RE: TMS have their 18 incher

RE: TMS have their 18 incher



9,238 posts

287 months

Friday 15th March 2002
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Er... Have I missed something? Don't know where all this slagging has come from between Flasher and Andyr but calm down guys! It appears I've been misinterpreted in my original post (or my correction of it). I was in fact congratulating you Flasher (and Nubbin) on your choice of car and colour and haven't a clue what happened next! If there was an offensive post aimed at me (or my wife) I am glad it was removed before I saw it.

Sorry mate I thought you had flamed me so I had a rip at the old PT cruiser!!!

No offence meant and I removed it when I realised my drink fuelled mistake!! Blame benno, as he is the one who took me out for a ruby murray and a few beers!!


9,238 posts

287 months

Friday 15th March 2002
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It looks like the Tamora will go down in history as the TVR that no one could agree on, despite it being the best yet.

well I think that's an interesting point, it depends what your criteria are I suppose. But for me it's not quite got the wow factor (IMHO of course). Also are the sales figures going to backup this claim, from what I've heard (the Tuscan S is outselling it) I suspect not....

Oh yeah, and as the father of 5 year old twins and the (ex) owner of a Griff and two Tuscan S6's I can assure you having six month old twins DOES have a drastic effect (if only temporary in my case ) on your automotive extravagance.


>> Edited by MikeE on Friday 15th March 14:35

Mike, I agree my missus made we wait ten years till the little cherubs had grown up before I could own one!! Now its payback time

Who told you the Tuscan S was outselling the Tamora? That's not my impression from my visit to the factory a few weeks back. It's not what TMS told me either. It's highly unlikely that a £50K car would outsell a £38K one anyway

>> Edited by flasher on Friday 15th March 16:22


14,079 posts

273 months

Friday 15th March 2002
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Flasher I can't take offence 'cos I never got to read your post so none taken. I've even apologised myself in my profile for the wifes choice! In fairness the cruiser isn't that bad other than a crap engine..... Andyr, thanks for pointing it out to Flasher on my behalf anyway, last night when I started reading the posts I felt like the ref standing between Tarrico and Le Saux!