RE: TMS have their 18 incher

RE: TMS have their 18 incher



14,075 posts

273 months

Wednesday 13th March 2002
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Hated the looks originally, then saw the pictures of Nubbins on here and my opinion changed (great colour) and then seeing this has really got me thinking it's actually a great looking car, a cross between a Tuscan racer and a modern Griff. Providing it doesn't bugger the ride and handling the wheels look like a must have.


1,426 posts

272 months

Wednesday 13th March 2002
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Please, please someone humour me - where on the TMS site are the pics of the Tamora on 18"ers. I've looked under gallery etc. but couldn't find anything !!!


1,329 posts

294 months

Wednesday 13th March 2002
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Under latest news section at the side.

But this in my PERSONAL opinion just is a bit girlie !!

350 Bhp, Drilled Racing Discs from the Tuscan Red Rose? Yes - well everyone has a personnal opinion - I suppose that's why we never had `Proportional Reperentation' in England

>> Edited by jamer on Wednesday 13th March 20:10


39,731 posts

287 months

Wednesday 13th March 2002
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jamer is that flashers original car....what does it handle like with those wheels, looks like a completely different car.....lovely stuff


14,075 posts

273 months

Wednesday 13th March 2002
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Sorry, meant Flashers pearly yellowy colour but Nubbins looks good and so does the titanium.


1,329 posts

294 months

Wednesday 13th March 2002
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Apache -

Hard to say as it goes so fast now but I have taken it on the same route you went on with me last year and personnally,

I noticed a tiny bit more twitchy-ness at the rear but miles different to the Tuscan on the same road.

However as the car is loosening up now I looked at the speedo and it wasn't exactly 50 mph if you know what I mean.

I personnaly expected quite a difference but really I would recommend them on all. Handling on the Tamora with 18 Inch Spiders on it is miles ahead of the Chimaera/Griffith with standard 15/16 inch wheels.

That is my opinion obviously!

Flasher is in the top showroom ready for you

I meant his other car of course - although i have heard...

>> Edited by jamer on Wednesday 13th March 21:03


6,809 posts

281 months

Wednesday 13th March 2002
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One thing about the handling - I've noticed on high speed corners that the rear end tends to "settle" as the weight transfers to the outer rear wheel - it can be a little disconcerting as it feels for a second like it's going to break away - but it then grips furiously and feels rock solid. I wonder if the rubber band tyres on the 18" wheels might actually improve that, if it comes from compliance in the side walls of the taller 16" tyres. We'll see, shall we.

Thanks for the compliments on my choice of colour, guys - we aim to please, as they say!!

Jamer - what tyres are you recommending on the 18" wheels?

>> Edited by nubbin on Wednesday 13th March 21:19


1,457 posts

287 months

Wednesday 13th March 2002
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Hello Jamer, I told you the 18" would go on and you've done it. Good chap and it saved me experimenting with my car. Now, how about swapping one of those 4.0 Tuscan S or Red Rose engines with the Tamora's 3.6 and trying that?


29 posts

270 months

Wednesday 13th March 2002
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I'm afraid he means one with a Rover V8...


Proper TVR

Doesent have to be a rover V8, at the mo we have a Tuscan S (no V8) we do however have a cerbie 4.5 L/W, a chim 4.0L and a Tuscan racer (not quite on the road yet !!!!)
I guess what I mean by a real TVR is that when ever I walk up to any of the other TVR's my heart almost misses a beat, its almost a bit well scary i.e you walk up to the tuscan s and think if I am not carefull this thing is going to throw me in the nearest ditch With the tamora I just think easy drive bit Z3 meets MX 5 O how I am going to get roasted by the girlie Tamora owners (yes yes yes it make have 350bhp and big brakes but so did our turbo technics Mgf but I wouldn't be seen dead driving that oh no a whole new can of worms he he he)

>> Edited by casio on Wednesday 13th March 22:11


368 posts

287 months

Wednesday 13th March 2002
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I wish you would go away flasher - you really are a cretin. sjc was paying you a compliment on your colour choice as far as I can see. I think its a great colour too, but you are wearing a bit thin.


3,829 posts

277 months

Wednesday 13th March 2002
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Easy boys!

Have to say though! That car is absolutely Fg lovely! Good choice Flasher (on both counts)!! I think the Tamora looks a lot better on 18"s!! To much visible rubber on 16"s!!!



1,329 posts

294 months

Wednesday 13th March 2002
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cretins are people without TVR's surely?

Nubbin -

I'll post something tomorrow after I have checked what we have put on our Tamora.

I spoke to the factory they sent us their best set up. The wheels used are slighlty different offsets and are all front wheels used on the Cerbera/Tuscan currently but with slightly different tyre charateristics.

>> Edited by jamer on Wednesday 13th March 23:43


9,238 posts

287 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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I wish you would go away flasher - you really are a cretin. sjc was paying you a compliment on your colour choice as far as I can see. I think its a great colour too, but you are wearing a bit thin.

eeer, what???? You big girl My sister used to tell me to "go away" what next do you want to pull my hair?
I'm not bothered whether you like my car or not, but seeing as I hadn't even been part of this particular thread calling my car girly was unprovoked. Maybe I got the wrong end of the stick but we all do that sometimes. I do apologise Mr Perfect. Sorry to disappoint you Mr High and Mighty but I'm not going anywhere, in case you can't read this is a Tamora forum and I happen to have one so I am here to stay!!

>> Edited by flasher on Thursday 14th March 06:54


368 posts

287 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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I can't see where he called your car 'girly'. You spend all your time with a chip on your shoulder, and most of your messages are moaning about some post or other.

I'ts just a bit tiring when you keep doing it - thats all.

You obviously looked at his message, then looked him up on his profile and decided to lambast him over his and his wife's car choice - all very grown up eh?

Get you handbag ready!

>> Edited by andyr on Thursday 14th March 07:44


35 posts

272 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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Flasher -Why isn't there a one finger Graphic?

>> Edited by archie1 on Thursday 14th March 09:06


3,829 posts

277 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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This one fit the bill?

(sorry Ted)


6,809 posts

281 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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Casio, dahling - you are obviously well off, owning 4 TVR's. Some of us can afford one at a time, and some of us want a proper rag top car, with lots of power and great handling. They are the reasons I bought my Tamora. Now, if that makes me a girlie in your book, fine. But if you wish to insult me, would you like to do it to my face? At least then I can hit you with more than my handbag...

Alternatively, you could give me an explanation of exactly why OWNING a Tamora, (as opposed to the car itself) makes me a girlie? Since the car has many of the characteristics of the Tuscan, except with better handling, I'd love to hear your thoughts.


29 posts

270 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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Nubbin, all really meant to be a bit of fun please don't take it to heart. Its just not my cup of tea, being a bit of a die hard fan and christ you need to be with some of the crap thats come out of Blackpool over the years (once had a speed six cerbie 1 year 3 engine rebuilds and two gear box's later anyway thats a whole different story)
I have as most people allways owned one at a time but now am fortunate enough to own more than one(probably luck), having also been fortunate enough to have quite a bit to do with the factory over the years as well (can't really say why, just the business I am in)
When PW describes the Tamora a soft TVR and a trade up from a MX 5 / Elise / Boxter generation its just not for me, don't get me wrong it goes like stink, handles dare I say it probably better than our Tuscan s it just didn't have the scareability that I look for in a TVR, its a bit like my M3 you get in pootle off to the shops, up to london or anywhere for that matter and its a great car but its just a bit boring and mising something.
In my view the Tamora is probably the best all round TVR availabile (or ever made for that matter) my problem is I have never wanted a good all rounder or I would have probably been into Porsche for the last 10 years, what I want is something that I get in and think Wow, each of mine gives me that feeling every time I look at them or drive them, I also can't see the "TVR" effect happening at all with a Tamora i.e. I can remember the first time I saw/ felt a 400 se drive past me I think you could have picked my jaw off the groung in amasement the sheer presence of the car was and still is awsome you just don't get the same with a Boxter / elsise / Tamora in my view.
Hope this explains my views, and more than anything if you love the car have fun and enjoy
All the best


6,809 posts

281 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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Casio, any offence taken now officially withdrawn!

I agree that the Tamora doesn't have that rear-view miror presence of the Tuscan and Cerbie, and my second car would certainly be a 4.5 Cerbie, if I could afford it. But, I quite like the "Q-car" factor of the Tamora. So many people have looked at it, and thought ooh, I can have a go at this supposed sports car". When they appear to "reverse" away from me, as a result, it's very satisfying.

I do like the Tamora very much, it's a huge step up from my Chimaera, and a huge leap forward for TVR. My only fear is that their next model will be even better!! Cheers, friends again?!


39,731 posts

287 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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I agree entirely with casio on that.....but a black one with 18 or 17 inchers would have enough presence for me