Today's the day!!



508 posts

282 months

Monday 18th February 2002
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You better get your ass down to Nottingham sooooooon!!! (I'd come to you but you need some miles to break her in).

Email those pictures in Fotango to me at the highest resolution because I know a girl who can make very high quality digital poster prints, which I might just exchange with you for a blast - I might even put one on my office wall


9,238 posts

287 months

Monday 18th February 2002
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I work in Nottingham mate so look out for the yellow beastie!!!


Original Poster:

6,809 posts

281 months

Monday 18th February 2002
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Macca, me old fruit! I'll zip and mail the best snaps I've got so far. I'd love some A2 sized prints, if 2Mb files, or thereabouts, are sufficient. I'm not setting my digital camera to it's highest setting, because each photo becomes an 18Mb file!! I may even come down in person. What are you up to on Friday?


508 posts

282 months

Tuesday 19th February 2002
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The weather looks crap for Friday but better on Saturday. How about we meet up somewhere with flasher and I might let you park either side of my Chim for a really special photo

Seriously though, I can break away on Friday a little early. Fingers crossed that the BBC have cocked up the weather forecast.


Original Poster:

6,809 posts

281 months

Tuesday 19th February 2002
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The BBC never get anything right. It'll be a lovely day, because I'm back in a TVR!! I'd have to come down during the day eg, lunchtime, 'cos it's school run at 3.30. Flasher, how are you fixed? An 18Mb shot would be worth it on this auspicious occasion!


Original Poster:

6,809 posts

281 months

Tuesday 26th February 2002
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I did a double take whilst sitting in my Tamora today. It's got no sun visors. Common sense prevails in the world of sports cars! A shades only car. Cool!!

>> Edited by nubbin on Tuesday 26th February 14:21


352 posts

287 months

Tuesday 26th February 2002
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I mentioned the lack of sun visors when I was at the factory. I was told PW does not like them. They are not fitted in the Tuscan and have now been deleted from the Cerbera. There was talk of supplying a pair of TVR shades with the Tamora.
Only two weeks to go now......................


52,059 posts

287 months

Tuesday 26th February 2002
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I heard that PW has deleted sun-visors in preparation for the launch of a new range of "designer" sunglasses under the PWDesign label, these will be closely followed by a designer cigarette lighter, a designer dog-leash and other PWDesign creations - probabaly to be retailed through a selection of franchised PWDesign outlets. Rich...


1,879 posts

285 months

Tuesday 26th February 2002
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Nubbin, remember while we were at the factory I asked Danielle about the sun visors? She replied 'real British Sports cars' didn't have them! She said that they'd thought about including TVR sunglasses but deceided against it!
While we're on the subject of bright light do you find you need to adjust your digital display depending on the light conditions? I seem to be constantaly changing mine.
Cheers........ Andrew


Original Poster:

6,809 posts

281 months

Tuesday 26th February 2002
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Hi, Andrew - I find that the display needs to "warm up", when starting from cold, and takes 5-10 minutes to become clearer, although you can see the it from cold. I have noticed the 3 change lights flash when the display is blank, and switching off and on again resets it. I can't remember offhand what I've got the contrast and brightness set on, for lights off, but I think it's about 50 contrast and 60 brightness. Try that.

Hmmm, any excuse to sit in the car!! I've had a look and the brightness is set to 100%, and contrast seems fine between 30-40%, with lights off. Wait until you've been out driving to set them.

>> Edited by nubbin on Tuesday 26th February 18:36


13,166 posts

283 months

Tuesday 26th February 2002
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Any get togethers in Nottingham, count me in.
As of Friday I've got loads of spare time on my hands
Signing on, on Monday, then I am open to any TVR get togethers any time
Making the most of it before I run out of money!