RE: TMS have their 18 incher

RE: TMS have their 18 incher



35 posts

272 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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Hey the car in the picture is currently for sale.


9,238 posts

287 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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I can't see where he called your car 'girly'. You spend all your time with a chip on your shoulder, and most of your messages are moaning about some post or other.

I'ts just a bit tiring when you keep doing it - thats all.

You obviously looked at his message, then looked him up on his profile and decided to lambast him over his and his wife's car choice - all very grown up eh?

Get you handbag ready!

>> Edited by andyr on Thursday 14th March 07:44

Can't be arsed to respond to that really pal. Your intellect and wit match your TVR. ie: you don't have one.

Everyone who knows me knows that I don't have a chip on my shoulder. Why should I have? As I said I don't give a toss whether you like my car or not. I would prefer it if you have a reasoned argument for not liking something rather than just coming on here and slagging something off just for the sake of it. If you do that then I will give it back in bucketloads. That's what I did when I thought sjc was slagging my car off. I may have got it wrong so I deleted it, and not because of you either.
Who made you the regulator of this site anyway, Mr f****g high and Mighty?


6,809 posts

281 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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Chill out, flasher... see you tomorrow!


2,745 posts

276 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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Come on boys, we're not in school anymore...


9,238 posts

287 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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You've met me mate, do I have a chip on my shoulder? Mind you I have changed my shirt a few times since then

Tomorrow? I thought we were meeting up on Saturday? You're excited nubbin, aren't you?

Took benno out for his first go in the Tamora yesterday. I even let him have a long drive in it.....
(I must be )
He was very impressed and couldn't believe the handling. His only gripe was the noise, so we need someone to make a sports exhaust I think.


9,238 posts

287 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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Come on boys, we're not in school anymore...

No, I got out at half past-three!!


9,238 posts

287 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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When do you start school then thom??

>> Edited by flasher on Thursday 14th March 17:21


2,745 posts

276 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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Start what??


9,238 posts

287 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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2,745 posts

276 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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"When do you start school?"
"When do I start WHAT?"
hahaha joke fun notserious


>> Edited by thom on Thursday 14th March 18:42


9,238 posts

287 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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I geddit now


368 posts

287 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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Can't be arsed to respond to that really pal. Your intellect and wit match your TVR. ie: you don't have one.

Everyone who knows me knows that I don't have a chip on my shoulder. Why should I have? As I said I don't give a toss whether you like my car or not. I would prefer it if you have a reasoned argument for not liking something rather than just coming on here and slagging something off just for the sake of it. If you do that then I will give it back in bucketloads. That's what I did when I thought sjc was slagging my car off. I may have got it wrong so I deleted it, and not because of you either.
Who made you the regulator of this site anyway, Mr f****g high and Mighty?

You can't be arsed to respond - but you did anyway. I'm not trying to be intellectual or witty.

I've owned TVRs from 94-01. Haven't got one now because I've got two 6 month old kids.
I don't have any arguement against your car or anyone elses TVR - have another read of the posts.

You obviously do have a chip on your shoulder, and you're a sensitive little flower. And you do mind anyone having a go at your car - you identify yourself with it, which is why I assume you get so annoyed.

I've been a member on the site almost from the start - I'm not the regulator, but I'm fed up with your attitude. It's all rant, rant, rant.

I know you'll get annoyed again, but I've made my point - let's just agree to differ shall we?

Cheers 'Flasher'


9,238 posts

287 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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I'm not trying to be intellectual or witty.


You obviously do have a chip on your shoulder, and you're a sensitive little flower. And you do mind anyone having a go at your car - you identify yourself with it, which is why I assume you get so annoyed.

I don't understand what your problem is. I haven't got a chip on my shoulder either, whatever you may think. I have two children of my own but unlike you they are grown up, so don't think you are some kind of special case because you have kids. You have me down as sensitive, I think the last thing anyone has ever described me as is sensitive...
I have just become pissed off with people slagging the Tamora off. It's boring, repetetive and every thread was turning the same way, just like the "porsche v TVR" thing.
I've been a member on the site almost from the start - I'm not the regulator, but I'm fed up with your attitude. It's all rant, rant, rant.

I know you'll get annoyed again, but I've made my point

What has your length of membership got to do with anything? It's not all ranting either, I have a good laugh on here and 90% of my posts are light hearted. It's just that you don't seem to have a sense of humour. I'm sorry about that....

>> Edited by flasher on Thursday 14th March 19:05


9,238 posts

287 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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I'd just like to make another thing clear. I don't think the Tamora is the best looking car TVR have ever made. I think the best looking is the Griffith. My Cerb was fabulous and I still miss it, but it was bloody expensive when it went wrong...
I would have had a Tuscan but drove the Tamora and loved it's ride and handling.
The bottom line is if people don't like it that's fair enough, fine. There are many cars I don't like but I don't find a thread for them and start slagging them off. Yellow is certainly not everyones cup of tea and I mulled it over for hours before I made the decision to have the demo car instead of my Titanium one.
What swung me was that my Cerb was blue, the Griff green and my wedge was red, all predictable colours and I thought sod it! Lets have a loud car!! I'm glad I did, although I think Nick Hatch's Red Bull Blue is the nicest colour I've seen in ages...

Now can we quit the bitching and get back to the 18" wheel debate please?


2,238 posts

286 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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I've owned TVRs from 94-01. Haven't got one now because I've got two 6 month old kids.

Don't see what keeping a couple of baby goats has to do with TVRs


I've been a member on the site almost from the start - I'm not the regulator,

This site doesn't have regulators - it has extremely pleasant moderators and one Lord of the Pies.

Oh and this was meant in humour - I'm not accusing you of being a goat shagger or anything like that - I know the charges were dropped.


2,238 posts

286 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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You have drunk too much piss tonight, my friend

Urine a strange mood tonight Thom - Freud would have a field day - damp beds again?


2,238 posts

286 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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I have read them all Thom - just because you beat us once at Rugby.....

Inerestingly enough, on the day of the match the French sports press commented that France would need to go via the peripherique to score against the English defence in their headlines. Just that we felt sorry for you.

Perhaps someone's taking the piss


6,809 posts

281 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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Whoops, sorry flash, I've got a day off tomorrow, so assumed it must be Saturday. Doh!! I'm off to Harrogate to get my car back, then off to buy a titanium bike frame in Sheffield. My, what an exciting life!!

And no, you don't have a chip. It looks like the Tamora will go down in history as the TVR that noone could agree on, despite it being the best yet. Hey ho, another chapter in the upward spiral of the best boy's toys manufacturer ever! See you on SATURDAY then....

Thom, it looks like your French team have caught the English disease. No, not THAT one, the other one, i.e the ability to put it together for one game, and sink into mediocrity for the rest of the time. Careful, my friend, the times are changing....

>> Edited by nubbin on Thursday 14th March 21:10


14,075 posts

273 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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Er... Have I missed something? Don't know where all this slagging has come from between Flasher and Andyr but calm down guys! It appears I've been misinterpreted in my original post (or my correction of it). I was in fact congratulating you Flasher (and Nubbin) on your choice of car and colour and haven't a clue what happened next! If there was an offensive post aimed at me (or my wife) I am glad it was removed before I saw it.


1,844 posts

287 months

Friday 15th March 2002
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It looks like the Tamora will go down in history as the TVR that no one could agree on, despite it being the best yet.

well I think that's an interesting point, it depends what your criteria are I suppose. But for me it's not quite got the wow factor (IMHO of course). Also are the sales figures going to backup this claim, from what I've heard (the Tuscan S is outselling it) I suspect not....

Oh yeah, and as the father of 5 year old twins and the (ex) owner of a Griff and two Tuscan S6's I can assure you having six month old twins DOES have a drastic effect (if only temporary in my case ) on your automotive extravagance.


>> Edited by MikeE on Friday 15th March 14:35