves no purpose other than the put people off asking questions or responding to them for fear of being judged or shouted down by people they have never met!

The T350c/T in particular are bound to be of big interest and generate lots of discussions due to their being totally new. Therefore, going off on a tangent and causing other peoples threads to be locked is not very clever.

I suggest we stick to the themes of the posted topics and post new ones if we have anything new to say!

Sorry, just had to say something...........


12,513 posts

275 months

Friday 11th April 2003
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I agree, every thread seems to be flasher getting aggitated with ***999*** and Nubbin in his new Gestapo position closing all the threads.

Nubbin can you not bin a post, rather than locking every thread and calling everybody childish?

For my own part I would like to apologise for any attempted humour and will stick rigidly now to electro - mechanical techno speak threads only.

Nubbin bin me, use the power.



5,782 posts

270 months

Friday 11th April 2003
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Hang on a minute, where has my post gone.....?


6,809 posts

284 months

Friday 11th April 2003
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Benno, I closed the thread because it was rapidly degenerating into a slanging match. There were already other posts requesting a return to sangfroid, so it seemed a bit pointless for it to continue. The first thread I closed on Ted's advice, the second because it was becoming the same as the first. Gestapo or consistency? Binning posts that aren't particularly offensive still leaves a thread full of other rants. The threads are for discussion of car-related topics, and personal arguments between contributors should be conducted with handbags at dawn on Hampstead Heath, not on these pages. Keep the humour, lose the "pub argument" mentality - anything wrong with that?

>> Edited by nubbin (moderator) on Friday 11th April 12:35


34,443 posts

309 months

Friday 11th April 2003
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Nubbin's spot on with this. There's a great opportunity to learn about the new car and share experiences.

If contributors can't disagree in a constructive manner then it devalues the forum. That won't be allowed to happen.


12,248 posts

288 months

Friday 11th April 2003
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oops, sorry, just a little bit of friday fun. Have there been lots of probs with this before then? I've never come across it on most of the other forums here.


148 posts

262 months

Friday 11th April 2003
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I raised the owners thread in an attempt not only get some info as a new owner, but also get some "real owners" back in this forum.

Ok Flasher and 999 don't get on but the thread was kind of deliberatley slanted toward owners in an attempt to get some key owners to re-contribute some useful issues and let those with no "day to day ownership" but strong opinions to post on an alternative thread.

Not axe to grind don't know either individual.

Delete post as necessary!!!!


1,849 posts

290 months

Friday 11th April 2003
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Well for what it's worth I've been here for 4 years now and have seen all kinds of contributors come and go and a fair number of flame wars in that time.

However over the past year I've noticed these bad tempered and aggressive responses happening time and again and can see that this is putting people off contributing to these threads and causing a general feeling of unease with a lot of PHers.

So for the sake of everyone else why not put the offender(s) in the 'Sin Bin' for a couple of days? They'll either learn that this is unacceptable behaviour or go elsewhere?

>> Edited by MikeE on Friday 11th April 13:43

T350 Lady

1 posts

258 months

Friday 11th April 2003
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My other half T350 Guy has hit the nail right on the head.

I stopped logging onto Pistonheads, or even looking at the site, because of the slagging of from other 'members' when people were asking questions or being plain derogatory about the other members on this site. It was just downright abusive!!

We all enjoy cars, generally whatever make they are!



39,731 posts

290 months

Friday 11th April 2003
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apex said: mmm

I raised the owners thread in an attempt not only get some info as a new owner, but also get some "real owners" back in this forum.

Ok Flasher and 999 don't get on but the thread was kind of deliberatley slanted toward owners in an attempt to get some key owners to re-contribute some useful issues and let those with no "day to day ownership" but strong opinions to post on an alternative thread.

Not axe to grind don't know either individual.

Delete post as necessary!!!!

I must admit thats what I thought the thread was about, an owners input from purchase to sale if you like, warts an all. Lets face it, if you shell out £40k+ for a new toy and then your first impressions are contradicted by a non owner you might be forgiven for feeling miffed.
If someone has an input from a test drive or has got some info from the factory then it should be quoted as such IMO of course

T350 Guy

Original Poster:

138 posts

260 months

Friday 11th April 2003
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robp said: Hang on a minute, where has my post gone.....?

Yes and my reply to it vanished too!

Now what shampoo do T350 owners use robp?

Thanks for the back up there T350 Lady. It's never too late to do a bit crawling! I'll thank you for it later tonight.........


5,782 posts

270 months

Friday 11th April 2003
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T350 Guy said: I'll thank you for it later tonight.........

Easy now, there are children present!

With regards to what has been posted by people above, its always a risk you are going to take having a free membership forum like pistonheads. Its open to abuse. Thankfully 99.9% of the people on here are genuine and dont abuse what I think is one of the best places for fellow petrol-heads to chat.


2,190 posts

275 months

Friday 11th April 2003
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robp said: Hang on a minute, where has my post gone.....?

Hmmmmmmmm - not just me then
What I posted wasn't offensive and in the right light might have even been mistaken for an attempt at irony.

Must be the war; it gets blamed for everything else.....


5,089 posts

273 months

Friday 11th April 2003
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Nah, its New Labour.

To be fair 999 did say his views were based on extended test drive.

Hatchets need to be buried, water passed under bridges, bygones allowed to be bygones, grudges not harboured, new leaves turned, oh hang on, that's lunchtime's beer talking....


9,238 posts

290 months

Friday 11th April 2003
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Well, we got rid of Saddam so surely we can get rid of Adolf Von Nubbin.

Contrary to the humourless, and somewhat censor happy tone of this forum, most of what I wrote was tongue in cheek. However I do think the guy was trying to goad me so I responded.

I also find it rather bemusing that certain people are allowed freedom of speech on here while others are heavily criticised and chastised by over-zealous moderators. I'm referring to a certain war related thread the other day in case you are wondering. I agree with Bennno here, bin the post not the thread.

I know there are one or two people who blame me totally for the spat with this **999*** bloke, whoever he is, but it takes two to tango and I have received numerous emails from people asking me to keep posting as I do have a lot of experience to share.

I'll keep doing that, and I'll try not to cause any more grief, but if I'm denied freedom of speech I'll go elsewhere, especially when bias seems to be applied in certain cases.

War is over, until some pratt starts it again....



10,857 posts

273 months

Friday 11th April 2003
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I've still got bloody neighbours asking after that car of yours, Andy. I've never been so popular!


9,238 posts

290 months

Friday 11th April 2003
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GregE240 said: I've still got bloody neighbours asking after that car of yours, Andy. I've never been so popular!

Excellent, well like I said anytime mate.....we haven't had that meal yet mate....


10,857 posts

273 months

Friday 11th April 2003
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I'll speak to the boss tonight and get back to you, mate.

**EDIT - tired of your old woman's cooking already?

>> Edited by GregE240 on Friday 11th April 15:49


9,238 posts

290 months

Friday 11th April 2003
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GregE240 said: Noted.

I'll speak to the boss tonight and get back to you, mate.

**EDIT - tired of your old woman's cooking already?

>> Edited by GregE240 on Friday 11th April 15:49

haha!! Not at all mate, Mum's cooking is great! Just fed up of watching gardening programmmes, it's costing me a fortune up the local pub!!


6,809 posts

284 months

Friday 11th April 2003
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flasher said: Well, we got rid of Saddam so surely we can get rid of Adolf Von Nubbin.

Ze Var iss over ven I say it is over, ya?!